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Oct 2018 · 488
I am here
Brad Farrell Oct 2018
I am here and I do not question why
I can't comprehend the thought if I try
I have been taught that religion can't lie
So I must have a life after I die

I am here but at night, dark and silent
God loves us - So why is he so violent?
That is when I reach true enlightenment
Perhaps God has forever been absent

I am here and my opinion is proud
My view of God isn't a man on a cloud
I am here and my opinion is loud
I am here and my opinion is allowed
Not being open to the existance of God is stupid - Not being open to the probability of God not existing is stupid
Oct 2018 · 451
Our Generation
Brad Farrell Oct 2018
I do not need to talk, I have a phone
Facetime is for screens, not for real people
I'm busy texting so leave me alone
This is how we think, why? It is so dull

Violence and anger - innocence is rare
The only outdoor activity is crime
Forests, moors and rivers but who would care?
When computers and tech is in its prime

Virtual cities known better than real
Slang known better than actual English
A debt of childhood from which we can't heal
This cannot continue, so pray and wish

That perhaps comes a day when laughs return
Joy, running, chasing and exclaimation
Only then will we take heed and will learn
The things that lack in our generation
One of my first attempts at poetry, I take pity in modern society

— The End —