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  Nov 2014 Kristica
blair asher
i.** take a lesson from the way watercolor paint bleeds through notebook paper
ii. if i lose my mind and we lose our clothes i promise to never lose our hands and i hope you never hate me when the sun is up
iii. you made your bed now lay in mine
iv. my death wish is you telling me that you're sorry over and over again
v. all of these streetlights won't stop staring at me
vi. your eyelids, someone wants to kiss those and no it's not me okay it is
vii. what do you mean you don't keep all of my exhales in a glass jar
viii. i loved a thing once and then i died
ix. **** the world and then don't text it back the morning after
x. **** your love is my benzodiazepine
xi. are we making love or sulfuric acid
xii. how it is vs. how i want it to be vs. how it should actually be
xiii. oh, you didn't hear? your raspy screams and hollowed eyes aren't enough anymore
xiv. and now every car crash sounds like the last time you ever said my name
xv. pretty sure i have john f. kennedy's brain
xvi. you whispered "i love you" and it sounds more like an apology than anything
xvii. i have no poetry left inside of me, just a lot of white paint
xviii. accidentally bashed my head into a wall on purpose today and yes, i still have a mind and yes, you're still on it
  Nov 2014 Kristica
Tony Scallo
It's being stuck in a dark room
Separated from the light of happiness, by a cruel locked door
That has a small viewing glass for you to see
What lies on the other side,
Within your reach

It's having what seems like an entire ring of keys
To open the door, yet they're all the same key

It's refusing to stand up,
To take advantage of the little bit of light
That shines through the viewing glass for you

The little bit of light that'll show you
You keep recycling the same key
Over and over again

Because you use the dark to see
What is depression?

It's being stuck in a dark room
Separated from the light of happiness, by a cruel locked door

Fitted with a small window just big enough for you to see
What lies on the other side, within your reach

It's having what seems like an entire ring of keys
To open the door, yet they never seem to work

Depression is refusing to stand up,
To take advantage of the little bit of light
That shines through the viewing glass for you

The little bit of light that'll show you
You keep using the same key
Over and over again

Because you use the dark to see
Kristica Nov 2014
Only a fool
Asks for the stars

But doesn't accept darkness.
  Nov 2014 Kristica
Meg B
I love the way it feels
To be barefooted
In the park,
The normally unexposed
Flesh of my feet
Brushing the blades of
Slightly browned grass
And dirt.

I hear the chirping
Of insect correspondence,
Croaking like frogs
In loud crescendos.
The lush green leaves
On the trees with fat wooden trunks,
They glow yellow under the
Fluorescent night lamps.
The leaves crinkle and crackle,
Shimmy in the wind,
Creating a summer staccato
Against the sounds
Emerging from those
Ever-chattering crickets.

A light breeze kisses my skin,
Twisting itself around
The darkness,
Morphing into a double helix,
DNA of the
Fresh air,
The summer
Briefly catching
Kristica Oct 2014
I'm closing my eyes
In hopes of waking up tomorrow
And realizing
Tonight never happened
And it was just some
Horrible nightmare.

Kristica Oct 2014
a year ago
my parents wouldn't shut up about me
while boasting to their friends

i can count on my hand
how many seconds it takes
for them to change the subject

i used to be smart
i used to be athletic
i used to be funny
i used to be poetic

but now i'm paying for the tutor
but now i'm sitting on the bench
but now i'm being laughed at
but now i'm not capable of writing good

now the only thing I'm good at
is taking off my clothes

don't they know
what 365 days can do to you
Kristica Oct 2014
I think yesterday might have been
the best day of my life.

That's easy to say being that I
don't have much to compare it to.

Lately everyday it's been storming
and I've been locked outside.

The rain hasn't stopped since
before the summer.

I can't remember the last time
I felt sunshine on my face.

And yesterday it may have been
just partly cloudy.

But that's all it really took
just one little ray of sun.  

Now I'm hoping to get a tan
because I could get used to these better days.
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