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Evie 2d
They say I am the survivor.
I am able to walk
I am able to talk, but i cannot speak my truth
I watch a kid lose his life in the mental facility
I am supposed to just be a survivor
I watch kids get stabbed with colored pencils and strangled with headphones
I watched multiple suicide attepts.
Kids ran away or refused to leave.
The mental hospital kills, and it is an epidemic
Evie Mar 21
I would give you the clothes off my back
I earn my trust candy bar at a time; I will always be there for you.
I feel i am too nice but but i could be nicer
I would give you anything, I would make sure you never go hungry
I would do everything in my power to make sure you like me
Because if I am not liked, who am I?
What would I be, if not kind?
Who would i be, if not somebody you smile when you see
I have to be nicer! I have to make people like me!
It's who I am, it's who I have to be!

Why am I not kind enough
Why am I not enough
Just please liked me, I need the validation
I have spent years building this reputation of the nice kid, i can't let it come crashing down
Please, just like me
2nd poem yall
Evie Mar 17
He said he loved me
I guess that makes it okay that he ***** me
He said he loved me
I guess that makes it okay that he was years older than me
He said he loved me
I guess that makes it okay that he lied about his age to lure me to an alleyway
He said he loved me
I guess that makes it okay that I think about that nigh every night
He said he loved me
I guess that makes it okay that I will never be okay again
First poem on here!

— The End —