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953 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
You can't move,
You can't breath.
You think your fine, but your not
You feel like will in one of his episodes,
Scared, like you can't move.
You say "I am stuck in a place between worlds."
and you can't get out.

"HELP!" you call out,
But no one answers.
You keep trying,
You start to run but you can't move as if Ele. is holding you in place.
You call for mike, or mom, and you realize you are stuck.

Sometimes people have no one to turn to, and they think they are stuck,
Help them out.
843 · Feb 2018
Eevee Feb 2018
I am walking a tightrope,
it's all an adventure,
with a breath taking view.
I am walking a tightrope.

I will lean to the left,
and fall,
fall into the bottomless pit,
i am walking a tightrope.

I stay in place,
i will leave,
to never come home,
never to fly away from the nest.
i am walking a tightrope.

I will not stay in place,
but i will not,
lean left,
or right.
i will fly,
but i will go my own way.
i am walking a tightrope.
This is part of a song, it is from the greatest showman. Sorry people.
502 · Jan 2018
Break ups
Eevee Jan 2018
The story you seek to know,
the story of her great blow.
To see her tears buff up in her eyes,
maybe she just wants to cry.
The room she lives in is a mess,
covered in tears and screams,
with blankets on the floor,
covered in her mascara.

He wallows in shame,
as he goes through the  seen in his head,
The way her eyes fell to the ground,
as she ran to the bathroom,
as he saw himself break her heart.
The scream he hears at night,
is only his nightmare,
of what he did.

As they pass eachother at school,
and look down,
They don't talk,
they don't look up,
They wallow away,
till they are only a memory.
I have been in many relationships. it hurts for a little bit, but it will all be ok.
473 · Jan 2018
Love story
Eevee Jan 2018
The story of a girl.
who fell in love,
her daddy said no.
They went to a ball,
they snuck out,
and they always stayed together.

One day they never came,
to that spot that they meet,
she began to cry.
Till she saw him,
she ran to him,
all her love,
all his love.
the love story doesn't end.
He got to the ground,
on one knee and asked that one question.
Daddy said it was OK.

You say that the love story stops at the first kiss,
what about the dates,
and the marriage,
the flowers,
the kids.
the love story continues,
even in death.
This poem is more like the summery of Taylor Swift’s love story song
287 · Mar 2018
Trying something new
Eevee Mar 2018
I have always been told to get out of my shell,
To face the world with new eyes,
To look at it for the first time,
I moved for the first time,
I have been told to try something new.

But the one thing that stays the same is,
My one true love,
My friends,
And my family.
I left my family, friends, and true loves in Utah.
I never cried so hard.
I have never felt more alone
I know what being alone feels like.
286 · Jan 2019
Piano man
Eevee Jan 2019
This man sits at a piano,
Plays to his hearts contents,
He plays and plays.
Sings of people that can’t get away from everyday lives.
Plays of sorrow and joy.
Tours for the greater good of his music.
Parents have heard of him,
Kids listen to him,
He makes me smile everytime I hear the song.
I dedicate this poem to Billy Joyle
283 · Sep 2018
Leave me
Eevee Sep 2018
Don’t leave me,
Afraid of the pain,
Afraid that I will lose myself in my own sorrow.

Hear me,
Calling you,
Save me,
When you walk away that really,
Hurts me.
Don’t leave me,
Your all I have left.
281 · Dec 2018
The boy
Eevee Dec 2018
The smile you give me,
The way you look at me that makes my heart melt.
How I can’t get you out of my mind.
Try as I might,
You stay
You make me laugh,
And smile.
You stare at me till I look,
Then your gone.
I plead in my mind, don’t leave
But then your back
I caught a boy staring at me, and I though it was so cute I got all these emotions I have never felt before.
280 · May 2019
Mile at a time
Eevee May 2019
Mile 1:
Running to get ahead,
Running to the end,
Knowing your still far out.

Mile 2:
Keeping pace with one person,
You know he will be there,
But all you can say is
“Keep going”

Final mile:
Running to stay alive,
Running to keep up,
To prove to him and yourself that you can do this.

Final stretch:
Last piece,
You see him at the end,
You can’t breath,
Your lungs are moving but no breath comes out.
You push whatever is left and you collapse,
Not in your friends arms but into his arms.
Embarrassed, and tired you stand there.
Unsure of the next step.
He picks you up and puts you on the side,
Hands you water and helps keep you calm.
You may not have won the race,
But the prize was already yours.
This poem is for all the athletic people that, look at there crush on the team and wish that this could be true.
280 · Nov 2017
Just a Dream
Eevee Nov 2017
As I wave to a catterpiller as he smokes his pipe,
As I say hello to the bunny with a watch,
As I wave to the queen that chases me to reality,
And I realize it was just a dream.
277 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
You get a call from you dad saying, hey we are moving.
you start to tear up, but got a second wind.
you start to get use to the idea till,
you realize you will leave friends, family and more.
You say "I can do anything, if i put my mind to it"
275 · Nov 2018
Eevee Nov 2018
I can feel the sun on my back,
The ground in my paws,
The wind in my fur,
But I can never feel the light in my heart.

The light faded many years ago,
When the moon was high,
And ocean low.
I have never felt so alone.
I promised myself I would be brave,
To do what’s right.

I never am able to fulfill my promise,
I lay in the meadows,
And howl to the moon,
I can promis you this,
I can still feel the ground...
Through my paws.
271 · Jan 2018
Open in life
Eevee Jan 2018
I am open in life,
I live and breath the fresh air.
I love the scent that the flowers give off,
I am open in life.

The birds sing the song of my heart,
the wind kisses the peddles of the flowers.
Open in life is the best way to connect to your inner self.
You may think i am crazy, but i will always be open in life.
258 · Sep 2018
Eevee Sep 2018
My life is like a book.
Never telles you what happened,
or what’s wrong.

You will never hear me complain about things,
Or hear me tell *** people I hate my life,
I will keep my mouth closed,
And hope that no one knows what I am thinking.

I could tell them what’s bugging me,
I could tell them about my leg,
About my heart,
About the pain I feel.
I could do this stuff,
Yet I choose pain then help every time,
I listen to my friends problem,
And add to the collection of sad story’s and pain.

I will look death in the eyes over and over again,
And stil come back.
I could walk on fire and feel nothing,
But when it comes to the heart,
That’s everyone’s weakness.

My life is like a book that never lends,
You can add you story to my library,
I could add it my sad story.
253 · May 2018
Eevee May 2018
Politics are scary.
They tear friends and family apart,
They course war,
Make people afraid to be who they want to be.
They run and hide,
They try to stay out of the picture of our country.
They fear people will attack them,
Torcher them.
Attack their family.

Politics are the reason countries are divided,
Politics are the reason why kids are getting hurt all the time.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself
251 · Nov 2020
Eevee Nov 2020
I prowl in the shadows,
Hiding behind your good,
I know you the best,
Because no one would believe just how terrible you really are.

I know your secrets and fears,
Your weakness and strengths,
Your loss and love.

I'm the demon that never sleeps,
The one that makes sure you know just how you feel.
I make you feel terrible and haunt your soul,
good or bad.
I'm a monster that deals with yourself.

Depression and hatred are forms of mine.
Feeding off the things you consider yours.
I'm a monster and a master.
You can give me a name,
a name that I will answer to.
For some I am a villian from a movie or book,
others I am the thing under your bed called it.

For Monsters never get happy endings.
Hey guys, I know it's been awhile since I posted something.
I have been really struggling with demons and monsters. This year especially has been hard. I cut my Bio mom off and sought help from a therapist. I'm struggling to find myself at the moment so I took to creating characters in books and writing poetry.
Stay strong everyone!!!
249 · Jan 2018
Feeling blue
Eevee Jan 2018
Are you feeling blue?
and all you do is sit,
                             and sit,
                                      and sit.
you say,
i want something existing to help me stop feeling blue.
But is it the boredom that is making you,
feel blue,
or is it the lack of friends,
or maybe it's the love of you life,
just wont snap out of his funk.
well feel better becouse anything will stop you from feeling blue.
249 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
As the sun comes in to lay it's head,
And the clouds are following in with there crazy shapes.
As the sky goes from:
         Pink to,
        blue to,
We will always share this sunset my love
248 · Feb 2018
Almost there
Eevee Feb 2018
I am so close to the finish line,
I hold onto the memory’s from the beginning to the end,
Waiting to return to normal.

Sure the swimming is nice,
The view,
But you miss the things you leave behind the most,
Your friends,
And family.

When you want to say goodbye,
But it is to hard.
The sadness overwhelmes you,
The anger of leaving.
We are almost there
236 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
A monster with no face.
A monster that hunts out of it's taratory.
A monster that Will drag you away from your family.
A monster that will **** you on sight.
A monster that threatened an entire town.
A monster from the Upside-down.

A monster that kills people for a game,
A monster that always gets what it wants,
A monster that is controlled by another monster.
A monster.... That will never go away.

From stranger things
235 · Aug 2018
Eevee Aug 2018
A girl who loves this guy.
A guy that is so blind he didn’t see her,
Till it was too late.
She left and now he saw his mistake.

He a boy who “loves” this girl,
The girl of his dreams,
The girl that is using him.
He can’t see the true girl of his dreams,
Is right in front of him.
That girl that loves him from a far slowly fades to the background,
Till she is only a memory.
When he looks back all he sees is her face,
Full of sadness,
And pain.
228 · Feb 2018
Follow your heart
Eevee Feb 2018
When you need to make a chose,
when your brain doesn't have the answer,
when life thought you can handle it,
but you can't.

Follow your heart,
The one thing that will never fail you.
It may get broke,
and it will hurt,
but your heart has the best medicine.
228 · Jan 2018
Dead as a Door nail
Eevee Jan 2018
My true love is Dead as a door nail.
He falls for a girl the likes his best friend and him.
he says he she fell from heaven,
that she is the one for him.

She is playing him,
like a violin.
He can't see past the beauty in her.
but the cruel,
awful person she truly is.

Don't be like me,
and let him fall,
for the evil inside that person.
Tell him the truth,
believe that they will listen,
and don't back down.
My true love is dead as a door nail.
this poem is for anyone that needs to tell there friend, or crush the truth.
and this goes to my friend.
228 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
When no one wants to be near you,
when you are by yourself
when a black storm kills everyone but you
You stop to look around and no one is there to hold your hand.

You look at the sky one more time but see the fresh blue sky, you look over and see a girl you do not know
soon you are friends
and you realize you are never truly alone.
224 · May 2018
Comfort zone
Eevee May 2018
Where’s you comfort zone?
Mine is home on the couch,
Traveling with family.

But you always got to take it step by step.
I leave my comfort today,
The safty of family.
I am scared,
But ready to take that first step into adulthood.
218 · Jan 2018
Muggle born
Eevee Jan 2018
I am a muggle born,
I am not a wizard,
i am the one that saw one,
There was a crash outside.
A flying motor vehicle,
with a huge man atop of it.
I cat turned into a woman,
a vary old man was there.
A boy was left on the porch.
I am a muggle,
Not a wizard.
210 · Nov 2017
First Kiss
Eevee Nov 2017
A kiss is to show affection to someone.
A first kiss is a big deal,
Some have good ones,
when your leg gets that pop, and it's in front of a fountain.
Some have bad ones,
when the guy burps right after, or he picked his noise and ate, and you kissed that.
But not all of them are bad,
Not all of them are good.
Kiss with affection, not grossness.
This is for all girls that are dreaming about there first kiss
209 · Dec 2017
Leaving home
Eevee Dec 2017
When it's time to move away,
to leave the nest for the first time.
When you are going somewhere new,
and you don't know what to do.
you are leaving home for the first time.
208 · Jan 2018
Eevee Jan 2018
What will the future bring?
When i am older i will be a teacher.
Teach the young the true meaning of love, and friendship.
To teach them the right way to live.
To care about people and have good character.

But the future is not written,
let me tell you what,
You write you future.
Don't let it be a pipe dream,
where is can not be reached.
Make it come true,
so that dream,
is not so small

205 · Jan 2018
Eevee Jan 2018
You are waiting,
                  and waiting,
                              and waiting...
for your friend to respond,
to know that they are ok.
you keep cheeking your phone,
You look up at the sky and say send me a sign.
Still nothing.

You hear the door open.
you slowly walk out,
Your heart pounding,
You look out the corner of your eye.
That sign has come to you.
That one person you hope to see everyday,
will no longer be there,
the life of him/her,
is gone.
They will be silent forever.
199 · May 2019
Eevee May 2019
I was told that everyone has a mask.
We hide ourselves behind one when we’re around,
Even Doctors.
Everyone has one.
You may be sad,
But you tell everyone your fine and smile.
You may be dying and go to work to prove your ok.
Masks are helpful to those who are depressed and crazy.

Sometimes you have to show yourself,
Now or never.
199 · Jan 2018
Coming up
Eevee Jan 2018
Something is coming up,
something big,
something huge.
I want to run,
but i will never escape the,
the monster that follows me.
My shadow of a doubt.
My heart is torn in two,
make up your mind,
It's coming up,
That word again,
They all repeat.
197 · Nov 2017
Military Kid
Eevee Nov 2017
The kids that grow up without a dad for a year, are the kids of the government.
They stay in one place for a year or so, and move away,
away from friends,
                                               some are more than friends.
Not everyone can be lucky,
You say it's the worst,
but you think it will be fun.
So when you grow up and have a family,
remember this poem, in case you want to have a
Military Kid.
197 · Jan 2018
Eevee Jan 2018
lives in us,
brings people together,
helps govern a country,
tells people to do the right thing.

Freedom to the people,
lets people have a voice in the world,
Lets us be who we want to be,
let us be the true us.

196 · Jan 2018
The true you
Eevee Jan 2018
The true you
is the part of you that never gives up,
the you that wants to lump up and scream,
the you that will always be loved by everyone.

The true you,
Says no to a dare that is wrong,
the true you,
Stays away from danger,
but stands up for what is right.

The true you,
loves people for who they are,
not by what other people say.
the you that is loved by everyone.

The true you
never be afraid to express the way you feel
196 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
"There's a monster under my bed" said the scared little boy
"no there's not." said the dad
"look and you'll see"
dad got the flashlight,
"no flashlight"
there was a grown, and gulp, and a burp, then dad was no more.
listen to your kids
195 · Feb 2018
Eevee Feb 2018
They all say soon,
soon you can go out with us,
soon you can drive a car,
soon you can open the door.

Soon you will kiss your true love,
soon you will have a boyfriend,
I hear soon,
i see soon,
i live soon.

I will soon be gone.
i will soon be a memory,
i will fade from existence.
I will dissapper,
and never return.

To infinity and beyond,
i will go,
never to come home,
never to love,
never to share,
never to be me.

Tell me i am wrong,
tell me i am right,
i wish for the best,
i run into the fear of leaving,
the miss you,
the i will never forget yous,
the love yous,
forever and always.

I will soon be gone,
the soon will be now,
the soon will become past.
I will soon miss you,
if i can hold myself together.

I soon will be gone and miss everyone.
194 · Jan 2018
Never give up
Eevee Jan 2018
When you can't see,
but you keep fighting.
When you know somethings wrong,
and you keep pushing.
It's called never giving up.

Always do your best.
193 · Jan 2018
Eevee Jan 2018
Lets Celebrate,
i did something good,
I did something amazing.
I said lets celebrate.

We can go to the mall,
go to Lagoon,
we can go to boondocks,
We can go out to dinner
Celebrating 51 poems
192 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
They say that teachers are only trying to help you, there not out to get you.
That one teacher that you feel like is following you home at night,
That teacher that watches you, and imagines leasers shooting out of there eyes,
the one teacher that goes out with your mom and dad,
That one teacher you can not stand,
nice to meet you, Its me!!
191 · Jan 2018
Life is like a river
Eevee Jan 2018
Life is like a river,
You never know what is around the next bend.
Before you know it you will be starting kindergarten,
or going into middle school.
You look at yourself and say,
"who will be my friend?"
Your mom says that we are moving to a new place.
And you say,
"Life is like a river."
191 · Nov 2017
The Neverending life
Eevee Nov 2017
When life goes on, and on.
and it never stops,
you never die,
you are still just walking,
On and on, never to stop.

You hear a child cry,
and rush into a building wounded, but not dead.
You hear a scream on the streets,
and a bulit goes through, like a ball hitting glass.
You think to yourself,
"why can't i die?
Am i being punished by god,
Did I do something so bad, I am no longer accepted."

and you start to think,
                                          and think some more.
and you look at the sky and say,
"I am a child of god,
His power is my power.
And i will protect people,
and help people,
till i die,
If i ever do!"
191 · Oct 2018
Eevee Oct 2018
There's a bone in your body that helps you move,
and walk.

Some help you eat,
and drink,
some are hard,
some are frugal.

or fracture
night or day
bones are here to stay.
190 · May 2018
Back in time
Eevee May 2018
Look at the future,
What do you see.
A kid in a hat,
A boy with a bat.
A girl asking you to do her hair.

In the past I see,
Me as a kid,
A kid not knowing were to go,
A girl with a crush on a boy,
But afraid to say anything.

But right here,
Right now,
I see people ready to take on the world.
Nervous, but ready,
Like tiger going on it’s first hunt.

Back in time
When you focus on the past, and future you miss the what is happening right now
187 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
Love is anything,
                              but, great.
                                                Love is basically anything,

any emotion, Heart breaker, keeping it quiet.
Love can be good or bed,
Like Taylor Swifts song Fifteen,
a song about,
love, heartbreak, crushes, sadness.
So always be on guard.
And look before you fall.
186 · Aug 2018
New places, new faces
Eevee Aug 2018
What is that I hear?
I hear music and laughter,
Light and happiness.

LOOK!! In the sky,
A bird that sings a song of grace,
A song that spreads hope and Serenity.

I move to this new place,
With new faces.
People happy and say hello,
People that aren’t afraid to speak there mind.
I have just moved to a new school. I know no one and am terrified of being alone, but I think of the time I had with my friends at my other school
186 · Aug 2018
All at once
Eevee Aug 2018
All at once people pass me,
Like I am invisible,
Like I don’t exist.
A feeling of emptiness inside,
Stays till I die.

All at once a ringing in my ear,
I turn to look at it,
But nothing appeares.
I start to call,
Make it stop some how.

All at once my heart stops,
There in the center of a group,
The perfect guy I have ever seen.
A guy that is admired by all,
A guy that has the perfect smile.
A guy that makes me get up and go to school.
All at once love hits,
Like a hurricane.
184 · Feb 2018
Come or go
Eevee Feb 2018
I sit on the beach,
thinking of what will come next.
Till i feel the night sky.
i look at my face,
in the broken water.
Feeling the names as they sink into me.
The feeling of the sadness,
and humiliation.

Should i come or go?
walk into the room,
walk out of the house.
look to the light,
they say.
the life of coming or going.
See the light,
look to it.
183 · Jan 2018
The wrong thing
Eevee Jan 2018
I did something wrong,
i tried to fix it,
but she wont talk to me.
I apologized,
I tried to do the right thing but,
hope is gone.
I tried to fix the wrong with the right,
but is not working.
181 · Aug 2018
Eevee Aug 2018
Everywhere i turn,
i hear noise.
slamming of fingers on a keyboard.
I can't escape the noise.

It's loud.
so loud my ears are burring,
with hate,
and queerness.
then it's quiet,
then loud,
over and over again.

School is loud,
Home is loud,
you can't escape it,
it already here,
it's loud.
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