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159 · Aug 2018
All at once
Eevee Aug 2018
All at once people pass me,
Like I am invisible,
Like I don’t exist.
A feeling of emptiness inside,
Stays till I die.

All at once a ringing in my ear,
I turn to look at it,
But nothing appeares.
I start to call,
Make it stop some how.

All at once my heart stops,
There in the center of a group,
The perfect guy I have ever seen.
A guy that is admired by all,
A guy that has the perfect smile.
A guy that makes me get up and go to school.
All at once love hits,
Like a hurricane.
158 · Aug 2018
Eevee Aug 2018
Everywhere i turn,
i hear noise.
slamming of fingers on a keyboard.
I can't escape the noise.

It's loud.
so loud my ears are burring,
with hate,
and queerness.
then it's quiet,
then loud,
over and over again.

School is loud,
Home is loud,
you can't escape it,
it already here,
it's loud.
158 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
You need to change them,
feed them,
bathe them,
dress them,
love them,
punish them,
pay for school,
pay for collage,
pay for a car,
and to top it all off,
you absolutely need to do your things too.
154 · May 2018
Eevee May 2018
There are bugs in my room,
In my hair,
In my mouth,
In my heart.

They are my comfort,
They are my friends,
Till you step on one.

Then I go crazy,
So they go cray.
I open my heart up to people I am not quite comfortable with.
Look in the mirror,
What do you see,
I see bugs,
To give you hope.

Don’t be afraid to be you
152 · Jan 2018
Eevee Jan 2018
You say it's hard to count to 3,
you say it's hard to live life fully,
You say it's hard to move on,
But when the room,
gets lonely,
that's when it is hard.
150 · Aug 2018
Eevee Aug 2018
I am a fried,
Afriad that she will never talk to me,
Call me,
Text me,
But I can never get what I need from her.

So I put these fasodes on,
Not the real me,
Fake me.
Tell me where to hide,
How to escape the pain,
She cased me.
149 · Aug 2018
Eevee Aug 2018
It rings out across the school,
Teachers and students take shelter.
“Run while you can!!”
Someone shouts.

There coming,
There already here,
You can’t miss them.
They take you to that dark place,
A place were you want to escape,
But never get the chance to do.
A place where schools get shot,
Because people don’t think twice.
Bullies are are problems,
Let’s change that
148 · Aug 2018
Time never fades
Eevee Aug 2018
When you know something bad  happened,
When you know you will always remember ,
The time we’re life was easy,
When you wanted to go to school,
When you liked to play outside .

Over time you think
what is going to happen next.
Will I conquer the world,
World war 3,
All of these things happen,
But time will never fade.

When we were 3,
We said I want to be a fairy,
Or I want to be a firefighter,
I want the world to be better.
Why does everything have to be a war.
Time will never fade for all the people that have lost.
This poem is knock some sense into people that are willing to protest and put there kids in harms way.
145 · Mar 2018
My love
Eevee Mar 2018
My love grows deeper than
the sea.
My love run faster than a cheetah,
To get to it’s pray.
My love is waiting for that one guy,
To sweep me off my feet.

I want to kiss him every day.
Look into his eyes and know that he is mine.
Not a girls who will take him for granted.
My heart loves the man that is kind, and lifts people up.
My love runs deeper than the sea.
144 · Jan 2018
Eevee Jan 2018
Dream of a person,
that's it.
look to the left,
do you see that person?
every time i look to the right,
i see him.

in my Dreams,
he sweeps me off my feet.
His smile,
his laugh,
the way he says hello,

Dream of a bad guy,
a person that will do anything,
just to get what he/she wants.
Dream of that person you created,
saving you.
they love you for who you are.

Look at your self in a mirror,
say, My dream can come true.
Now, wake up,
and make your Dream come true.

144 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
you hear him singing your favorite song,
your listening to him sing to the wall,
Your listening to the note,
his breath,
his words.
you say, "he makes me melt."

You start to practice your self,
Then he's around the corner,
You look to see where he's at,
but he's listening to you sing your heart out.
His smile makes you melt.
But you start to talk, and he is listening.

For that special someone.
144 · Jan 2018
out in the open
Eevee Jan 2018
I am out in the open for the first time.
I look at the trees,
the sky,
the flowers,
and the clouds form a shape of my,
one true love.

I am out in the open,
and i feel,
the breeze on my face,
the grass under my feet,
a spider crawl up my arm.

I am out in the open for the first time.
143 · Aug 2018
Eevee Aug 2018
Your eyes tell a story your mouth,
Or your brain.
You can always tell if there is anything wrong,
                              And sadness.

You trie to  conceal the pain,
But someone will know.
Your eyes tell a story,
Weather you want to tell it or burn it.
My Bio mom was never really good at being a mom so when I finally accepted that she didn’t care I stoped begging for the pain to stop, it just did
142 · Aug 2018
Eevee Aug 2018
Where does the sun shine,
when there is darkness in our hearts?
Where can i see your face,
that i miss so?
Where can i find you,
when i am all alone?

I can here a sound.
A memory,
a dream.
I turn to look,
thinking that you will be there,
But your not.
i begin to cry,
cry and cry.
I yell out,
no answer,
no sign of you anywhere.
So i ask one more time,
Where am I?
People tend to feel alone. No one is there to comfort them. This poem is to speak out against there fears and shine some light.
138 · Dec 2017
Love is Pain
Eevee Dec 2017
Pain is a problem,
It hurts the heart,
It hurts the sole,
It hurts to get up,
It hurts to be outside.

You say love is pain,
Love kills the weak,
love is the source of pain.

The one in your head,
That one guy that makes to daydream,
look at the clouds,
Write poetry about love,
and then you realize he doesn't love you.

So i wrote this poem to give you a clue,
love maybe fun,
but it's your worst nightmare.
For all the people that just went through a break up.
136 · Aug 2018
Eevee Aug 2018
I have been told,
Just be me.
How do I do this?
Do what makes you happy,
Do you like to read?
Then read.
Do you like to jump up and down like a loon?
Then do it.
Always be yourself,
If people don’t like you,
Then they want what you have.
Don’t rub it in there face.
Think first,
But don’t be afraid to be me
Always express yourself
135 · Mar 2018
Eevee Mar 2018
I am distant in my heart,
I had to leave,
                        My friends,
                                          My family,
                                                            And my crush
I am here,
Wishing for a way out,
I want to escape my prison,
Run to the place I last remember.

I am distant,
My crush could have had me,
But he fell for another girl.
A girl that took advantage of his generosity.

I am distant from my friends,
I have no one to tell my problems to,
Or get advice about a boy.

I am distant from my family,
I can’t cry in the arms of my family,
The sadness I hold inside,
I cry in my pillow now,
Wishing for the pain to stop.
I am distant
I just moved to another state, and I am so nervous. I had to leave in the middle of my school year. So I feel alone.
131 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
Why do we listen to our parents, as they discipline us to next Tuesday?
Why do we look at the sun, when they tell us not to?
Why do we have an imagination, to dream, and think with?
Why did you look at me that way?
What is going on?
I did not sign up for this!
but now you know the answer to why is nothing.
130 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
When you look at a guy and just know he's the one,
but he does not want you,
and you sit there wondering when will time stop the torch er?
Time will never stop.
The guy,
               Your soul mate,
                       Your friend and nothing more (so he clams),
The one that you want to spend your last little bit of time with, the guy that only wants to be friends, If he is not turn your back and run!
Time will never stop chasing you.
126 · Jan 2018
Life is hard
Eevee Jan 2018
Yes i know the story,
of the cow and the moon,
the happiness,
the ruffiness,
the sadness,
the place in the dark.

But when life gets hard,
you need to get hard back.
Tell it to back off.
124 · Nov 2017
The One
Eevee Nov 2017
When you look at that one person that gives you chills.
when you see there beautiful eyes,
when that one person that walks in the room and, you feel like you are going to die.
That one person, when he denies you, you feel like dieing
like mike when Ele died.
124 · Jan 2018
In the distantce
Eevee Jan 2018
In the distance i see a flower,
longing to have a friend.
In the distance i see a meadow,
in the has a flower,
longing for a friend.
They both sing,
hoping that they will meet one day.
but it never happens.
In the distance i see two flowers,
longing for a friend.
124 · Jan 2018
Darkness in my sole
Eevee Jan 2018
There is darkness in my sole,
i don't know where it came from.
A little voice inside tells me to run,
and never stop,
never stop going to the safe spot.

In a mothers arms,
on the road,
in the house you grew up in.
I can't hide from the my darkness,
Can you?

There is darkness in my sole,
and no one is safe.
123 · Dec 2017
Eevee Dec 2017
When you do something amazing,
When you follow your heart,
when you do the one thing that no one is brave enough to do it,
when the one thing you want to do,
you can't.
But a voice inside tells you to do it.
you tell yourself that it will be fine,
but it's not.
you say "i need to finish this task and move on."

to inspire people to follow there hearts.
122 · Nov 2017
The boy
Eevee Nov 2017
The boy that makes me mealt.
The boy that always knows what to say.
The boy that captures every girl.
The boy that crushes on the wrong girl.
the boy that i marry in my dreams.
The one and only boy that talks to me.

The boy
This poem is about Keagan
117 · Jan 2018
Eevee Jan 2018
When you believe you can do anything,
when you say i "if i believe it will happen."
everyone thinks your nuts.
Call to your friends that love you for who you are.
the people that care to know what is going on,
in YOUR life.
look at the stars,
and wish.

I believe that one day the boy i care and love,
will come back to me.
And snap out of his funk,
the way that he fell for the wrong girl.
If I believe,
He will come back to me.
114 · Dec 2017
Tall Tail
Eevee Dec 2017
Let me tell you a story,
about a tail that was,
                                                           Really tall.
The story starts with,
a cow jumping over the moon,
how does he do it,
well that's a really tall tail.
110 · Jan 2018
Santa is in my house
Eevee Jan 2018
I hear a pitter, patter of hooves on my roof,
I hear, see dirt slide sown the chimney,
I see a red sack in the fireplace,
Followed by a pair of boots.

I hear a **, **, **,
with a slurp like he finished the milk and cookies,
I see him turn to the tree,
with a plop he the sack of coal, or toys on the ground,
I see him open the bag, i see toys of all shapes and sizes,
all different colors.

With a swoosh of wind,
and a bright light,
i see
107 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
When words don't get through to people,
when you can't hold it in anymore,
when you feel like your drowning in your own emotion,
when life is bothering you,
You say "Pitches are the reason i sing."

When love gives you that sense of comfort,
when you can't say it,
you just need to sing it.
They say love is the most powerful thing in the world,
well i say the power of song,
is the most powerful thing on earth.

Pitches, count.
The most powerful thing is both.
love gives you that comfort,
song tells people about that love, and people always know what to say.
for my secret cruch
104 · Dec 2017
Good friends
Eevee Dec 2017
Good friends stick together,
good friends don't lie to each other,
good friends don't blame things on each other.

Good friends don't make up stories,
good friends stay friends,
Good friends don't threaten each other.
Good friends don't tell each other the vary thing that makes them mad.
If these aren't your friends, get new ones.
102 · Jan 2018
Eevee Jan 2018
I've got,
the house to clean,
toys to put in boxes,
clean the cloths,
turn the time,
and i need to pack the dog.

Packing maybe hard,
but i need to think positive.
101 · Dec 2017
Eevee Dec 2017
When you want to scream,
When you want to shout,
When you tell someone that there overrated,
When that one person just wont stop killing you inside.
The pressure,
the killing,
The stress.

101 · Nov 2017
Eevee Nov 2017
Rain is like love,
it's unpredictable,
and it sometimes never stops.

What do i do when it rains?
Pry for my guy that does not want,
all i want is for him to notice me.

If a guy that does not want you, tells you that on a rainy day,
do what i do and pry.
98 · Jan 2018
Eevee Jan 2018
When you wish you had a friend,
when you wish you could go back and that mistake again,
when the only person there is you.

When you wish you could say hello,
When you wish you could go back in time to fix a friendship,
but all you can do is

With every second that you wait,
with every breath you take,
you wish to keep it going.
When life throws obstetrical's at you and you wish it would st
45 · Jan 2020
My Son
Eevee Jan 2020
When the time comes for me to go,
I ask you on thing,
Let the snow fall and lay with quiet comfort.
Let the Lady of the wind and sky whisk away the sorrows of tomorrow.
Hold true my son,
For you are my gift to this world.
When I see the veil that shields our eyes to the world beyond,
Do not fear, for I am home.
Though I may be gone,
You can still see me,
Feel me,
Hear me whisper on the breeze the Lady of the North send to you.
I wish you happiness and joy.
I wish upon fortune and fame.
All I ask my son,
for you to be happy,
Don't weep for me,
For I promise I am home.
So I have been out of touch with myself as of late, and have been trying to get back in. I can't see me doing anything now a days. So this is a small poem to help me get back in.

— The End —