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In meditation,
Is that you enter the chaotic
madhouse within you,
Try to overcome it,
And create calm.
it's comforting to know, that someone out there can feel things as strongly and love with a greater love than mine
I get Bored quick
Bored quick
And quicker as I get older
I get sick quick
Sick of small talk and dead ends
Sick of handshake. Smile. Pretend
I can’t stick with it
I can’t stick
I get bored quick
It was a simple act
reading a book I talked about
and getting to talk with someone about it
made me smile
shinning a light in the darkness
I've been in for so long

It was just us talking about a book
but it meant so much to me
because it gave me a reason
to fight for another day
 Jan 12 Edmund black
b ronze  a ge

I feel like humanity is loosing a war that’s not even being
I'll write of our pact as novice lovers.
We made our baby to show them our
fierce vows to our communion as one.
Love always lasts forever we believed.
We were West Side Story in suburbs.
If only I could have died like Tony.
Explain the words
and all freedom is gone
Slicing and dicing
enslaved to the throng
Meaning depends
upon whom and what’s heard
Evolving new wings
—each reader a bird

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
Make sure you know
what you’re trying to say

But let readers figure it out
— for themselves

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
it’s a very good idea
to cry

hello the opening act
of goodbye

what you think about
is not what you know

the reason to come
the best reason to go

when cresting the hill
the view doesn’t change

when cresting the hill
your destiny claimed

when music enthralls
the poetry flows

when music enthralls
there’s nothing to sow

a wish in the wind
beats two in the well

the harder we pray
the closer to hell

just what you ask for
is just what you’ll get

when hope has been lost
— it’s best to forget

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
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