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Earthchild Jan 2014
I want your hand on my fragile glass ribs
I want you to kiss my rose petal lips
I want you to draw slow moon cresents on my back
I want to entangle my hand in your hair
I want to inhale you like oceanic air
I want you to grab my leg and pull it around your waist
I want you to let flowers bloom on my neck
I want you to wrap your arm around my slim waist
I want to feel your skin against my pale winter skin
I want to listen to your heart sing me to sleep
I want to love you

I need you
Earthchild Feb 2014
Getting to hold the one whom you admires hand
For the first time
Is such a lovely feeling
The warmth of their hand pulses like wildflowers
Against your palm
Your fingers entangle like roots of a tree
You are connected
Its so beautiful
And so simple

I miss it.
Earthchild Jan 2015
Winter tangled my long wavy hair
Gold pools from the roots of my head
Down down down to my hips
The blue and purple bruises that flower under my eyes show my age
Slight flickering of candle light in my forest emerald eyes
Pale porcelain skin touched by wind kisses
Lips chapped, cracked liked the earths crust
Earthchild Nov 2013
My mind is corrupt
the flowers that used to bloom
dancing in the rain of happiness

Are wilted now
fragile to the touch
awaiting my sunshine

I wait
and I wait
my petals drifting slowly to the ground

Degrading to dust
Earthchild Nov 2013
There she sat
dark moon cresents
hollowed beneath
her clouded eyes
pale arms folded
across that broken body
concealing those
scarlett ribbons
Earthchild Feb 2014
Dancing in the sunshine
Taunting my demons
My soul hanging off a thread infront of them

I will sing
Catch me if you can
As they hiss in the darkest shadows
To afraid of the honey Sun
Which melts into the base of my mind

As they are as afraid of my happiness,
Of the flowers that bloom in my mind

As I was once afraid
Of their menacing toxic voices
Earthchild Jan 2014
I am so ready to dance
Finally regain control of my mind
Demons scream in anger
I am fighting you

You will no longer control me
No longer corrupt my mind
With your sickening worthless words
You will degrade to ash
I am going to crush your addiction for my pain
Crush your addiction to see scarlett trail down my arm
I will burn you and your voices
Burn you with my hatred for your toxic voice
You will not crawl through my veins
You will not spread your poison

You will no longer rip me apart
One ******* piece at a time

Flowers will flourish in your remains
Sunshine will melt into my heart
Into my mind
I will dance like never before
I will not dance on fragile ice anymore
I will dance on solid ground

You can not stop me.
But I Have The Key
Earthchild Nov 2014
You sat there, wrapped in a tumble of blankets
Blankly staring out of the window
You told me you had depression
That you had had it before I was even born
That it runs in our family

I was chocked
chocked on all the horrible things I had said to you
How terribly I treated you

You told me your medication hadnt been working, that you had gone off your depressants because you had felt well enough, although you seemed to have crashed
Doctors had put you back on your depressants
You told me that you would be back to "normal" in three weeks time
but three weeks later my father stayed behind a closed bedroom door with you, your sister rushed into our house.
I knew it was something to do with you
"Her medication isnt working" thats all my father told me

That night I didnt see you or my dad all night long
2:00 am
My dad walked through the front door,
Tired eyes gazing over at me
My mother had been admitted to the psychiatric unit in the hospital
She was there to get her medication adjusted
It was just a short amount of time she was to be in there.

Every evening we would make a trip to the hospital
I started to wonder how the "normal" would ever return
I dont think "normal" could be achieved ever again

one week

You were discharged,
All you did was sleep it seemed
Where was my mother

two more days
You relapsed
My dad told me that you had a plan to end it all, that you were no good for the family.
I remember how much you told me you loved me
I didnt see you or dad that night

You were to be in the hospital longer than the "first time"
Visiting every night
You were surrounded by other patients with all sorts of mental illnesses
You reassured me that it would all be

That next week you came home.
Nothing is normal
Normal is abnormal now.
Earthchild Nov 2014
After all those confusing months
Of your back and forth between that other girl and I
Constantly crushing my heart and soul
For you

I thought it was the most brilliant thing when you finally asked me to be yours

But now...
I look back and wish I would have
Told you that you couldn't have me,
That I would never be yours
That you don't deserve me

That I would,

Break your heart
Just once
In return for the numerous times
You broke mine.
Earthchild Nov 2014
We couldn't find you

I shouldn't be the one to have to tell you this
There was no need for anyone to finish that sentence
I knew what had happened

They found you in the car
With our family's dog
The garage door sealed shut
Car still running
Spewing toxic fumes

A huge anvil came down and knocked my feet out from under me

My sister and I collapsed onto the floor
It felt like someone was tearing me apart
One piece at a time
Like someone had punched a hole through my chest
Ripping out my heart to burn and crush into the ground

Our worlds seemed to collapse around us, I had to hold my legs so tightly to my chest to prevent myself from falling apart right there on the floor

I didn't have a mother anymore
She is not going to see me graduate
She is not going to help me pick out my grad dress
She is not going to meet my first true love
She is not going to be there when I have my first drink in a bar
She is not going to be there when I show her my engagement ring
She is not going to be there when my father walks me down the isle
She is not going to be there when I announce that I'm pregnant
She is not going to be there when my first child is born
She is not going to be there to be the most loving grandmother
She's gone
Earthchild Sep 2014
It's been one year
Since I dragged that cold blade across my dull tired skin
I remember feeling the way it released the demons crawling beneath my skin screaming to get out
I would watch the liquid life run down my arm to the end of my finger tips
Where it would
Off my clamy finger tips
Watching it swirl down the drain
Or maybe it was my vision swimming, hearing the swish and pound of my heart in my ears like a mighty ocean as I reached for my towel to wrap around my exhausted body
I remember going to school the day after, feeling the fabric of my shirt cling to the scarlet that would occasionally start again as I had forgotten to bandage my arm
I remember the dull stinging pain as I slipped my pjs on over my thighs at night
It has been a year since the dreadful demons in my head have whispered for that blade
Do it
Do it
They would chant
It's been one year
Proudly saying ******* to self harm
Earthchild Mar 2014
He asked
"Why do you continue to be sad?"

Considering that for a moment

I replied
*"Because being sad is the only thing I'm good at"
Earthchild Mar 2014
Walking through the sleep city
Brick buildings towering above me
Vines snaking along the walls

The cold wind clawing at my pale cheeks
Catching my long hair, tossing it out behind me
It sinks into the skin at the base of my neck
Shivers vibrating through my tired bones

Along the curve of my crimson lips
I breath in the fridged air, into my hallow flower lungs
Freezing me completley

Shoes echoing on the cobblestone walk
Passing small cafés
Young couples who smile and laugh
Serenading each other in soft voices
They are so inlove
Asolutley beautiful
What ever it may be
Quebec City,
Never have I ever fell so inlove with a city
Earthchild Oct 2014
A week ago you were kissing my neck
All the way down to my *******
Your kiss was stopping my heart
Or was that the happiness that I felt
A week ago we sat in serene silence while your hand stroked my soft palm.
A week ago you left a flowering bruise on my pale orchid skin.
You told me how much you adored me, how you were so thrilled to have me.

I was so content, content with you being mine. I don't believe in making an individual your source of true happiness, but you know what you locked that singular puzzle piece in my heart.  I've seen to lost that one puzzle piece.

Because a week ago we couldn't keep our eyes off one another.
Now I'm struggling to maintain my balance as I teeter on the ledge again.

Because a week ago I had a best friend
Now you're just an everlasting memory.
Lost my best friend, ****
Earthchild Oct 2014
Grasp of the wind pushes my bones
Through the dark hazy sky
Stars dance like wildfire in my
Tired eyes
The frigid moon breathes on my rosie red cheeks, kissing me in such a fierce way
Inhaling the fallen leaves into my exhausted lungs, tasting the heavy honey of the trees
I can feel the river flowing through my steady beating heart, through me veins, dark velvet against the sky
How I missed this
How I missed the solitary of the aching lonely nights.
How beautiful this is
My soul and the night
Earthchild Jul 2014
Fourteen was insecure and depressed. It was sticking my figures down my throat and nothing coming up but little pieces of myself I wish I’d fought to hold onto. It was hours of exercise, hundreds of sit ups and 15 pounds. It was specks of my childhood I wasted thinking the most important thing was to have less fat on my body and wishing to just disappear all together. Fourteen screaming loud and was always looking for new ways to self destruct and new doors to slam shut.
Fifteen was self discovery, running, pills and new friends. It was singing in the shower again and also lying down crying. It was learning how to not weigh myself 10+ times a day, before showering, after, before meals and just to torture myself, after. It was new beginnings. It was learning how to trust again. It was stressful and sometimes sharp and harsh, but mostly on my self. It was burning calories and sometimes eating them back and learning that was okay. It was the beginning of a new girl. One who takes shots with her best friends and does brave things that may seem normal to others, but a challenge for her. It was sometimes crying with them and laughing with her mother and looking in the mirror and trying to look past the devils advocate contemplating the next meal.
The girl in the mirror I see now is sixteen. She is kinder now, softer. Her eyes aren’t nearly as gloomy and she stands with her shoulders further back. She’s less harsh. She’s learning how to touch with out brushing and love without limitations. She’s brave.
This is not mine, all credit goes to my dear friend whom is so lovely.
Earthchild Dec 2013
Standing still on top of the frozen curve of the cliff
Listening to the sharp crack of the ice below me
Ghosts of steam skating on the opaque ice
Sunshine melting onto my flush cold cheeks
The winters fridged breath sinking into my winter bones
Mountains dusted with fresh snow
My pulse beating as though its a drum
Swirling winds within my lungs as I breath
Deep breaths
*Deep breaths
Earthchild Mar 2014
Melting onto my flushed cherry lips
Showering onto my frosty bones
Flowers start to bloom along my corrupt lungs
My laughter dancing on the clouds
Kissing my cold cheeks
The warmth spreading through my violet blood

Romance with the sun
Earthchild Nov 2014
I saw my mother for the last time
The mortician whispered in a silent voice I'm aware your mother didn't wear much makeup, but we had to put some on her as she had some discolouration."

I walked through the slightly opened door
Across the room was a light brown casket
Roses as red as the breast of a robin surrounded you

I couldn't seem to get my feet to move
My feet cemented to the ground
All your artifacts lay around you

By painful step
I made my way over to you

I felt the sting of tears behind my eyes
My orchid hearts petals fell slowly to the pit of my stomach

My mom didn't look like my mom
Not with that makeup
But they put it on you to cover the discolouration, the discoloration of the carbon monoxide that corrupted you beautiful mind, or maybe it was the demons that had haunted you for so long

When my tears began to overflow my red eyelids I could have sworn I saw you breathing
My mom is gone
My mom is gone

I kept repeating over and over
Earthchild Jul 2014
I remember when you first kissed me
My heart pounded in my heart like a red breasted spring robin
You tasted of pure happiness,
Because after all the months I had waited for this moment
It had finally come, it was so brilliant.
Feeling your breath against my skin as you gently kissed my neck.
It was amazing being so close to you, feeling although we were one.
Feeling your arm wrap around the small of my wispy cloud body
As we kissed the wind blew around us
Pulling us apart as it seemed,
I let my hands drop as I realized you had left
And your lips had turned to dust
You left as swift as you could
Like you had not put up a fight to love
I spiraled into dark claws of heart break, only to crawl back out
Whether I was to come out with bruises on my hands, knees,
Or even my heart
I wouldn't allow my happiness to be based off of someone who would leave.
Earthchild Sep 2020
I am selling myself short to me
I degrade
I ruin
I insult myself

You are not good enough at that
You are not strong enough
You are not deserving
You must be prettier
You must be kinder
You must strive for more knowledge

The world is burning, my brain burns, my heart burns

I am selling myself short because I don’t know how to sell myself for what I am worth.

I sell myself short because I don’t know how to determine my worth

I sell myself short because people can calculate for me what I am worth but I can’t understand their math

I sell myself short
Earthchild Jan 2014
The stars hit my lungs
A slight frost dancing along the curve
Of my parted crimson lips
I breath in crisp winter air
In and out
As the fresh night air soaks into my winter bones
I am one with the air around me

Wind howling as though it was a wild wolf
Catching my long brown hair
Whipping against my pale cheeks
As I stare at the beauty of the
Exhausted mountains
Fast asleep under the clouds
I am one with the beauty of the landscape

I hold my arms out to the sky
Diamonds dot the charcoal sky
Winking down at their children
We are fragments of stars
I am a fragment of a star
The moon is my kin
I am one of Mother Natures jewels
I am one with the universe

*Deep breath
I went for a hike In the mountains at night, it was astounding
Earthchild Nov 2013
I am one with the night
I have outwalked the last city light
upon the lonliest paved road

Hid from city faces
walking in shadows
dropped eyes, not knowing how to explain

I have stood at the edge of the furthest riverbank
crisp air escaping my parted scarlett lips
drowning in the song of the rushing water

Just to escape the inturrupted city
my only companion
the stars

I am one with the night
Go out at night, you will be amazed from the serenity
Earthchild Dec 2013
Walking through the hibernating town
Couples holding hands

I thought to myself
Could that be us?
Could we walk along
Frozen paths
Our breath dancing
above our head
Your lips upon my frosty lips
Christmas lights illuminating the snow
Stars winking down at us
Mountains tucked beneath their blanket
of snow

Cozying up by the fire
Blankets wrapped around us
Hot chocolate sips
Laughing about the days
Your kisses melting on my lips
My head in your shoulder
Your heart beat singing me to sleep

Maybe one cold December
Earthchild Jan 2014
I am ready for those warm
Balmy summer nights
Jumping into the laughing summer water
When the stars look down apon me
Winking at me
The warm water swirling
Around my melting winter bones
Moonlight glistening off my winter ribs
Fresh water dripping off my eyelashes
Onto my warm raspberry lips

Oceanic blue water rushing around me
Its music dancing in and out of my ears
My only companion is the night
Heavy tired eyelids
Light dancing thoughts
Of the summer flowers
That will grow in my heart
As the thoughts of you course my mind

But for now its just me and those thoughts
Of the summery nights to come
I fall asleep with a smile on my lips
So lame
Earthchild Jan 2014
Standing in the warm water
Streaming down from my eyelashes to my crimson lips
Pooling apon them
I raise my hand to trace the curve of them
Kiss me
From my glass ribs to my summer hips
Sunshine warmth sinks in
Sending me shivers as I imagine you trailing your hand along
My arms cradle my broken body
My head hits the clouds
I can not stop thinking about you
I can not stop thinking about how I want you
How I need you
How I love you
But you dont want me

I wish shower water would wash away the thought of you
Earthchild Mar 2014
Isnt it amazing
To think of everything?

We breath the same oxygen as the wilderness
We drink the tears of the mountains
Provide carbon dioxide for the flowers
We feel
Its all so amazing
Isnt it?
The way we are star dust
Part of an amazing world
The amazing feeling of love?
The way we embrace

Although we destroy everthing
The flowers
The trees
The animals homes?
We knock down and carve out the mountains
We even destroy each other
We carve into our own skin
Just to escape the pain we feel
Phsyical pain is more enjoyable
Then the emotional pains
More enjoyable then the demons
In which whisper in the back of our minds

Why do we do this to everything?
Everything beautiful?

I hate it.
Earthchild Mar 2014
Pouring alcohol into my sorrowed mind
Just to grasp a taste of bitter happiness
Crashing oceanic waves drown into my thoughts
As I dance to the beat of the heavy bass
Arms embracing the vibes
I am escaping to bliss
Each more sip tastes better than the first
Shaking my heavy head
As tears begin slipping from my hazel tired eyes
I fall to my knees
What am I doing?

*I dont even like beer
Earthchild Mar 2015
Depression is a disease like any other
It can be less complex than a flu or it can be as fatal as cancer.
Although there is a broad spectrum to the severity of depression, I lost my mother to this deadly disease
Depression is not a feeling of the person you love not loving you back, it's not listening to heartbreak songs in your room alone and it's hardly anything to romanticize. Depression is corrupting, it takes away the life of a person, slowly or quickly with a snap of your fingers. Although death of a family member is life altering in any circumstance when you loose someone from depression you feel cheated, as it was an unforeseen death and you had no thought of saying good byes or simply being able to tell them that you loved them just one last time.
Earthchild Mar 2014
Its so much easier to cry in the dark
You may ask
Well, I feel like a black hole
Devoid of air
Everything beautiful gets dragged down
Down into the deepest hole of my chest
My greedy sorrowed soul
Searching for an eternal light
Something I can grasp onto that wont break off
That I wont drag down or push away
Flowers trying to grow along the base of my skull
Trying to sprout through the toxic darkness that lingers

Its so dull inside my head
Everything in me as charcoal gold
What I am implying is

When its pitch black I am one with the dark
And my soul.
Theres nothing I can poison or destroy

Thats why its so much easier to cry in the dark
Its confusing and hard to explain
Earthchild Feb 2014
You strictly implied you wanted nothing to do with me
And I the same
Stop trying to get me back
I'm upholding on my behalf
Time for you to realize you did the damage
You live with it
Dont come crawling back to me
Earthchild Mar 2014
I didn't lie when I told you I loved you.
Earthchild Mar 2014
Coffee stains pooling beneath my tired eyes
Small bruises flourishing along my chest
The taste of ***** still in my mouth
Or maybe the taste of your lips

Stretching my arms out to my side
Yawning as the sun waves goodmorning
Peaking in from my window
Pooling out onto my floor

Resting against the cool metal of my bed
The cold iron against my bare back
Blanket pulled up and tucked under my arms
I pull my knees up to my chest

Just enjoying the silence of the morning
Enjoying the memories
Wrote this a while ago. I have been drinking a lot recently
Earthchild Mar 2014
I want you
I love you

If you wait
Earthchild Apr 2014
Swaying with the wind
Caressing my frail winter bones
Sinking into the deep roots of my lungs

Deep breaths

Drinking the honey of the sun
Sweet taste of heat
The sun has finally come out to dance
To dance along the cliffs edge with me
Will you not dance?
Dance as If you were a bird
Free to kiss the sky

Let the spring ecstasy fill you
Let it drain into every empty ocean of your body
Let the flowers arise from the darkness
Let them grow in your corrupt heart

Let spring florish

— The End —