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Dennis Willis Aug 2021
Or go away
ok pretty much
most of you
nearly all
of you
should not
take my offer
mmffff ****
Dennis Willis Jul 2021
I've received your best

may I have another

that was a downhill

from the rendering fryer
and laughing

against curves and turns

to the cafe bar
and order
Dennis Willis May 2019
Skin is looking in
on us


bag of ***
it is holding


did this become
my fate

your guts
held cookie cutter

danced with the others

it would steer
off another

fit in
school along

i spooned a day
out of these

to spill around
my plants

ashen in color

splayed carcass
like a flower

rot seeding all
renamed nutrient

who don't i trust
to surprise me

enlie me
to you

it won't
last long

skint needs
to hold
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
I throw up
to you



looking for someone
to cover

and protect
keep warm

ai got u

ai got u

ai got u

ahm skin
I have all of you
in me

think macrophage
think semi

I am conducting

I am conducting

breaks beats


the whale of time
slides against me
while I type

cells abraded drift along
I am there too

singing ahm always singing

this unlettered gut

this superior knowledge
this aint
according to the rules

I reach for the rule book
it's stupefying



wearing your undershirt
inside out

they are not all here
just us gast

just us

in a couplet

in a rhyme


in a ******

until I wake up

out somehow
to a chaparral

and a tumble
to tomorrow
that *****

she haunts
like Thursday

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis May 2023
this phloem a conveyance
of pressure osmotic
unlike a circus
of organized officiousness
and certainty must have
assuredly a from
and a to even an off

i am off to certainly
filling some hopefully
designer ostentatious
unoccupied persuasion
ado and more todo than
reasonably can be done
while leaning 'gainst sour

time an its  awkward momen...
flower of time blooming
always while you lie
about everything that
isn't brushing against
her skin where i smell
her breath and collapsing
everlything into frail now
on knees that cannot hold
Dennis Willis Oct 2021
I am a moment
was going to say
the moment
then rethought that
satisfyingly a moment
if you are lucky enough
to get this far
then something
I am quite certain
will arrive on these
good vibes humming
between our verse
as if time were
our *****
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
Should be what we call

Except for the dancin'
and singing parts

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Mar 2022
I have no ability
outside that
which is called for

by your thrumming
even if quietly

so I dance to this
tune that is you
abruptly blue
Dennis Willis Apr 2022
You are deaf
and in a rush
I would
send you this poem

and know
you wouldn't
read it
whilst thinking
what a////
slashing me

and you squish back
to central now
where the vibe
and the fits
are clear

and nothing else\
well me
is dear
Dennis Willis Jun 2020
I'm slipping
behind this
instance propping
up hope
and it's words
bent in the current
are you wondering
could this be
yes it is\

as a human heart
chambered rounds
pumped into
the pain body

i am setup
to fall
upon a sword
that is actually
a dipstick an'
I ahm only
measured and
wiped off
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
I will take you
to bed with me

I will gulp you
down at once

I hope you do
your job tonight
Dennis Willis Feb 2022
I'd like to dispel a rumor
about poets
they actually are
best in bed
Dennis Willis Jul 2023
Am I twisted?
Am I serpentine
pretzel logic and
tubular bells and
earthy smells
Am I something
you would notice
I hope not
so I hope so
I fear not I fear
and there we are
always are hoping
and fearing and
napping helps
with the fearing
ok yawn i'm back
where was i
oh I found myself
being serpentine
and it made me
wonder how
i am used by
by some fungus
to write this
Dennis Willis Jul 2022
A mysterious woman
reached out to me
online yes online
and asked me
what are you looking for?
someone, I said, with a huge
and cleverlerly broke it in two
sense of humor
"please send me a picture of yours
this is non-negotiable"
she sent me a picture
and, well, I checked the box
Dennis Willis Nov 2018
I am of slight value
to them
it seems


as usual

Oh if lashing out worked
I'd know what to do

I've done past remembering
the reason

Cut myself off
put them out

Makes me smartly

That smarts

These smarts hurt

Hurt enuf

Something must be learned here

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Dec 2024
delete me
delete me
like a little
delete me
complete me
i was on
set me off
oh i've gone
already sawn
off the stack
in the heap
being brave
the legs on
this verb
don't they
Dennis Willis Jul 2021
I'm just getting started here
I got out ran around the other side
and got back in

There's twelve people in my room
they know how to use

I'm getting pregnant here
knocked up with feeling
as if I'm stealing here

It's just a pillow case
it's just a mild case
I have a case
don't I?

I swallowed it
that knowing
Dennis Willis Dec 2018
Fascinates me
with its
hardly there self

Often hiding
folded inward

This long crease
a fault line
or spine

doesn't it
we think in parallel

forces sandwich
a choice
differently each time

as if
there is
no crust
on just now
writ small

and I can hear
the light rain
cry December down
the storm glass
in rivulets

something in me
reaches for tiny
home of that look
u get or give
that say's everything

It all seemed too much
posed as chaos
U ache to encircle
spray it down
to the ground

That it always
comes back
not confounding

what i see
now as me
or me
as it

Lines not drawn

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Apr 2023
imagine myself
being only
a wire to some
maybe stay
alive baby
Dennis Willis Sep 2021
This smooth blend
of anxiety, discomfort
and generalized fear
eases my Sunday dark

And mythical monsters
come the very next day
early, desiring a good selection
of my tenderer parts

against the onslaught
I wield would be art
with wannabe heart
for imaginary tarts
Dennis Willis Aug 2022
Am I happy
One part of my brain asks another
Let me check it replies
It sorts through something
I Endeavor to maintain
And never admit to or name

Having run some calculation
And come up with a sum

I say myself with a good
Or bad hum

For the interval just passed
you were gassed
Dennis Willis Sep 2020
Can I sustain
what do we want to sustain
in lyrical
s machina s

A death or a deep
love i've been taught
are necessary to the nare
narrative the money

of threads  i'm grasping
am i part of the weave
ing am i part of the weave
not to repeat myself am i
Dennis Willis Jan 2019
I need you to come smear our connection all over me

I need you to wrestle me to the ground and hold me to the grill and put me under the fire and make me be right here right now and okay with it

Even better than okay with that I need you to make me ecstatic with that

I need you to be the connector between me and the world what pulls me and reconnects me and plugs me back in and connect me so that I feel part of things again and not lost in this mental space that is only sometimes poetic

Bring your Darkness to my light bring your hunh? to my yeah

I am your crack into the future you are my crack Into the Now wow I want to spend some time at your crack

Sorry sometimes just be honest who made Beauty anyway who made desire anyway

Self getting over self getting over self getting over self leapfrogging self

And there she goes around the track a brilliant Sun

I squirm under this intensity

Of now in the presence of beauty

This is my core wiring singing

I'm hanging on for dear life wow you look good

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Mar 2022
There is this
dissonance some
confusion over
innocence an
begging for
resist dance
and I comply
mashed potato
pie in your eye
Dennis Willis Jul 2022
Or is this a poem
that talks to you
on its own
about how it's
and that
Dennis Willis Oct 2019
What if this angst mine
this sometimes beautiful
crangst list of syllabic
****** and flowerings
wailings and whimsy
this double illusory
shell of opinions
has just gone hungry

and the beast feasts
Dennis Willis Jan 2019
Some **** storm
of 2019

News people

this this this
exceptional thing

we are telling
you about

so heroically

I am

stopping watching

out of this

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jan 2022
I observe future snowy slopes
from these slithering wisps
of seventeen degrees
sliding against
my foolishly bare knees

I observe my turning hands
warming themselves in nests
of fingers and cupped palms
rubbing around
each other's need calms
Dennis Willis Sep 2018
I spent two days
Snuggling with myself

2 days
Of contentment

Ball ringing

Smiling out
Of nowhere

Smug in

A comet's tale

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jun 2022
I am
one dragon away
from catching fire
Dennis Willis Sep 2024
I've been collecting photons
but not lightly
they come with a shadow
an absence

These carriers of time
but not timely
arguing amongst themselves
like spies drinking

They seek pressure
to pressure a field
of me blooming
as is my insistence

florid with atoms
of disregard and
disrepute balling
like fireflies

can you see
the crinkles
then you know
about crinkling
Dennis Willis Jan 2019
Softer words are needed this Saturday morning
For softer deeds need done today

Soft days are so appreciated
Dennis Willis Jun 2021
I open this
to you

every night
sneezing and

verbs I often think
and sounds
for which

I can't find
any meaning
for you

I just have them
in my hand
right now

and don't know
what to do
with them
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
so hungry
for the edge
or that
which fills
mid sandwich
of this
you smell
Dennis Willis Nov 2018
Write these lines
Read your comments

then your

get really mixed

and write

the blank lines
are where the universe

talks back
is always laughing

thinks itself
a scribbler too

thinks us
it's lines

really mixed

this poem contains
a universe

and we both know
you're rep'ing it too

So I end up
talking to myself

A lonely 'verse
writing home

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jun 2021
Haven't had enough to drink, yet
to write really well
Inhibitions yet to be defeated scream
fighting that fade-to-cornered gibbering
buh buh buh but what about buh what about

its supposed to be

its supposed to be different
this is supposed to read well
save your cornflakes and all
from becoming soggy

Wondering about direction
Wandering without connection
Displaying words some fresh

This uneven land this scramble
of eggs like days beaten with spices
from unlabeled containers
I'll eat that I know

the bit not in my teeth I wonder
where you are sitting
where words mix in with your milieu
what you have at hand to sip
how fast you move on
Dennis Willis Aug 2024
These bullets
they are so **** hard

I've been spending
my vibrations
on ammo

Loaded always
locked less often

inform on me
while tearing

New holes
in my flesh
while passing thru
Dennis Willis Aug 2024
So, I am having a poem
I thought you should know
it's not your's

It's another muse's
well something
just not

because you've
been off

I don't know

not here
just not here
Dennis Willis Aug 2024
You'd think
while my radius

I know
these words lumpy
and promiscuous

Thinking themselves
somehow heard

are nothing
until sweet
Dennis Willis Jan 2024
I had to laugh with joy
it just seemed like
such a good idea
Dennis Willis Jun 2020
Let's call it
Egotistical Anxious ***** Redux
the whole "clouds in your coffee"
ego in charge meme
"all that and a bag of chips"
worthy of worship nutbag
of little-girl-gotten-away-with-smile
not fair universe
unnhh no words
help this strain
on goodbye

i'm not answering
the phone
her texts
and still
it's a conversation
ev'where else
an here an here an here
while there is not there
to even talk with

just a nuclear reactor
i wish would pull up
and walk in apology
on those lips i'd rush
to accept forgive embrace
'sted here ah am
wresting love from lyric

and margarita and...
numbing things in
three flavors plus
and i find this joy
at not being under
that knife of a voice

free of the crushing reality
of 10 minutes listening
to ego caterwauling
dark enough to wish you gone
forever or two days apparently
where'en i'm fully prepared to
renounce my principles
Dennis Willis Oct 2018
Look it
the **** up

I just did

Feel that
like an angry poem

crawling up your

it wants out
and into

your ear
cover 'em

retch into night
small words

their letters

and you know
these hands

don't you
know this soul

wannabe wretched
in ease


a sandwich
only i can eat

you are not

may never 'ave been


I will be
here soon

i only hope
for you

to someday
be struck

as i've been
become bereft

as i am
of yesterday's content

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Dec 2020
Another death
my  brother
this time

I don't know
how I can
Dennis Willis Nov 2018
Offers out
No draw


No purchase
at this depth

at this time

to say

Dennis Willis Nov 2022
I crest in time
for a while
'til some shore
runs me out
Where does a wave
do i continue
through the earth
am I one of many
songs softening
a ball of concen-
tration making
spin a majestic
chord in prog-
ression just now
is this
am I
dancing some-
how could this be
dancing some-
how with
particular abandon
Dennis Willis Dec 2018
Are living within darkness
fighting towards an always distant

Hunched over
under the weight
Struggling with being overwhelmed
It's too much

I am in this envelope of Darkness
I am certain
I have licked the glue myself

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
Scrambling for pieces
little uneven pieces
with an uncertain color
and a vague shape
maybe some ruffles
scattered on the floor
right through the open door
on our knees gathering
in some tenderness
Dennis Willis Apr 2021
"I heard this and transcended"
so I'm listening to follow
which is some part
of finding my way

And I find always always
"we'll remember always"
to be a song I love
and would sing for you

and surprisingly I'm
snapping my fingers
and the saxophone sweeps
away all of my thoughts

unavoidably you blaring
like i'm staring at warm
and caring but i'm outside
and i am upended even
Dennis Willis Apr 2023
they all in jail
they all somewhere
filling my need
such satisfaction
at a demise
today, i read, village
stones gang member

you take the gun
and pretend
you're a gang member
I'll be a villager
you've preyed upon
and I'll hit you
with stones
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