Something's traveling north along my spine
My Consciousness has parked itself
As it thinks it's been trained to do
And is positioned waiting
This idea of a Wednesday comes unbound
and is unstoppable
when it's Tuesday 11:19pm
and I lay down to its steam
gathering flatness combined
with acute awareness of avoiding
Oh this stolen time
Practicality is starved
The obvious occluded
By bulging worry
Oh what u must think
And u and u and u
so many of you
how many lost
here in my thoughts
Ringing what
Is that ringing
Alarming as all
Get out
There is another train heading south soon
carrying images of something inflaming
I can't carry you any further than this
No, no one knows to warn anyone
Ya find yer way or i' fines u
Heavily, you pay with your life
fir this time reading lines
Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis