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19/F/India    "Each word in my poems holds a tear which I never let fall."
119/Neither/Graveyard    A cool little alter ego I created.
Brisbane    raw/uncensored/opinionated/free form prose bukowski is a diety.
Aoife Teese
north    this is therapeutic whether you and I like it or not
Robert Ueda
California    I'm 17, new to having my work broadcasted. I like the feedback though, negative or positive. I write what I feel and see, and sometimes …
Francie Lynch
A poem is like a tickle, it gives both joy and pain: with blissful tears and tearful giggles, you'll read that poem again. A poem …
20/F    i will always love to write ... ♡
Myriad of fantasy worlds    Daydreamer always; Praise Jesus; Not all those who wander are lost; Somehow everything at once and nothing at all
M/Victoria, Australia    Self-taught composer, tenor (opera, art songs, folk..) and violinist. A humanist. Basic words: love, humility, compassion, tolerance, humour. JOURNEY OF THE HEART, collection of 163 …
65/M/Portsmouth    Oldie slightly mental
M/South Africa    Cape of Good hope nature reserve The most Southwestern point of Africa
Marc Morais
55/M/Canada    I write to leave any kind impression on the world—a boulder for those who need a place to lean. My poetry drifts between solitude and …
19/F/India    An experiencer who falls into the love of garden called EMOTIONS.
WendyStarry Eyes
Life to me is a never ending change! "Whose walking down the streets of the city, everyone knows it's Wendy!" —-██—— Put this on …
31/M    Im fairly new to poetry, but have been writing unpublished and unposted for a couple of years. I enjoy creation and finding new ways to …
Kiernan Norman
ct    and the rest is rust and stardust.
17/F    pretty soul Ig: @souletryy
Baker, sailor, no candle-stick maker / copper, scientist, care-worker who’s / been a priest, teacher, chaplain, all former / husband, dad, lifeboatman too! // What …
I am creating bodies of words for feelings: living their own life.
Sunamin Tamang
17/M/Nepal    Singer/Poet
Carlo C Gomez
54/M/The Exclusion Zone    Married to Mrs. Timetable. Surreal picture by Justin Peters. New book "Exiled to Dusk" available here:
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