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Sep 2010 · 2.6k
Cosmic Alphabet
Asteroids come passing on by
Beautiful visions up in the sky
Cosmic wonders seen at night
Delivering a spectacular sight
Each magnificent feature we see
Forever in a universe that is free
Galaxies are still waiting to be seen
Heavenly bodies, they glitter and gleam
Innocent twinkling of the stars
Jupiter shows beauty, so does Mars
Keep looking at the visions above
Lights shining out, brightly with love
Meteors are coming,visiting near
New born universes,somewhere, here
Open wonders that are in their prime
Paradoxes shown from another time
Quickly passes on,a shooting star
Running on past, from somewhere afar
Space still hides countless treasures
Teaching us still, of untold pleasures
Universal feelings are what we feel
Venus, the love Goddess, is so real
Wondering of what secrets still await
Xmas of endless galaxies are our fate
Yonder, up in Heavenly skies, a beautiful dream
Zodiacal river flows from a starbound stream
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 866
299: Creatures
We forgot about the creatures
And of their horrifying features
How they seem to appear from the dark
Striking out at us, and leaving their mark

So, when you are walking alone tonight
You will feel the cold shiver of fright
You wonder, are thoughts of horror true?
Just remember, they are coming after you

You thought them unreal, they were fiction
In reality, terror has no restriction
Something is creeping, it is close by
It is ready to feed, the time has come to die

The screaming comes now, from all around
It is suddenly cut short, now there is no sound
From out of the darkness, figures appear
Suddenly, the beasts of the night are here
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.8k
298: Watching
For one day the World cried
It watched helplessly as they died
A crashing plane, shattering impact
The screaming starts from that act

A burning building of no escape
All the World is watching, agape
People jumping, they have no hope
Little girl with tears, she can not cope

Even as she sees it on a TV screen
The building collapses, a horror now seen
Little girl, crying because it is real
If only this terror she did not feel

Suddenly, another plane hits the other tower
The fear of that little girl sends her to cower
She is only seven, you hold and cry with her
You are not alone because the World cries together

Fire fighters and police, they are heroes all
Some are trapped in the ruins, heroes fall
Years have passed by, tears still collect
That terror still remains, because we never forget
copyright Chris Smith 2010
In Memory of September 11th.

My youngest daughter was 7 years old at the time, she burst into tears as she watched people jumped to their deaths of the TV.
Sep 2010 · 841
297: She Is Screaming
They came and hurt her again
Left her feeling rejected
Confusion searing her soul

Did she deserve what they did?
Why did they treat her this way?
She only ever tried to do her best

She provided them with everything
They never had to do it themselves
She gave them everything they wanted

Soon they wanted to take a little bit more
They had their own way, even when she protested
Stripped her naked and spat at her beauty

Now she is angry and they felt her rage
She knows they can not control her
But still they persist in their silly ways

Well now, this time she has had enough
This time she will try to make them listen
To know that name of Mother Earth
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.1k
296: The Nose Complaint
I don't think it is very fair
I seem to get ignored at times
Does anyone even notice me there
Who ever looks at the nose

Now the eyes, people look at
Even when upset, they get attention
I never get wiped gently like that
No one likes me if I run

Even the ears get a lot of fun
When romance is in the air
They get a visit from the tongue
I never get a tongue licking me

The mouth, it gets too much bliss
Not only does it get fed regular
But it sometimes gets a kiss
No one tries to give me food

I tell you, even when I'm unwell
People don't like touching me
And I have to put up with smell
You should put up with socks
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Family, friends and love.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 6.5k
294: Words Against Terrorism
We stand against you, no matter what religion we are
You will never divide us against each other
We will be strong because we fight against evil
You are the nemesis of the souls of humanity
We will rise up and we will stand together
You can not knock us down, we never will fall
We are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Pagans....we are the World
You can NEVER win.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.4k
293: Tell A Story
Take a seat, come heed me
Each of you hush, do feel free
Listen to stories of times gone by
Learn of heroes who fought so strong

As they battled against countless foes

Striking out, with mighty blows
Titans united, we must never forget
Of valiant people, the very best yet
Risking their lives, way back then
Yesterday warriors, likes we never see again
copyright Chris Smith 2010
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.0k
291: Women
Women are all such beautiful creatures
Transfixing us with their sensual features
Beautifully crafted for the eyes of man
We are hynotised by the wiles of a woman

We love the way that you wiggle
Especially that ****, adorable jiggle
And that way you know how to tease
Every man becomes weak at the knees

A lady bewitches us at her own leisure
We become slaves to her very pleasure
For what would we ever do without her
Our species could not go any further

Seeing her in her splender, we rejoice
We respond to the sound of her voice
And with that kiss she will give
It gives us that reason to live

So for women everywhere, we celebrate
For to us very men, you are our fate
We crave to feel your own loving touch
That is why we love you so very much
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 3.3k
290: Pink Swan
He spotted the pink swan
Did the laughing hyena
As he giggled on the lawn
Because he had seen her
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.4k
289: Spirit In The Mist
The young man took a short cut home
Deciding he would go across the moor
Even though a mist covered the land
He was sure that he could find his way

He was returning from seeing his lady
Declaring his love to her for all time
But he knew he could not stay the night
So faced taking a long walk to his abode

Suddenly he could see a young woman
Dressed only in a white night gown
Standing alone on the moor, in the mist
He started to approach her, to offer his coat

He froze as he could see the mist through her
And he could hear her calling out to her lost love
She did not seem to know the young man was there
Transfixed by her beauty and listening to her words

"Johnny, I await for thee to return back to me"
"This war has taken ye so here I will stay"
"I will never leave until I see your face again"
"My heart loves thee, and it forever will"

The young woman slowly began to fade from sight
As the mist faded away, so did she fade with it
The young man found himself hurrying home
Never forgetting the sad voice of the spirit in the mist
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 840
288: Night Rain
Night rain drips from the window
No light in a room of shadow
He left her there, facing her tears
He left her there, living her fears

So she hated thinking of life alone
Used a knife, cutting to the bone
Sits down with no will to resist
Blood like a river from her wrist

The tears have dried, no longer weepy
She closes her eyes, she is feeling sleepy
All the good times come into her head
Now she no longer dreams for she is dead

Night passes into the day time hours
A man comes to the house with flowers
Last night he is sorry if he offended
Unprepared for how those actions ended
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 617
287: Untitled
Do you ever wonder
About the mysteries
The secrets of this life
Of what it means to us

Why do we face pain
Where the hurt aches you
Giving you sorrow
And nobody helps

So please tell me
Why is it so
For what reason
Do we feel this

How it is
I suppose
Nothing else
Explains why

Now me
I do
What I
have to

A little experiment where the first stanza is 6 syllables
The second is 5, third 4, fourth 3, fifth 2 and last stanza 1.

Unfortunately I am at a loss for atitle ; )
Aug 2010 · 2.2k
286: Hopeless (Acrostic)
Hell has come calling
Outside I am falling
Panic strikes like a fist
Each thought like a mist
Leaving me sinking
Endlessly thinking
Shadows now surround me
Suffocating in my misery
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 901
285: Planet Fall
Populations all wiped out,
Liquidated with no doubt.
All life, gone in a flame;
No one left to take the blame.
Existence cries of extinquished life,
Taken like the blade of a knife.

Fallen civilization now imploded,
Atomic weapons all exploded.
Life is gone, taken all away;
Life is gone, long gone astray.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 912
283: Final Request
The man was condemned to die, to be shot by firing squad but he had one last request.

The captain approached the man, who was tied to the post and asked him to make his request and it would be granted.

"I would not ask to be free for I would only be untied and still shot, I know there must still be a death by firing squad but fear you will not honour my request" spoke the man.

"I will accept your request and honour it, my men are my witness and so is my commanding officers" spoke the captain.

"I have no wish for the moments with a beautiful woman or to feast on a fine meal, or to drink of the best wine but you will not honour my last request". spoke the man.

"As God is my witness, I promise whatever your request will be granted, on that you have my solemn word" spoke the captain.

"Then" spoke the man, "take my place".
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 2.2k
282: Invisible Man
I am there, but always unseen
No one knows I have been
Vanity stripped from my bones
I have a heart that nobody owns
Shadows surround me forever
I want to be with her, whatever
But I feel demons dragging me back
Leaving me destinied to their attack
Each time she never sees me here

Making these lonely tears appear
An invisible man to the blind eyes
Never touching, but he always tries
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
281: Mystery Man
From out of the corner of her eyes
She can see him standing there
But when she turns to look at him
He is gone as if he never existed

She can feel him holding her from behind
His arms wrapped around her with love
She smiles and she quickly turns around
He is never there when she needs him most

At night she can feel him with her in her bed
But they only seem to make love in her dreams
She wants this man and knows he is somewhere
She will keep looking to find her mystery man
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 2.3k
280: Buttercup Dream
Beautiful lady, take my hand
Undress as you do understand
Tender feelings as naked we run
Through buttercups in the Sun
Each sound of laughter, my dear
Reaches inside my heart so near
Come to me, as we embrace and kiss
Unseen by the world in our loving bliss
Purity of our two souls touching above

Doing what is our true desire, making love
Ready to respond to our bodies motion
Each of us lost, in our deepest emotion
And then we stand, and are running once more
May this field of buttercups see our dreams soar
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 854
278: Pray
Answer this prayer.
Bring this love closer to her.
Praying to her heart.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 1.5k
277: Life And Death
Love strikes at the heart
It sometimes tears it apart
For that is what is living
Even when it is unforgiving

Anguish sometimes will call
Naked in your time to fall
Deeper where love left you

Dropping to where nothing is true
Every emotion you every felt
All now causing you to melt
Telling you it is all over now
Hoping love will return somehow
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Those **** bells  haunt me
For they tolls for my doom
Awaking me from my sleep
Ringing there, in my head

Others only think me mad
They can not hear them
But every hour they call
Where can I hide?

You can not cheat Death
For HE will come for you
The bells are your warning
To prepare to be taken

I tried locking the door
I will not keep him out
I know soon he will be here
To take me to that dark dimension

So I live in fear, sweating
Dreading the sound of those bells
Knowing that when they do stop
That will be my time I must go
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 718
274: Ping
Come on, baby, show me your light
Give me a look into your inner sight
There is a brightness glowing in style
Now baby, I love to see you smile

You drive me a good kind of crazy
Because I know you are my lady
On your love, you make me high
Own this heart, I want you to apply

When you move your body, I am on fire
You got me wanting you with my desire
I love it, when you do your special thing
Listen baby, you can hear my heart go ping

Stay here with me, my sweet, naked on the bed
I am not going anywhere but loving you instead
My emotions are mellow, feel me inside you
No goodbye, only hello, let me be here beside you
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
273: Spiral Path
Solitaire is a lonely game
Playing without a name
Inside the soul is blackened
Ruined and forever darkened
Ageless thoughts of the undead
Lying twisted in an aching head

Plasma nourished, needing to drink
As deeper into nightmare, to sink
Travelling forever, in darkest dormain
Hell as a dweller of night to always remain
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 878
272: Because
You can't cry in silence
Without making a sound
You can't hide locked away
Without ever being found

You can work without end
Never stopping to rest
Exhaustion will take you
When you are past your best

Love with seek you out
When dark streets you roam
You feel you are forever lost
But love will guide you home

As sorrow drags you down
Taking you deeper into despair
Don't believe you face being alone
Because your friends will be there
Dedicated to all those who have been there for me on here, love you all.

Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 2.6k
271: Waitress
Waitress can I have a cup of coffee?
Maybe, one day, you will join me
For you never stop, you never stop

You serve, always with a smile
Taking orders all the day long
For you never stop, you never stop

Seeing you always brightens the day
Cleaning the tables for the next diner
For you never stop, you never stop

So keep a thought for all the waitresses
Coming to your table, serving good food
They never stop, they never stop
copyright Chris Smith
Aug 2010 · 1.3k
270: Four Ghosts
Four ghosts came meeting
Gave each other a greeting
Always met at this cemetry
They were all related, you see

Great grandfather fought World War One
Until that day he was shot and then gone
He died at the age of being thirty two
Never got to the change of things to do

Grandfather was who died in World War Two
Shot dead, out of the blue
He died aged only twenty one
He never got to hold his new baby son

The Grandson fell as the years past
Killed in Desert Storm, explosive blast
His poor child was raised by his Dad
The rain fell on a day so sad

Afghanistan is where the son was shot dead
A ****** put a bullet in his head
So there are four graves next to each other
They hope there will not be another

So these four ghosts meet and salute now
The only way that they could, somehow
If you listen, you hear them sing out loud
Four War Heroes that fell doing their country proud
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 808
269: Rock Star
He kept following his dreams
Always being on different teams

He wanted to be a rock star
He wanted to go far

So he learnt how to sing
He would do anything

Started off from being small
Soon he would have it all

He never thought it funny
Managers used him for money

The pressure was building up
He decided he had enough

They pushed him too far
They burnt out the rock star

So he flew up to high
He ended up kissing the sky

He fell back and crashed
A shattered life was smashed

The stories in the papers read
He overdosed and was dead

Now his music lives on longer
His memory and art is stronger

That is the curse of fame
Where they profit from your name

Where if you die one day
They never let you fade away
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 970
267: Bad Nursery Rhymes 2
A certain goose melted down all the bling,
The silly thing can't walk with all that gold.

Everyone really wonders "Who killed **** Robin"?
Humpty Dumpty fell on him, if the truth be told.

A certain persons' name is really spelt SINDERELLA,
The poor Prince was shocked to find them a fella.

A man was arrested running around the town one night,
Seemly he forgot his night gown, they locked him out of sight.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
266: Bad Nursery Rhymes
Ginger Bread Man tried to run away,
So they chopped off his legs.

The Three Pigs and Chicken Little are missing,
But I saw the Big Bad Wolf eating ham and eggs.

Little Miss Muffin is drinking with that spider,
He will have his wicked way, when she's drunk on cider.

Little Bo Peep is playing with Little Boy Blues horn,
Nine months later, Mary or a little lamb is born
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Aug 2010 · 1.1k
265: John Patrick Robbins
Join me, come share a drink
Of times gone in a blink
Here we sit, lost in thought
Never have we found what we sought

Pour us another, drown this sorrow
All could be better, come tomorrow
They call me the Gonzo poet
Ready, now and always, to show it
I will be here, forever with my friends
Caring for them, because caring never ends
Killing time before time deserts me

Relishing those close, who set me free
Of all the days that have gone past
Broken bottles are always cast
Be your health always bless you
In all the things that you do
Never fear, the Gonzo poet is here
So come and join me now, in another beer
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Meeting in a hotel room
Both of us shy at first
Then the taste of your kiss
The sweetness of your lips
Then the dancing of our tongues

You move your hand slowly down
Stroking and teasing me through my jeans
My hands cupping your ******* now
Feeling them react through your top
We allow this passion to take us

We strip each other, unable to wait
Then you push me onto the bed
Straddling and teasing me with want
Rubbing me against your wet desire
Before taking me inside you

Riding on top, slowly at first
Before building up to release
Taking me faster, making me go deeper
And I cherish the fullness of your *******
Your ******* ripe for me to taste

Pulling you down to my aching body
Lifting my knees to fully enter you
Passionate kisses as I move inside
Feeling you push with each stroke
Screaming out for your need to flow

Then moving you onto your back
And like animals, we give in to this lust
Your legs wrapped around me, tight
Squeezing me  as you surrender
Your passion flooding as I pound faster

I can feel myself ready, prepared to erupt
And I ****** deeper still, filling you with me
My seed explodes inside your well of delight
Then we collapse into each others arms
Content to be with each other, until we begin again
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 729
263: My Friend Jack
My friend Jack,
Might smoke like a chimney stack.
But he has that special knack,
Of always watching your back.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 1.1k
262: Shadows On The Wall
We look for the glimmer of hope
Some are looking for it still
They find it very hard to cope
Stripped of their own will

We sometimes face ourselves
Rising up, only to fall
Life is like keeping empty shelves
Talking to the shadows on the wall

Life really makes no sense
We try to figure it all out
Paying for it at our own expense
Never heard when we shout

Loneliness can be a curse
When no one heeds our call
Never getting better, only worse
Left talking to the shadows on the wall
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 780
261: Write It All Down
I am trying to stay strong
Trying to make time go quick
Things keep on going wrong
This life is making me sick

It's all work and never any play
They say money isn't everything
But there are so many bills to pay
You are left without anything

The pain keeps increasing now
I'm afraid it has got me beat
I try blocking it out somehow
Wish I could rest these aching feet

I wish I could shout and say "**** it all"
But I am afraid, that isn't really me
I feel down, I'm ready to fall
This depression is making me empty

Poetry, and my lady keep me going
Without them I would be locked away
In my head the winds are blowing
It is hard making it through the day

I am not alone, I know there are others
More feeling like me, out there
Fellow sufferers, my sisters and brothers
Together in this despair that we share

So when in your troubles you seem to drown
Take up the pen, take it to the paper, my friend
Release the tension, write it all down
It will help, it feel better in the end
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 967
259: Hour Glass
The hour glass is counting down,
Counting down one speck at a time

She awaits for him, her faraway lover
Watching the lonely ocean
Waves lashing at the shore
Wishing it brought her this love

He is writing these words you read
He is feeling so far from her kiss
Time is moving so very slowly
Each second is agony without her

They are so close, but so far away
Both never knew love could be this way
Now closing their eyes, to feel each others touch
Almost touching now, but still worlds apart

The hour glass is counting down,
Counting down one speck at a time
copywrite Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 1.1k
258: Jon London
Journey of a poetic soul
Of which continues to grow
New words he will craft

Loving touches of poetic art
Openly expressed to all
Now, and forever, standing tall
Driven by motivation for poetry
Orchestrating words for us to see
Near those friends he cherishes
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 1.6k
257: Raymond Bliss
He has never been like other little boys
That play so happily with their toys
He is different is young Raymond Bliss
He wants to grow up to be....a mad scientist

While others play with toy soldiers and cars
Or pretend to be astronauts in the stars
Little Raymond is chasing his pet cat instead
Determined he will catch him and cut off his head

He tried getting the dog who put up a fight
Poor Raymond gave up when he got a nasty bite
So he dug up his hamster, who passed away when overfed
He tied the body to a car battery to try and raise the dead

Unfortunately the dead hamster fizzled and went pop
It made Raymond jump in fright, it made him hop
So he decided to dig up the goldfish as well
Then he decided against it, because of the smell

Now there are plans drawn up, to be unfurled
His evil scheme now hatched to take over the world
Raymond wants to set vampire robot bunnies on man kind
It is just a shame because his pocket money he can not find

His mother says "time for bed" so he sulks up to his room
This his prison from whence he plots doom and gloom
He is a very strange boy is little Raymond Bliss
Determined to be the most evil mad scientist
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 998
256: The Missing Part
Going towards you, and I am aglow
My heart has the warmest of love
I am here, awaiting the feel of your arms
Cherishing the heat from your body

Going away from you, and I am alone
I am empty inside, for you have my heart
I am a shell of the man I once was
Your love is what I was feeding on

You are the one that makes this man complete
You make this man to come alive
You are his heart and soul, his life, and reason to be
Until he is  with you again, a part of him is missing
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 1.7k
255: Tribal Spirit
Proud people are you
Born with spirits soaring high
Free forever more
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 932
254: Here I Sit
Here I sit
Head in hand
Feeling so alone

I hate that day
The anniversary
Of the terror I felt

Please make it go away
Just take away the past
Because I want to forget

Those ******* caused this
They did this thing to me
They don't suffer like I do

The 24th of July is coming
And I want to hide away
To break down and cry

Then, when I come here
When I write my words
I know I am among friends
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 848
253: We Carry On
When life seems to be dragging you down
When you think you face it all alone
Then take my hand, let me help you up
Together we will face what the fates throw

We carry on, to be always strong
We carry on, with friends that belong

When everything has ceased and come to a stop
You can not face those trials that lay ahead
Then lean on me and together we will continue
Together this journey we will travel

We carry on, where our destiny takes
We carry on, with a friendship that never breaks
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 870
251: She Loves You
I saw her crying in the window
It is none of my business to ask why
I guess it is the reason you are here
Drinking your sorrows at this bar, my friend

I've known you both for so many years now
Neither of you have ever had a cross word
You are the heart and soul of what is love
Drinking to hope it goes away never works

I'm guessing all that pressure at work you have
It is getting you and it is dragging you down
But as a man, you believe you have to carry that burden
To never share it with her to cause her to worry

Dry those tears that are starting to fall, my friend
You know she will forgive you, go and talk to her
You married through good and bad, share it now
She is the one keeping you strong, be strong for her

Remember that she loves you, she always will
You love her for she is your World, my friend
Remember that she loves you, her heart is yours
Go home to her, hold and kiss away the tears she cries
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 1.4k
250: No One
A stranger visited the Earth,
This is what he saw.

No one could love, love was gone.

No one believed, it wasn't allowed.

No one sought peace, there was only their way.

No one could think, it was done for us.

No one would change, they needed permission.

No one cared, because no one would dare.

The stranger decided to confront those in power,
They lobotomised him to become a no one.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 709
249: Midnight Hearts
He comes to her, this night
An invitation to find her
To explore what they will discover
Inside both of their midnight hearts

She awaits for him in satin sheets
Naked for his touch as he approaches
Wanting to feel his gentle kisses
The sensual lips travelling on her skin

Her joins her, his flesh against hers
Tasting the sweetness of her neck
Knowing a love not felt in many years
For this woman, he would die again for

His desire is moving in time with hers
The increasing moments of their lust
Exploding together, feeling as one
Joining in union of that sensation of need

Before the dawn will rise he will be gone
For a vampire always will fear sunlight
She will wait for him until night falls again
Then they will love once more, these midnight hearts
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 2.1k
248: Ghost Train
You thought it was only fun
The nightmares seemly just a dream
You thought you could laugh, but it's begun
All you can do now is only scream

The creepy old man took your money
Something wasn't right, but you didn't think
Now the horror has started, it's no longer funny
Deeper into this terror you will sink

There is no escape, on this dark ride
Trapped on here, forever to remain
Opened doors swallowed you up inside
You are going to Hell on the Ghost Train

Condemned souls that drown in blood, you pass
Prisoners burning in Brimstone flame, you see
There is no getting off, you're way out of your class
You are his captive now, you will never be set free

You can feel the fear coming from deep down inside
One last tilt, one last drop, as you turn the bend
This is it now, this is the final part of the ride
He is waiting for you, Satan is there at the end

There is no escape, on this dark ride
Trapped below now, forever to remain
Hell swallowed you up, there is no place to hide
You are trapped by the Devil on the Ghost Train
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 4.9k
247: Angela (Acrostic)
Angel, protect me my friend
Now with thy open wings you tend
Giving the grace of purity of heart
Ever there with truth never far apart
Let me thank thee, for all that you do
Angel that lights up this world, so true
copyright Chris smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 2.3k
246: Strange Girl
They said she was a strange girl
The odd one out in any group
Dressed in black, like a vampire
So they threw stones at her

She liked to listen to Heavy Rock
While they listened to the lastest Pop
Spat at her, rubbed things in her hair
Called her bad names and dragged her down

She excelled at school. she did her best
She was always the top of her class
Still they would make her life a misery
Tears would stain her black eye liner

Her parents found her, hanging in her room
With a note telling of the sadness of her life
Those that caused it, they never cared
Over the death of a poor strange girl
As poets we have the words that reach out, that can shock the reader. We can make a stand on many subjects and that is why each poet has something valuable to say and I read.

Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 1.3k
245: Neva Flores (Acrostic)
Never has such a beautiful heart
Ever been beating, never apart
Visions of perfection in a friend
Always there, to care and tend

Few will see, how special you are
Love you give that is felt from afar
Only you, make us alive, make us pure
Relaxing us with words, true and sure
Each time you visit, is a special day
Showing sweet harmony in our own way
copyright Chris Smith 2010
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