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Strong man
Army man
You wished for that to one day be your chance
You've given up on it now
And truthfully I was slightly relieved
At least you wouldn't die fighting with no reasoning
It didn't last long I hated it but I see
Everyone must have a dream
Go to your war my dear
Your fighting blood and tears
Though when you come back home
In pieces or as a whole
In success or in vain
Away we'll wipe your pain
Hold you close and protect you from foes
Until our crossed paths end
I must say goodbye
I'll see you in the next life my dearest friend
Flesh craves her touch
The taste of her tongue
This trembling hand
Exploring her breast
Her skilled desires
Devouring my soul
Now a willing victim
To carnal delights
Crawling fingers on flesh
As pain etches through
Scratching away the layer
Until blood comes running
The agony of humanity
If only I could
Wish away the pain
If only I would

Wish away the tears
Wish away the fears

But reality is there
Striking again at me
Because life isn't fair
With the things we see

Where did the love go?
Did it fall into the sea?
Does anybody know?
Where could it be?

All I see is too much fight
Where we were hand in hand
Nobody can ever be right
If only we could understand

If only I could
Wish away the pain
If only I would

Wish away the tears
Wish away the fears

Copyright 2016
How wonderful is it that our bodies love us so much to repair itself when we get a scrape, but we still smoke, eat bad foods, do drugs, and drink.
We do so many bad things to our bodies, but it still loves us and it's never gonna leave.
Just remember the next time someone tries to leave you,  the people who love you the best is the once who try to repair you and not leave.....
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