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 Apr 2021 Dani
Donall Dempsey
Q...E. . .D!

He attaches himself to...
...the end of the queue.

A number.
Number 19 to be precise.

Just another unknown human
in its chain.

All these separate consciousnesses
held together by the queue's formality.

Now shuffling slowly now
fastly now

not going anywhere at all.

We inch to the teller
who controls our time.

But ha!
( No! Not our minds! )

Each of us ennui'd
in our own particular way

our thoughts roaming

One recites Hopkins
to himself.

Another juggles the ingredients
of that night's dinner.

Yet another and yet

thinking nothing
( nothing at all )

able to shut down the mind
to suit the body's function.

This, thing that is

a human charm bracelet
a walking collection of various DNA

our being threaded through
the eye of the moment

like so much human
( that word again )thread

sewing this
time together


the man behind the man
in front of him

clasps the stranger's waist
firmly in both hands and

suddenly sings:
"deda deda deda DA!
deda deda deda DA!
deda DA DA!
deda DA DA!"

Now, one after
the other after

the other
strangers throwing

off their strangeness

all grabbing waists
legs kicked to first

one side then
the other

all congaing
just for that one

glorious moment
of togetherness

before becoming( once
again )isolated beings

but this time
united by

 Apr 2021 Dani
Donall Dempsey

she pushed into the air
the wind held her there
solid as granite

time too seemed to
held her in her place

umbrellas escaped hands
took to the air
like the strange birds they were

she felt like
a wooly mammoth
trapped in time

she felt like a fossil
waiting to be discovered
her watch told her it was after five

suddenly the wind
released her and she fell
back into her own future
 Apr 2021 Dani
 Apr 2021 Dani
Unfeeling is no cloud above
Though ground unwilling to hold you fast
Like stars and fires and ocean sands
We turn and burn and age unto ash

 Apr 2021 Dani
 Apr 2021 Dani
Majority of us are pregnant with
gifts and ideas (that's twins)
Most times, the first step needed to be taken
to birth them, is the step of faith.
Some people's excuse is "oh, now it's too late"
But Colonel Sanders was 65 years
when he birthed KFC
Like childbirth, birthing ideas and gifts
often needs labor
But you'll receive favor if you're walking in purpose
There's something in you waiting to be
birthed — give yourself to it.
 Apr 2021 Dani
Cheap Rhymes
 Apr 2021 Dani
I like to rhyme way with way
But I have so much more to say
Since I have a higher technological mind
I’ll be rhyming time with time
Now, now
Don’t be jealous of all my rhymes
I’m alive and doing fine
Traveler 🧳

And now you have it...
Rhyming writers black!
 Apr 2021 Dani
I need to tell you a little something...
Evolution is an illusion
And time and space
Don't actually exist
And we are but programs
Deep within the mainframe
Of a super computer
Capable of extreme pain
And absolute bliss...

Thank you for listening!
Now go back to what you were doing.
Traveler Tim
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