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May 2019 · 387
Daisy Chain May 2019
See that orange dust, being picked up by the wind
With crusts of brown catching on the edges of your shoes
Do you see the pieces of wood, dryly speckled across the pavement
while others get carried off by the ants up the side of the bench
No, you probably don't.
Because you are looking up, at the vibrant green fronds
The leaves that span their arms wide to embrace the sun
The new shoots that crawl and creep along the trees edges
Perhaps a blossom or two, breathing for the first time
And the scent that lingers in your senses and heart
And you smile at them. Yes you smile.
And offer them a caress for those closer to the ground.
Maybe pick up a freshly fallen leaf with colours
to bask in and share later with your 5 year old niece.
Or place in the middle pages of your travel diary
as you soak in the experience of the new
Then, when theres not much else to do,
you may on occasion admire the somewhat gone
The amusing and sweet pattern of the holes
that have torn through the turning yellow and brown
Maybe you'll trace around it with your fingers
Reflecting on how even death can be beautiful.
Yes, I too have seen these things. And picked them up myself.
Carried and disposed of, during a meandering thought.
Yet, very seldom. In fact, I have yet to see it.
Will anyone try and piece back together
The leaf that has become apart
translucent and scattered.
And still.
With no more of anything left to give.
The pieces now trembling with complete vulnerability
With no will and no colour.
Its disappearance will not be noticed
by anything
other than the silence.
#without #nature #leaves #silence #vulnerability #whispering #longing
Apr 2017 · 1.4k
A foolish heart
Daisy Chain Apr 2017
A foolish heart knows no bounds,
falling over and over
like a gentle whimper of a child
but yet,
still looking up with a vulnerable hope
a yearning questioning
for the affection
of the averted gaze.

A foolish heart sees no truth,
staggering in a room full of thorns
only to proclaim
that the spaces between
are whispers
silent expressions of
a secret love
that they wish to see.

A foolish heart hears no rejection,
for its all a projection
of a nightmarish confusion
while the truth
no matter how sought for
at the seam,
and the foolish heart continues
on with its caramel dream.

A foolish heart does not fear pain,
for that is where it sleeps.
No, a foolish heart,
fears the end,
it fears the death
of its very own breath.
Where the illusion is broken,
and all that remains
Is a plain human being.
A foolish heart wants to stay foolish
for it’s the most alive its ever been.
Mar 2017 · 483
The invisible smile
Daisy Chain Mar 2017
A smile is so much more
than a curvature of the lips
Its a smell that emits
from the breath of a kiss
Its the sound of joy
behind the cryptic face
that remains perfectly still
and yet watches you with grace
Its the movement of the thumb
across the knuckles of a lover
Its the gentlest of touches
of one nose against another
Its in the stolen glances
That escape the attention of the other
As they lace up their shoes
and talk about their brother
Its everything that you embody
and everything that you miss
When you realise
that you want all of this.
Mar 2017 · 329
Daisy Chain Mar 2017
The shower
of silken light,
caresess my face
my hands
my thighs.
The delicate warmth
of the sunshine
the sweetened steam.
The dancing giggles
all that lingers
beneath the peel.
The naked
I feel
ever blindingly,
- real.
Feb 2017 · 449
Oh for god sake...
Daisy Chain Feb 2017
Fallen angles shake their heads
as my body drums against the
all too contained
cavity of expression.
Maddeningly, utterly in disarray
the mind stumbling
over the debris
left by the racing heart.
In a way, I hate you
but mostly me
for being at the mercy
of someone else's gaze.
God ******* ******,
**** ******* christ.
I want to pull my breath out
and bottle it up for a while
so I no longer have to breathe
this fire of unrest.
Jan 2017 · 461
A heart's sigh
Daisy Chain Jan 2017
Fill my lungs with your smile
as we walk along
the sunshine drenched road
of meandering thought.
Our hands radiate
the delight that our words cannot
laced together, they wander
looking out into
this giggling world.
You laugh at a thought,
and I smile at your eyes
Each step
Lavishing the path with colour
and leaving a scent
of two lovers in bloom.
Jan 2017 · 3.2k
The unexpressed
Daisy Chain Jan 2017
My blood flows with gold
my fingers alight with fire
it propels and consumes me
to an all encompassing desire.
Completely in the wind,
utterly in the rain
A sweet abandonment
into the delightful pain.
My skin - too tight
My movements - too constrained
Even a bellow from a mountain top
leaves this feeling untamed
A power so wild
so ferocious, yet so compressed
wails at the boundaries
of the unexpressed.
Jan 2017 · 361
Love death
Daisy Chain Jan 2017
If you wake up in the night,
in a pool of sugar sweat
then baby you know what it feels like
to be in utter love-death.

In the morning, I die a little
as I get dressed in my mind
The afternoon reprieves a little,
as I smile stupidly love blind.

The evening gets a little tricky,
as my hopes get laced with doubt
I shake my head, my hands and body
as I try to shake you out.

Nothing seems to help
as the suns intensify their burn
the ones at the edges of my fingers
that repeatedly refuse to learn.

Logic can get ******,
reason is long out of breath
in trying to keep up
with this feverish love-death.
Jun 2016 · 316
The window
Daisy Chain Jun 2016
Sometimes you forget
that the window is
and you impose yourself
on to the world.
A gentle reminder,
of your own disposition,
and the way that it
escorts the sunlight
to your thoughts.
Your exuberant leaps
of elation
fling the curtains
open wide.
Yet your deep sighs
of exasperation
confuse the image
on both sides.
May 2016 · 317
When will the mists clear?
Daisy Chain May 2016
I see the world the way I see myself
One, simple set of eyes.
Desperately searching for that hope
that tomorrow will defy itself.
That it will bring something else
Other than today.
Much like the rest, I close my eyes
at times,
when the uncertainty seems too much
Or divert my attention away from the sky,
towards the leafy mulch.
I can do it, the game that is.
The slow walk onward to the edge.
I too can march with sturdy shoes,
then swiftly step backwards off the ledge.
At times, when I am feeling particularly lost
I will muster up the desire to take a peak
but the world always waits both eyes wide open
an unwavering stare,
churning within the unfathomable deep.
Muddling, my eyes water - my fists clutching
at my tear soaked chest.
Even death doesn't seem like enough,
for I will not know the truth
even then.
May 2016 · 652
The way it is
Daisy Chain May 2016
I can't stand this nonsense, this indifference  
this moat around the edge of my sight. My life.
I can't stand this overindulgence,
this unfettered decadence,
while the rest of the world isn't even given the privilege of weeping.
Of sleeping.
Of light.  
I can't sleep - my dreams too a world without dreams.
An unfiltered montage of my insecurities playing out the reality I feel behind the forced optimism. The fanaticism,
for the smoothly ironed pressed.
I call out my own name -
behind the darkened and forgotten windowpane,
is the version of myself, angry, lonely and free.
Free of the freedoms that suffocate me.
Apparently I'm free to choose my fate,
my desk, my jacket, my dinner plate.
Yet where is the queue for self-expression?
For social justice? For unadulterated streams?
I am waiting, and getting rather impatient
with this facade
that we call 'the way it is.'
Dec 2015 · 337
Wake up
Daisy Chain Dec 2015
I have mentioned to you so many times, how you fail to see.
Looking between the slithered light, between the sheets - you lie and wait incessantly for permission to live.
It frustrates me to no end how you choose to forsake your strength,
for a couple of nice words from the world
for a couple of smiles from the rest.
Inside your belly, stroms forever brew.
Blowing around your mind to no end.
You contain all the power and glory inside yourself
turning nectar into posiion.
Now you lie there- feeling sorry for yourself
Wallowing in your pathetic trance
Forever using the victim card - to escape what is essentially your mess.
I am sick of dealing with your passivity, your submissive - weakling tune.
I want to shake you, corner you and show my teeth
Until you finally allow your power to come over you,,
You are not sweet - you are not kind - you are not passive and you're most certainly are not blind.
You are a fire living in the dark mind of a frightened sheep.
Feb 2015 · 465
You don't know.
Feb 2015 · 536
Daisy Chain Feb 2015
My body is becoming unraveled
With the loose tethers at the end of my fingertips
Gently flailing into the wind.

I can only watch as they tease
with their smoke, with their dance
that silently evaporates
from my skin.

Jan 2015 · 413
Daisy Chain Jan 2015
I cannot trust you.
You change direction
as if its all meaningless
yet you speak with a conviction
that rattles my bones.

You make my cry
with your incessant calling
of all my failings
which I miserably hide.

I wish I could leave you
so I would never again believe you.
when you whisper to me
that I will never fly.

But there is no escape
Resolved, I am ever confined
to your drowning company
my love,
my mind.
Dec 2014 · 392
Daisy Chain Dec 2014
Never have I quite tasted
The bitter drink of regret
The way it burns your eyes
Before it even reaches your lips.

It is a drink for the forlorn
solitary, colourless fool.
One that slowly sips her poison
Upon her broken, jagged stool.

Her heaving tears of sorrow
break the silence with their chime.
Their steady ripples upon the drink
keep a trickling sense of time.

The brief relief of broken sleep
A gentle blow upon the burn
A quiet moment before the return.

There is nothing quite as hopeless
Than fingers attempting to wind
A clock who’s arrows only point
Away from your distant mind.
Dec 2014 · 419
Daisy Chain Dec 2014
The clouds that fly across my windy eyes
the reflection of all the resolution
that I muster up in the moments whim
fall rapidly as soon as I breathe in.

I cannot win.
For the world that I so loathe
Shines out from within.
Nov 2014 · 312
No idea
Daisy Chain Nov 2014
I don't know how to explain this life
if an alien came down and asked me
"whats it like to live?
I'd reply with something like
It depends
It depends on how you look at it
For example, take romance as a sample.
If I am adored and adorned with grace
then smiles inevitably creep upon the human face
but if I am alone and lonely too
I'll crawl around the inside of my skull
until I find something to latch on to.
I don't know, truth be told
You're born, you grow, you get old
Then into the dirt everyone will sink
Its pretty meaningless but
its life. I think.
Sep 2014 · 574
Daisy Chain Sep 2014
Deeply snoring, the gentle soul sleeps
Cushioned by the ignorance of the mindless dreams
Following the circles of the reoccurring scene
The dream is everything, life is unseen.
Jul 2014 · 640
Just a bit bigger now.
Daisy Chain Jul 2014
I got left alone as a kid.
And not in the good sense,
Where you are given time
And space to explore
Your mind and the things that can fly.
I got left lonely.
I was the kid at school that ate their lunch
In the doorway of the school hall
Because no one would go there
To point out that I was alone.
I could pretend that this was a doorway
That was a cave
That stored a secret world to the elves.
but in reality – I was cold. And scared.
And had weird food.
I was forigen. But I didn’t know what that was then.
I was just alive. And people didn’t like me.
And the ones that liked me.
Often stopped.
changed their minds.
By the ones that didn’t.
It may not seem traumatic,
Or even worthy of complaint.
But it haunts me,
Today. And yesterday. And the day before that.
Im always afraid that you will leave me alone
That you will change your mind.
And that I will once again,
Have to find a doorway to sit inside.
May 2014 · 370
A daily reminder
Daisy Chain May 2014
You will die one day,
its true.
It's not a lie.
But that doesn't matter,
because you have to get your car registered
and fold the washing.
May 2014 · 346
poetry is dead
Daisy Chain May 2014
Poetry died for me, the moment I read it out-loud
The moment someone told me it was pretty,
or well-written and eloquently round.
Poetry died for me
the moment I thought ‘I’m special’,
When I my expression turned into
Which turned into a chore.
I need to write more.
I need to write more so I can learn how to ‘better express myself.’

There is      No.         Such.        Thing.

Even ****** poems express something.
The desire to be loved.
The desire to be admired.
The desire to be accepted and connected for those more linguistically tired.
The fear of being average.
The fear of being plain.
The fear of being an unskilled cliché baring internet pseudo-name.
The loss of inspiration.
The loss of the golden hand.
The loss of the connection with the imaginary friend.
The forced similes and metaphors that explain something so mundane
Only reveal, that we want to say something but we are scared.
That no one will listen – unless you can impress…
and  make them feel the same.
May 2014 · 745
Daisy Chain May 2014
I can't fight your pessimism.
I can't make you see
What I see
the horror, the chance
of catastrophe.

I simply cannot seal
the lips of the fountain's mouth
Honesty overflows
desperate to carry out
its reality.

You need to see
that whatever you believe
is what is going to be.

Often placing your gentle hand
on the hot-winter coal
it consistency burns
for at least this you can control.

The power of perception
brings the fire of deception
Telling you that there is no chance
of love
There is no such thing
as joy.
For it is but only a game.

You listen to your fears,
despite it's drool
despite it's lies
you are the fool.

You listen to that which
will inevitably cry.
I am a lie
I am your mind.
Apr 2014 · 331
Like stupid does.
Daisy Chain Apr 2014
I love you like stupid does
Throwing my arms up
and declaring
an overwhelming defeat.
I love you like a child does
an adoration that knows
no bounds
giving an unwarranted amount
of everything.
I love you like an old man
loves the sun
gratefully soaking up
ever last moment
of warmth before he too
is done.
I love you like a tree
that roots itself
and continues to grow
I love you.
I just do.
Like stupid does.
Mar 2014 · 305
Life as I know it
Daisy Chain Mar 2014
I’m alive
I breathe
I think
I feel
I want
I fear
I change
I ignore
I lie
          I long for
                                     I leap
I cry
             I soar
I cry
I fall

I cry
I pout
I harden
I cross
         I surrender
I sit
I listen
I wait
I realise
I transform
I desire
I love
I admire
I breathe
I live
Mar 2014 · 334
Daisy Chain Mar 2014
The sheets that smell of your face
That once told me
That I was beautiful
I lay often blinking
Away the tears
That well from your silent love
The way your nose touches my cheek
When you press against me
In the night
Tells me all the things that I want to hear out loud
I want you to scream them
I want you to feel them so burningly that the fire
On your teeth turns sweet
Its because I don’t understand love
I don’t really know what it is, so I keep looking
But I’m looking in the wrong places
I know where to look
but its scary there
Because it’s inside of me

And inside of me its dark
So dark in fact that even dark doesn’t exist
No light ever touched me
No sound has ever caressed me
No breeze has ever whispered upon anything but my skin
because inside me, there is a nothing.
And I say a nothing on purpose
Because there is an essence that cannot be defined
It cannot be touched or explained
Or even described
but its there, and it sits forever
It listens to the rain of emotions and thoughts
That batter against the windows of my eyes
It sits so deliciously still
So still that when I taste it
A fountain of gentle love flushes my spine
So that I feel far too pleasant
To be able to love you
Because If I loved you that much
If I covered you in all the nothing that
Rests attentively inside of me
I wouldn’t even have my nothing left.
It would just be you
Only you
And I would be your skin
holding you together
While giving you all the sensitivity
Of every nerve in the universe.
Dec 2013 · 509
land of dew
Daisy Chain Dec 2013
Often in the land of dew,
I waltz around and look for you.
You absence persists as days flow
Following things you ought to know.

In this place of light and soft,
I caress the growing grass and moss,
reminding me of our days past,
the tender whims of pats and laughs.

I now hum the tune of your will
I know that must hear me still.
Whichever place you think you roam,
all paths lead to our small home.

If life has taught me anything true,
patience would never search for you.

Often In this land of dew,
I waltz around and look for you.
I do not wait nor endure,
my stillness remains blue and pure.

I smile without cease for your return,
Whether you do or not is not of my concern.
Dec 2013 · 725
Daisy Chain Dec 2013
I only half do things,
Like washing a ***
With smears left at the sides.
So long as it doesn’t make me sick
Or take up space
In the kitchen or my mind,
Its good enough. Its clean enough.
I only write things
With a fraction of my heart
Sprinkled on a whole lot of obligation
Exasperated, reluctant movements
That scrape lethargically into words.
I love feeling the apathy fade
Into an apathy that’s deeper still
When I don’t care that I don’t care
And I can simply sit
And wonder, if one day I will.
Nov 2013 · 669
Daisy Chain Nov 2013
Changle changle, Chain chain.
Jingle like that loose brain
The sounds of coins, full and dense
Tasting all that decadence.
Inertly, following I not must
allow that gentle heart to rust
The hole, may not of course be true
but it's reality brings
terrible news.
If this book, which it is just that,
is not fiction, but after all, a fact
That is the worst, yes, indeed
For we are all bound by our greed
We must obey, the words, the facts
Those undoubtable, untouchable
unseeable artefacts.
Yes, hell for you. And you. And you.
Heaven for me and those who agree
That some-man-in-the-sky-decided-that-he-wanted-us-to-be
Nov 2013 · 679
The crazy room
Daisy Chain Nov 2013
Jump into that shattering window
Jump into that dark void
selectively pull out the finger nail
that remains stuck at the base of your spine
Pull the hair off the old troll doll
Until her eyes seem far to large, far to bright
The colours of the room allowed to merge
who gives a ****, its still full of light.
Beat the box against the wall,
watch it curve, the contrarious fall.
With you fingers, follow the lines
up the side and back of the spine
Then strip the pages, open and bare
Inhale the worlds lingering in there.
When the madness thickens the air
Laugh, cry, sing and die.
Don’t stop to wonder why.
Your palms are enough
Your own two hands can bare
To create whatever breathes in there.
Nov 2013 · 609
The smoke train
Daisy Chain Nov 2013
Stepping on a sound puddle
Beaten by the wall of mute dark
shooed and cooed by the voices in the sky
The smacking of gentle lips before they sigh
The sound of your life
The doors begin slamming one by one
As you run down the corridor, run
Hands clapging in a dooming chime
the laughter washing through your hair
Start to dance.
Lift your fingers and strum.
Strum like you’ve never strummed.
The beat grows beneath your feet
Flowers spreading into a senseless street
Boom Boom.
The voice. The base.
Your lungs filled with heavy sugar
dark sugar.
Caramelizing as you dance.
Move. Move.
Until that skirt lifts, until those toes hurt.
A carriage of snapping fingers
Delivering beat, that once belonged
To the silence.
Oct 2013 · 746
I am my slave.
Daisy Chain Oct 2013
I am a slave.
A slave to the ideas that I’ve called my own.
I’m a slave to the qualities I call home.
I am a slave to my beauty, a slave to my mind.
I am following the tail of the ignorantly blind.
I pretend to have a purpose.
A thin skin on the surface of the deep.
Beneath only hollow blackness
– the bottomless ocean, the reasonless street
I think I know more now than I did as a kid.
Truthfully though,
I bow down to the uneducated.
Sep 2013 · 800
No frills.
Daisy Chain Sep 2013
It can't be real. Life. Love. Whatever. It turns its head with the slightest change in breath.
Makes it all seem irrelevant. Or relevant. Or both.
The specifics alter the hue.
The weather sets the tone.
The tears trickle down and out of the mess that made them.
I love him. No I don't. Yes. No. Maybe?
Doesn't exist.
Is it solitude I fear?
What fills my heart, empties my eyes.
What fills my mind jingles like loose change.
Using it when the small thing catches my attention.
What can I extract from this? How much juice can I drain from this blossomed thought?
This sparkly idea.
Colourful nothing.
Love never hurts. Not being allowed to love is agony.
Not being able to express it - torture.
Head first dives - cold water fills the nose and eyes.
I'm wrong. Most of the time.
Well, I'm not right. I lie mainly to myself.
And you sometimes. When reality jabs my side.
What's best for me? Who cares.
I have to go make dinner and read an article on happiness.
Aug 2013 · 595
Daisy Chain Aug 2013
Its a longing for the ******,
the stretched out barren hand
nails gnawed to their tender ends
come to me, in full decadence.

I have nothing.

No promises, no words, no rings, no deals.
No " if you loved me's", " I miss you's" and
" You make me feel's"

A smile

A breath

A desperate caress.

I cannot be hurt.
because I no longer exist.
Jul 2013 · 488
Daisy Chain Jul 2013
Sorry had I been
In those days of few
Wishing tears away
Frosted and overdue

For in those lines of sorrow
marked the path of mind
the timed now well borrowed
no kisses left to chime

The spaces between our fingers
remained on and on
no longer intermingled
the breath no sweet song

Unfolding and collapsing
beneath the home of scent
lays the truth, well buried
blooming with unrest

Come our next spring
The fruit will bare its tale
The once ripened memory,
now lays cold and frail.
Jun 2013 · 718
Daisy Chain Jun 2013
At first it falls
swishing between
the silhouette
tiny little smile
for a whispered while.
in her sweetest
tiny hands
strong and meek
laid but
a lovers chest
effortlessly, eternally
out of breath.
Jun 2013 · 888
Daisy Chain Jun 2013
The lips that seal,
seep no dirt.
The eyes that shut,
see no hurt.
The ears turned out,
hear no lies.
The hands laced back,
feel no flies.
The nose turned up,
smells no muck.
The fingers crossed,
avoid back luck.
The mind kept mute,
sleeps in bed.
What is left,
might as well be dead.
Jun 2013 · 431
Like water
Daisy Chain Jun 2013
I couldn't possibly. I wouldn't dare.
Thoughts that caress and meander in there.
Move me, press me, make me feel alive.
Scratch me, turn me, inhale my inside.
I want to merge, so I can let go.
You want to surge, to feel that flow.
I know.

I want it all, I want all the dark you have.
Cracking all the edges, lets go in the cave.
No one will ever know, they have them too.
The moments come up, then down.
Fire burning between the two.
Light me, scorch me, breathe in my flame
I want to burn, brightness without pain.
You hold us back, to feel that glow.
I know.

I know you now,
I know you.
I am making space inside you.
I feel you now.
I feel you.
And just for now...I am you.
Jun 2013 · 494
If only.
Daisy Chain Jun 2013
Lets all for a moment take a deep breath.

Lets follow this with the desire to understand
the admired
the ******

If you're still with me, we may have a chance
our fingers

With these new found free hands, lets hold
our own
and walk on.
Daisy Chain Jun 2013
Tree leaves shake, dancing for my eyes.
Many trees have come
before and will come
the most beautiful leaves have fallen
from the one in my kitchen window.

All the winters that have been and gone
taint nothing about
this particular
as it blows across the skylight
of my tiny, windowless room.

So why do I pine inside
to be special within
to be the only light
shining upon
your eyes
as they happen to focus on my body
tracing my face in the lamp's shade.

Like the winters, I have come
blowing across your dimmed sun
not the first
may not even be
the last
but I am here, now. With you.
in this room with too many small cupboards
and the smell of a growing familiarity.
May 2013 · 811
Daisy Chain May 2013
The turning of the sleeve
up and over my wirsts
straightening the collar
moistening my lips

the curl of the smile
punctuated with a grin
the twinkled iris giggles
a **** kind of sin

I watch you perform
humour, charm and ease
the need to be believed
a backward kind of please

I let it wash on over
my ears like a hum
soft and forgettable
like a slowly rusted fun

You may start to taste it
that ever daungting flavour
I may have been your lover
but i am my own saviour.
May 2013 · 648
Face it
Daisy Chain May 2013
fallen, i have crawled in
the rounded purple bay
stallin', crestfallen
your fingers so far away.
from my hair,
my cheeks,
the tears that tickle my lips.
defeated, twenty feet in
the cave that holds my drum.
beaten, wholly unsweetened
honesty dolled up
rolled up
covered in a velvet scroll
sinful, cinnamon smell
of the smoke
that fills both of our lungs.
Apr 2013 · 477
The Empty Well.
Daisy Chain Apr 2013
Please carry this water for me
It's much too heavy beneath my eyes
It sloshes at my walls incessantly
drowning in and out of sighs.

You flowed your river into my well
until I could see the sun,
but the draught from 2 Septembers
has but dried me into a cold drum.

Stones now line my hollow-pit
covered in engraved words from you.
The cracked imprints from distant days
that I painfully run my fingers through.

I now climb one word a day
through fleeting truths and lies
But till my fingers crest the edge
It is nothing but dark skies.
Apr 2013 · 705
Intentional mistakes
Daisy Chain Apr 2013
Misplace that!
go on
don't twinge
at the sudden change
in tact.

Confuse me!
let it
pass right through
and fall between
the crack.

Initiate my cries!
forget it
sometimes it can
start to die
from the inside.

Call out.
seemingly small
whisper of
can save us all.
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
Daisy Chain Apr 2013
Sinking through
Apple stew
Sticky, smells
of sweet ground dew

In twice, once now
and once again
Beneath my jersey
bra and skin

Burning softly,
like a tepid sun
A downcast look
street tears now run

Sadness cures madness
now wrapped in eyes
the looking glass facing in
finger taps and sighs.
Mar 2013 · 984
The invisible love
Daisy Chain Mar 2013
The mountain-tops may have been silent,
yes they dragged on and on in winds.
But the words softly spoken with your eyes
transcended all the ones from lips.

Never a spilt drop of acid spoken
not a single name from a darkened room,
the room full of the bled and broken
threads of fears laid out strewn.

For I was not your princess,
nor queen, mistress nor maid,
a gentle wife meets seductress
in your eyes I had been made.

Your friend on days when thoughts come running
already waiting with arms aloft
but the red line beneath your words of anger
catching pieces you'd rather dropped.

Stranded on your bottled ship
occasionally you would let me in.
Greedily I would breath and bathe
In the words resounding from your skin.

Fingers curled round my solitude
pulled me out, firm and sweet.
Whipped a million tears from my foggy eyes
tied laces on my lost, trembly feet.

Together we faced the sun
its chest risen with fresh chance.
but as we walked to'rd the horizon
we had forgotten to hold hands.

Our footsteps washed by quiet rains
the internal battles of the core.
My heart will, nevertheless, remain with you
faintly on your misty shower door.
Feb 2013 · 569
Watcher from within
Daisy Chain Feb 2013
it forever stills within the quill
the quill that never inks what will
making sense only confuses
for those who aren't looking for the thrill

my words wont shine within your light
your light is made of a delicate fight
once broken the words unspoken
will fill your blood with explosive delight

carry me now to your place, your home
I wont listen to your metronome
forgetting the tea filled with nicety
and lets dance until we are overthrown

in all your life, that bubbles in you now
age moving eyebrows into a frown
hold the tiny hand that stumbled onto this land
and walk yourself back into the unbound
Feb 2013 · 617
Daisy Chain Feb 2013
She glows red inside.
Until the mountain's roar begins.
The trees tremble beneath her sighs,
knowing the tide will soon rise
within her belly.

The core of all ideas of sin
subsisting only by whats within;
yet the cralwers and the stompers
the choppers and the bleeeders
the wanters the criers
the screamers and the needers
have the plastic vision
they make the skilless incision
into our lives
with old blunt knives.

Shes going to blow eventually
theres no stopping whats beneath
it will all melt suddenly.

It rumbles and it stores
waiting no more
no more
let it outpour

Feb 2013 · 618
Daisy Chain Feb 2013
Shining bright, you distract you from yourself.
Falling in line. Keeping in time.
That's just fine, nothing wrong with being entertained.

But keep in mind, if you seek in the wrong place, you won't find.
Or be found. Put your ear on the ground
listen to what I've been telling you all along.

You're so close, as close at it gets.
But your looking towards the abyss.
Its okay, we just don't know
that the way you can see is beyond what your eyes show.

Put your hand on your chest, feel it rise and fall.
That beating of the mortal drum. The life flow.
I am the universe, I am the cosmos and also a seed.
When it blooms, it reveals a beautiful catastrophe.

Explore, expand, ingest all of life.
Then would I need to tell you to be nice?
If you were the oceans and you were my eyes
Would I need to preach for you not to make them cry?

If you want to be a somebody, nothing wrong with that.
But you will have to accept the boundaries of contact.
But if you don't draw that line, if you come to be.
All that is in you is in me.
Become a no-body.

So you can draw those lines if you wish,
but your experience of life will only be a glimpse,
through moments of detachment
you might peek at true bliss.

Freedom is in the limitless.
Feb 2013 · 638
I approve of you.
Daisy Chain Feb 2013


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