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Daan Apr 2014
Arms resting on carrara, leaning
in to make you feel like it should
appreciated, and if I just could
tell you but my expressions lose meaning

when I speak instead of show, low
heartbeat, fast, surrounded by
the veil of whiteness, pretty, oh my,
this must be, with covering snow.

She does not respond to this
silent weight on the shoulders
weighing more than massive boulders
she doesn't know how much I miss

her grasps and hesitated touch
they're like a failing, neverending clutch
I went to Italy and it was a journey to my center and to culture. I loved every bit of it!
Daan Jan 2016
It's hard to get rid of your taste.
My heart is pounding, I feel warm inside
but my skin is cold and blood is waste.
You make my pupils wide.
I need a second on the side.
Daan Jan 2017
Anticipatory sensations
ahead of preparations,
all I wanted was to feel secure.

It didn't matter with who
back then it had to be now.
It's one thing I will not redo.

I'm clean,
I hope you're too.
It was not my intention to be mean
and now I have my cure.

All I wanted was to feel secure.
I'm sorry if my learning process was a waste of time for you.
Too much too soon made me a doubtful perfectionistic maniac.
The cruelty, driven by delusion, never to be restored.
I had to learn it first hand
to get the message through,
to understand.
Daan Jul 2019
Heb je hen gezien en wat
ze kunnen? Ze zijn terecht
beroemd en doen me lachen, echt
hetgeen, onbenoemd, dat
me doet schuddebuiken
van tevree.

Wat was het dan, kan je ontluiken,
waarom heb je dat idee?

Ze zijn in kannen en kruiken
sinds ze seksten op teevee.
Absurd zo, **** op t.v.

Ik vond het vroeger altijd heel belachelijk als dichters teevee schreven
in de plaats van televisie of t.v.
Nu snap ik het, denk ik.
Daan Jan 2022
Thank you, me, for breathing,
walking, thinking before speaking,
waiting, sword-sheathing, slow
and patient answer seeking.

I forgive you, me, for mistakes,
sloppy detailing, sometimes
derailing, losing sight, crimes
in fog and misty takes.

You tried and keep trying.
You'll fail and keep failing.
You learned and learned and
attempted to say no to what returned.

I respect your features and your bugs.
From now on, me, we'll celebrate with daily hugs.
Practice thanxiety
Daan May 2014
On the edge of giving up,
rekindled, almost certain.
Grab a blanket, fill a cup,
put it on and close the curtain.

The marathon has started.
Daan Nov 2019
We're all sharing struggles,
scraping cheeto's, buggles, lay's
in ways we hadn't, could not have

It trickles, slowly, on my self-esteem, down,
tricking me, and what I seem, a clown
and diminishes the part
where it all finishes
to nothing but the start
of yet another change of heart
that no one ordered and disordered
the comfortable state
we hate but love
and cannot stop dreaming of
when it is gone.
So we can share our positive times with less positive time for others
hoping they'll return the favor
until the end of time.
Daan Mar 2015
I've been folding rough
and unwilling paper,
trying to make it beautiful,
a figurine for above my fireplace,
one for all to be seen.

I've been colouring its skin
turning it into a trophy
I would want to win.
And put on my cupboard
next to glasses I've assembled.

But water made my trophy fall apart
and fire burnt it straight through the heart.
Don't shape others
when you are not in shape yourself.
Daan May 2014
She passed the second post it, using
a doctor to mark the pages of the confusing
book that touched me. And look,

she knows what's coming. I seem
sick, but in a good way, like a dream,
not like the people in the book.

She followed my directions, now
I play a waiting game, for thou.
She reads and reads, but doesn't cry.
Everyone has, so I don't know why.

I promise I'll try to help you feel,
but there is no try, there's only do.
I wish to be the one that turns it real,
I wish just once to make her say ooh.
Daan May 2014
I feel her grip fading, slowly is
she leaving, hopping off the ice.
She says it didn't go very well,
but I couldn't say.
because she was so pretty,
because she was so talented,
because she looked divine.
It hurts to think about it,
to accept she'll never be mine.

Time will pass and she'll forget,
we'll drift apart like we never met,
to me it's more than sight,
I have dared to love her with all my might
and cried because it didn't work.

I don't know what to change this time,
choice, my appearance, my act,
my voice, my talks, my jokes or walks.
What did I do wrong, this time.
She's gone
Daan Jan 2017
Reeds de derde achter de rug
nog een vierde, doe maar vlug.
Alsof de tijd is opgeschoven,
en wederkeerde naar dezelfde momenten.

Waarom blijft een dier zich inprenten
als een beest, zuiders wild,
zelfs al heeft het nooit gemogen,
zelfs al is het nooit gewild,
radeloos maar opgetogen.

Doelen worden pas plezier
als ze bereikt worden.
Nadat we enkele maanden
heen en weer porden
en ons verliefd of verlangend waanden
keerden we terug naar de eigenlijke staat.

Elk van ons is en blijft niets meer,
keert weder, elke keer,
naar een staat in de natuur,
met meerdere deuren op een kier,
noem het zielig, noem het zuur,
we blijven niets meer dan een dier.
Zelfkennis is het begin
en er komt geen einde aan.
Dus wees eerlijk,
geliefd en verlangd.
spatio brevi spem longam reseces
Daan May 2020
I question my behaving,
raise my brow
at my own caving
to the flaws I need to outgrow.

In my genes I carry sickness,
in my skull there is a thickness,
blocking the lowering of a rotten tendency,
my *** and skin dependency.

I have lots to learn,
lots to concern
on my path to being better.

I'll keep doing what I can.

That being said, this time we mourn
for the loss of life,
a loss, unnecessary,
making many weary.

I, inclined to keep it shut, found that
unjust, in ways like the killing that occurred.
The worries of the world, as (well as) its economy,
came crashing down on me,
when I read online about wars, riots, disease and
infectious poverty.

I close my eyes, imagine hunger,
imagine pain, imagine gain,
imagine loss or it impending,
as my nerve endings are sending
signals to above, to rain down on and sifle
through my spine.

The frisson is not the kind that makes my senses cheer,
I know, as I ask myself:
Where do we go from here?
If I was religious, this would be
about the time that I'd start praying.
Daan Nov 2013
Extroverted goes great with introverted.
Supposed to be extrovert in search of
beautiful, yet honourable girl, to pay
attention to. Even though I don't have

courage or a great body, I'll try to win
her over. It's showering with closed eyes,
searching for the faucet, hoping to pick
the right side, or maybe left. Waiting

for the water to drip on my soft, not
hairless skin. Will it be too hot, too cold
or just perfect? Then there's still shampoo
to worry about, better smell the bottle first.

Suddenly the water comes out, first dripping,
cold, then flowing, warm. Too much tension for me.
Daan Feb 2017
Starlight makes sense,
cleaning up the lense,
gathering pens and revelations,
gaining healthy expectations.

Escape, with music, escape
out into the wild, the outdoors,
festivals and party floors,
take leaps, put tape
on your tent to fix it
or buy a new one.

I want to go
wherever our minds take us
wherever your mind may take me,
hold you, don't forsake me
now for my mistakes,
gather all our feelings
at lakes, in letters, in notebooks,
far from crooks, fantastic beasts, looks and hooks.

It took you to save me
not me to save her,
and explore with me these fields
explore what our connection yields,
read me, my words, read me, my birds
are free to fly to thee
I am what you want me to be.
What's it all about?
making sense of all ambiguous,
loving vigorously and growing up.
Daan Dec 2013
This is my little sidestory, besides
I am a ******, a *****, one who
thinks he will be loved but rides
a train of lies. What can he do

but be himself, knowing he'll never
make top shelf, half of his days
he spends thinking of different ways
to change, to go on with enough pride.

Quit while I'm ahead, stop with all
my confidence and walk away, so clever,
without shame. Things never fall
so hard off the bottom shelf. He died

yesterday, made place for a better man,
the main story is more than just a plan.
I don't know what would happen if people knew who I really was.
Some people do, they're important, I want more people to be that important.
But I am ashamed
Daan Mar 2013
How I am embraced, mesmerized by simple beauty,
taking away everything that separates them from us,
and still,
noticing the differences.
Daan Jan 2014
The first meeting of eyes made me see
how cute a particular being can be.
I glanced at her glancing, stared at
her staring, kissed her cheek and saw

every single peek. Soon I knew what
was going on, it was impossible love
in its prettiest form. Not forbidden by law,
but frowned upon and disabled by social norm.

There were other girls, but not quite as
cute, like she was a snake and I played
the flute, but she loved her basket, straight
from the heart and I was just a new part

of a different puzzle, for a different day.
I wanted to love you, if only I may.
I've grown up and stopped behaving like that, thankfully (2019 edit)
Daan Jun 2019
Your wikipedia page is as boring
as you playing mage and adoring
the exploring of maps and falling for traps
without fighting the wight
in the dungeon at night.
Your life is climbing a hill
with no path in sight, no
one who will respond to you begging to bond
so you're rubbing your wand
while I'm clubbing with your blonde
b*tch, which I ditch, leave behind, beyond
cheeky I grind before the eyes you crave
as you drop to your demise from the eye sore,
pink in the stink, so vile, I smile
because you didn't make a save file.
Ouchie, owie, yikes, the skyrim rap = bars.

extra, didn't make the cut:

Don't rush your fingers to your eye
when you die in a game, don't claim
you didn't, cause I saw the digits disappear,
going near your rear and clearly you came,
lacking class, from the tension in your *ss.
Daan Jun 2020
Ik ben geen sprinter, toch
loop ik vooruit op de zaak.
Ik ben geen loper, noch
horde, wel dat ik sprongen maak.

Want toen ik zag dat de been-
houwer de koe kouwer scheen
te leggen dan het kalf mocht,
zag ik dat ik in de verkeerde vriezer zocht.

Mijn kipkap is tiptop en mijn kapblok
krijgt het rap met de hak op stok.
Als ik wist waarom, keek ik niet achterom,
noch vooruit want dat is allemaal dom.

Ik kijk nu naar mijn voeten en daarna naar de lucht.
Het is hoog tijd dat ik van die laagte wegvlucht.
Ik zoek het hogerop.
Daan Feb 2023
Wat zegt het over mij
dat ik voor jou niet kan beslissen?
Misschien schort het aan wij
en moeten we ons wissen.

Laat toch vallen, dagelijks,
drie woorden
vervuld van romantiek.
Avondlijks, mistig, dof,
zie eens *** ik in de zetel plof.
Morgen werken, 'k ben toch niet ziek?

Soms drijven, soms scheuren,
klaarblijkelijk het gevolg van
afwisselend kijven en dan zeuren,
of van *** het huishouden huishouden kan.

Zeg schat, een nieuwe auto, bouw of kind,
stemt dat jou ook terug goedgezind?
Ik mag hier ook niks in huis.
Daan Feb 2015
I crave your presence
as if it was the only thing
keeping me alive.

Keep me alive and well
I need you to survive, your smell
and lovely presence
is my food and shelter.

I crave you as my morning bed
I love the way you said
good night, I love the way
you sleep so close
just one door to the right.

I adore you as if I were winnie
and you were my jar. The honey
would be flowing, leaving, but
you would never be far.
Daan Mar 2020
She's pretty and she's sitting
right in front of me across
the table. We are hitting
it off and in my head I hear applause
after every joke, every line
and when she laughs
her eyes just shine.
It's unbelievable how lucky
I am with my goofs and gaffs
to land a girl as great as her.

I stir my expensive cocktail with the straw.
Her body is probably against the law.
Her words change me to putty goo.
I know what it is that I should do.
I know what I should say: 'I'll pay.'
"Oh no, you shouldn't."
'But, yes, I will, we'll call it
even when you pay on our next date.'
I reach for love and for the check and what the heck,
the waiter's here, it's all too late,
I can't find my wallet.
Daan Dec 2014
How can I go slow when I
am sure that it is you.
How can society ask me to
keep it casual when I'm
sure I want to get close.

I know you're right, I have to lower pace
love is not a race, love is not about being fast.
It's a marathon of perfection.
I get the feeling, attraction
never liked me back.
Daan Sep 2013
Is he savouring the words,
enjoying every bit?
Is he annoyed and does
he hate reading?

Nobody knows,
but the books he tries
to read are out of his league.
Daan Apr 2014
Cookies in the oven, grass mowed, petrol, permanent markers
her hair.

Flowers, lavender and roses, wet dogs, even the barkers,
her hair.

Dinner ready, bacon barbecue, onions sizzling, fresh soup
her hair.

My sweat, my tears,
her hair, my fears,
morning dew, honey,
misty sunrise
I started sniffing her, she smells like watermelons,
freshly baked, with meatsauce.
And just a pinchy hint of basil.
Daan Jun 2019
Het botert niet, vet, onaardig
tegen planten, kan niet horen,
luisteren naar carnivoren
in ivoren torens.

Kijk naar mij, ik ben gras
en bloemenlezend, broedt
het eitje uit in plaats van klutsen,
ben een ras apart, goed,
vaardig in de keuken, blutsen
berustende de lusten van de gutsende

Het schimmelt in alle lagen,
ik drink ijs thee van lipton,
zonder de oren van je kop te zagen.
staan haaks op elkaar
Daan Feb 2017
Arrogance, high-pitched laughter,
hiding behind some old fashioned
movie smile knowing you're a fraud
yet pausing and waiting for people to applaud.

Manipulatively working your pawns
for comfort, for egoistic measures,
abusively, but too easy to stop.
You're an actor, live performer,
liar and a former sizzling fire.

It's tempting and intriguing, it's deceit,
how you mistreat your minions,
unethical and wrong and you are aware
your mind's wellfare is based on other's opinions.
It's pathetic, really.
Watch out for unhealthy progressions
Daan Feb 2014
Imagine yourself working hard, working
as if you were feeding your family of ten
How would you react the moment when
you're done, the reward, wine for uncorking

but the next day it's gone, everything is gone
you had a chance, were happy for all you
accomplished and it's gone. The worst drawn
feeling, known for and by, and there's nothing to

do, to try and change, but you don't try, because
why bother, it has left your life most likely lifelike like
facts, facts on the other side of a rushhouring road.
Loading, loading, new ideas in progress, a huge load

of chances coming up, but you're not even slightly interested
When the one important thing is gone, the rest falls along.
I wrote it too quickly, it can't be artistically perfect, but hey, you catch my drift
Daan May 2023
Er gebeurt zo veel zo snel.
Iconen vecht en sterven wel
of betuigen wat ze speten.
Morgen zijn we het vergeten.

Overmorgen volgt de aarde.

Ik weet nog *** je maarde
toen ik vroeg de fiets te nemen,
*** je tegen eigen waarde
liever geld dan de planeet bespaarde.

Volgende week maakt het niet meer uit.
We zitten min of meer in dezelfde schuit.

Als de golven hoger komen
dan grafiekjes op een scherm
en vierentwintig auto's op dezelfde berm
dan vraag ik me gezapig af
of je nu echt zo veel
om die excel met foutjes gaf.
- Mooi loon + uitbranders voor niks erbij.
- Auto op de zaak
- Recycleernare laptop
Daan Jun 2019
Je moet me en ik mag je,
je humort en ik lachje,
je lieft en ik bezorg,
je dieft en ik de borg.

Je geeft en ik vergeef je,
je mag me en ik moet je,
kan niet zonder, leef je
voor altijd met me mee?
Wanneer je morgen
ergens anders
wakker wordt.
Daan Nov 2019
The answer may be to stop searching,
or to continue until it all feels right.
It may be to adjust so the bad feels good
and dark and heavy returns light.

There may not be one at all.
It may be to study how happy people fall
and copy what they do
but, again, tweaked to fit to you.

It may be this
or the next.
It sure as hell is not embroidered
on this depressing ******* text.
Is this optimism?
Daan Mar 2013
When the sky is blue, not a single cloud to spot
you have to look carefully, patiently and attentive
Just a second of losing your grip and another star
has fallen behind your back. waiting is the key.

Important producers of light making life slightly
better. A night with stars is more beautiful than
anything I can imagine. Bright gleams, waves
of smooth warmth from the outside within.

A star just made a move, not sure though, but
I desperately need some falling stars. Stars
falling, raining down on me, I desperately need.
So every small move is an important one for me.

They will never give up their spot, just for others
Never when I'm looking, I'm going to bed.
Daan Jun 2013
Out there, you are somewhere
and some day I will meet you.
When that moment will be there
the garden that is my life will
grow full of pretty flowers and
the glass that is my life will
start being filled with liquids
of emotions.

For now I'm just an empty room where
once there stood a chair and once there
was a cat. I've tried filling up that room
so many times, carelessly. Emptying it
afterwards with former regrets that are
still fading away. I've learned a lot, regretting.

I am sure to meet you, maybe soon.
But I regret to inform you that untill
then I must try to fill up that room, for maybe
I will meet you without knowing.

I am an empty bed,
come lie with me
and fulfill my destiny.
Daan Mar 2013
He died today
years ago
I think I would
not have liked him

Just my own sense
of jealousy, wanting
some of his talent

People of his time
Are not just people
They shaped this world

just like they used to
shape fragile statues
of marble, letters of
simplicity, filled with so
much significance
Daan Jun 2014
Next time all will go as planned,
I'm looking for a brownhaired freckled mess
and I'm sure as hell not settling for any less,
at first she is a plane unmanned,
but when I have come along
she'll turn into the perfect chaos of a song.

I'll learn the tabs and learn to sing
We'll sit together, the season after spring,
just sit and lean and watch a scene,
as love is growing on and off the screen.
She loves me for my actions and my jokes
doesn't care for buff and bluffing blokes.

One who will be worth the effort
the one
who stays.

She starts, I start, we started something to make it last.
She will be my last.
If I reject you, I'm not worthy.
When something ends,
something starts.
After all I want someone who's more than just sum
of her parts.
Daan Mar 2013
A smile, eyes
meeting eachother
not for the first time

Expressing a feeling
Nobody even comes
close to describing

when only one of
both pairs is really
serious about it

just words, said
to be funny
making her laugh

not the right kind
of laughing, not the
kind I'm craving for

Now that's really
Daan Feb 2020
De waarde zit in het woord,
de titel, het zegt en hoort zo
of niet wat je zelf wilt.

Tegendraads, weer spannend,
m'n redelijkheid verbannend
naar een wereld van teniet.
Ben ik dan de enige die de waarheid ziet?

Je zelfwaarde is niet aan anderen om finaliter te bepalen.
Wat je wel mag doen, is er inspiratie halen.
Wie dat niet doet, kan met ver stoting betalen.
Ik drink mijn koffie ook niet uit heilige gralen.
Daan May 2019
De pijn is diep en goed
verspreid, niet zomaar
aan te duiden, onduidelijk,
iets wat je moeilijk onderscheidt.

Zoek voor haar momenten om
nieuwe uren in te luiden.
Laat van tijd een luchtje scheppen,
paarse bloemen, bomen bruin
en uitgestrekte velden links,
rechts, een kinderspeeltuin.

Wanneer we de tijd weer nemen
om te kijken, zien we meer
dan wanneer
we haar aan het raam laten
Geef de kans om haar tuintje om te spitten.
In en uit balans krijgt het groeien
terug een kans en zie die paarse bloemen, in goed licht,
die zich maar al te graag weer komen moeien
met het veld van je gezicht.
Maria vond de paasbloemen mooi. Of zijn het nou sint jeuris bloemen?
Soms graven, soms springt het in het oog.
Daan Mar 2014
My feelings are neglected, my love
was never appreciated. The care I took
did not fulfill her demands and secretly
my friends are laughing, I just know.

And there's nothing I can do to make you see
nothing to connect you with the real me.
I'll tell you what I want to say
not what you hope on hearing.

I danced with you but you forgot,
my time with you, unknowingly comforted
but my actions were betimes aborted
because you seemed a little occupied a lot.

But there was nothing I could do to make you see
nothing to connect you with the real me.
I'm telling you what I want to say
not what you're hoping on hearing.

Now accept my offer and release your yet
inner intellect, equally protect and let
me increase the amount of question marks
with complete obliviousness, it all embarks.

There was nothing I could have done to make you see
nothing to connect you with the real me.
I have told you what I wanted to say
not what you hoped on hearing.
I did not want to ruin the book by writing the note inside it
So I put a piece of paper in it to tell you
It always was and always will be you.

(2020 edit: god oh god, the cringe is real.)
Daan Feb 2019
I ramble to myself to people
I don’t know. A lot of I’s without their dots,
a lot of kids without their shots.

Do you have your passport?
Do you want to come with me,
Rob yourself of dignity.
There’s a room for all of you,
I know I will enjoy.

I starred in a show or two,
if anybody aks you who I am,
stand up tall, look them in the face and say,
I’m on hulu and on netflix too.
He’s the world’s greatest.
Obviously he’s not the world’s greatest.
Daan Jun 2014
action after action,
organs slowly die.
I could just give you

a cure,
but you would not be satisfied
any more.
Let's talk, let's ensure the end is not that near,
it is though,
but it would only worsen in a state of fear.
Oblivious as always.
Daan Jun 2014
Different direction, apart from the mass,
it's just a cold, patient, let it pass.
But let me check, one last time, I'll
see if it is certain.

I've grown a beard while

he was searching, read a book and wrote
a song. It won't be long, is what he said,
is what he said,
pass me the remote.

I have laid my eyes on you, countlessly,
but this will be my last,
a burden for a future past.
If this doctor says it's nothing,
go see a real doctor.
Daan Dec 2014
Almost winter and I still
don't have a backup plan.
Yet, there is time left to spill.

Even when there is no chance you can
or on the other hand,
when you know you can't.

It's nice to have something just in case
somewhere to escape to
some kind of a fireplace
far away from risks.
I don't need you now,
but how long will that last.
Daan Aug 2014
You crave telling what you did
because you craved doing one thing
wrong. Keeping it locked and off the grid.
Your voice is silent, your face does sing,
it shows to those who know you
that you know who
is hurt.
I too
expose the meanings of a flirt.

I am surrounded by listeners,
but fearing the response,
surrounded by a massive crowd
minus the ones who are allowed
to hear whatever happened to you,
my dear.
Daan Jul 2019
Astrologie en religie, goddelijke vaten
der, die, das hand en tand, die bijstaan
wanneer den mens niet plaatsen kan, die maan
en das zon niet zien meer kan,
de bomen niet meer wiegen en
je ervan houdt dat ze je voor je ogen ogenschijnlijk bedriegen.

Wat jullie doen is graven,
maakt het beeld niet beter,
kan je dorst niet laven,
raakt je voor geen extra meter.

Het is een grijpbaar en begrijpelijk
mechanisme om jezelf te beschermen
tegen de bedenking dat er rijkelijk
niets is om naar uit te kermen:
'Waarom ben ik hier?!!!'
Het is er niet, dus mag je doen wat je wil.
Ook geloven, ook ademhaling oefenen,
ook mij tegenspreken, zelfs al spreekt dat zelf tegen
wat ik net gezegd heb.

Mijn waarheid zegt dat er geen waarheid hoeft te zijn.
Kost en baat geanalyseerd in nuchtere staat, zie je
wat je hoort te doen.
Maar dat moet niet.
Daan Dec 2017
Ook ik verlies wel eens controle.
Mijn rust is dan aldaniet bewust ten dole,
mijn zelfbeeld ten dode
opgeschreven en mijn bedoeling zogezegd verheven.

Spelen wij dan allen soms,
misschien intentioneel, toneel?
Werken wij dan, elk van ons,
met tegenzin te over, veel te veel?

We doen het elke dag, bedenk ik,
we doen het unaniem,
met hier en daar een enkeling
die alles toch al heeft gezien.

Ik bedaar dan, geef mijn fouten toe,
besef dat ik nog veel moet leren over nagenoeg alles wat ik doe.
- 'k Wil me ook liefst nu al excuseren misschien ben ik morgen moe of geagiteerd. Onthoud dan dat ik vast pas weer wat heb geleerd. -

Statistiek opdracht 2
Daan Dec 2019
Werd er altijd al zoveel geklaagd,
mensen de grond in geboord, belaagd?
Jezus zei al, zij die zonder zonden is,
werpe de eerste steen. Ik hoorde in de mis
en op school, kijk niet naar splinter in het oog
van een ander want niet enkel ezels balken.
Misschien leggen ze de lat zichzelf te hoog
en willen ze echt alle slakken met zoutigheid stalken.
Is heksenjacht nog wettelijk?
Is de schandpaal niet al ettelijke malen
zelf aan de palen vastgeketend?
Natuurlijk, niemand is alwetend.
Het is een simpel fenomeen, snobisme,
Niemand heeft tijd om alles op te zoeken.
En tegenstrijdig goed en kwaad, binnen één persoon?
Dat bestaat niet, enkel in de koeken die je eet
achter je computer, zoals ik, terwijl ik zelf niet beter weet.
De mens is een vat vol tegenstrijdigheden
zoiets krijg je niet vermeden.

Wat is het toch gemakkelijk om iets te zien en meteen al jouw conclusies te trekken. Het is nog iets anders om een gegrond mening te hebben.
Op zich is dat geen probleem, het bespaart elke mens elke dag tijd. Mij ook.
Maar wanneer je online oproepen doet om mensen te lynchen
omdat je die beslissing ooit op 2 seconden hebt gemaakt, ben je verkeerd bezig.

Cancel cancelculture, #isoverpartyisoverparty #I'moverit #ikbenhetbeu

Bon, dat moest ik even kwijt.
Daan Aug 2021
Staat de micro uit?
Dan zal ik je eens vertellen,
in jouw zakje doen die duit
een gewezen oordeel vellen.

Ik vermoed dat enkele vrouwen,
waar ik nooit bij ben geweest,
alleen van foefjes houden
en niet poepen op een feest.

Er is er zelfs eentje bij,
die groter is dan ik,
voldoende reden voor mij
en dat ik er op mik.

Maar dat moet niemand we-
ten eerste ik was zat,
ten tweede ik meende dat maar half,
ik lulde zomaar wat.

En tenslotte, al zakkend van schaamte in de grond,
dacht ik g*dverdomme dat die kutmicro uit stond.
Daan Sep 2022
't Is warm of koud, droog of nat
en altijd druk druk druk.
Zij die nog een passie hebben,
mogen spreken van geluk.

Zit ze zondag in de zetel?
Heeft hij harde hordes hoog te huppelen?
Zeg alstublieft niet dat je iets voelt druppelen.
De stad, dat is een heksenketel.

In gras en stilte zoek ik tevergeefs de vlucht,
besluit ik deze week met een lange diepe zucht.
Daan Jun 2019
Vol bord en geen idee
wat ik wil doen, bereiken.
Voorlopig zeg ik geen nee,
wil ik mijn geest verrijken.

Deeltjes weg, op de vork geprikt
en ingeslikt, ik heb een aantal dromen,
die nog wat te hoog gemikt
mijn enthousiaste zelf intomen.

Half weg, nog niet veel waar
gemaakt, dromen gestaakt,
ergens begonnen voor een paar
centen, zo mijn dorst gelaakt.

Het is bijna op, ik heb vanalles wat
gegeten, geproefd, de tijd aan mij
voorbij gezoefd en ik heb last
aan mijn schouders.

De overschotjes belandden in de vuilbak,
'k had nochtans een pak
kunnen bewaren
om morgen naar te staren
en te sippen
als het water aan de klippen.
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