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Daan Jun 2019
Vol bord en geen idee
wat ik wil doen, bereiken.
Voorlopig zeg ik geen nee,
wil ik mijn geest verrijken.

Deeltjes weg, op de vork geprikt
en ingeslikt, ik heb een aantal dromen,
die nog wat te hoog gemikt
mijn enthousiaste zelf intomen.

Half weg, nog niet veel waar
gemaakt, dromen gestaakt,
ergens begonnen voor een paar
centen, zo mijn dorst gelaakt.

Het is bijna op, ik heb vanalles wat
gegeten, geproefd, de tijd aan mij
voorbij gezoefd en ik heb last
aan mijn schouders.

De overschotjes belandden in de vuilbak,
'k had nochtans een pak
kunnen bewaren
om morgen naar te staren
en te sippen
als het water aan de klippen.
Daan Apr 2019
Hij bakte zoute broodjes,
blies en zoog van lage torens,
legde de eerste loodjes,
vatte paarden bij de horens
en stootte zich als koeien
aan dezelfde steen.
Hij hoorde zeemeerminnen loeien,
keek verder dan wat jij ziet
en liet, na zonneschijn, regen komen.
Toch geraakte hij er niet.
Alle wegen leidden naar dromen.
Komen ze toch nog van pas.
Daan Mar 2015
You roam my mind in shower,
as foam, you wash me. When drunk
you ferociously devour my night
with your sudden disappearance.

You weren't meant to stay, is what
I tell myself. My physics exam is a lot
like you, I thought I knew, but failed.
But I turn pale and my teacher helps me

As seasons, as trains or cars, as blind wars,
you've passed and taught me one thing new,
the essence of a song is different with you.

Unorganized messes, god blesses those
like you. Deeply structured, so complex,
all in contact, she slowly and certainly wrecks
Slowly, certainly, wrecked
by a slow cheetah.
Daan Feb 2014
A year has passed and you don't know.
I admit to the crime of too subtle action
almost forced to go,
never sure,
you enigmatic mystery,
I could never tell what I was meant to see.  

What you think of me is
still a question, I feel its automatic
journey is close to its end, I cannot pause,
cause it never does, not for me.

I guess we are the same but I never came to affirmation.
I end it right here, you had me for a year
and never shifted gear, next levels
never reached. Some doors breached

I'm off to bed. Could I never return please?
Tomorrow is always a disaster, so tell her today.
Today was two days ago.
I am too late.

Doubting about giving up, then she's not the one.
Giving up is for cowards, for guys like me, two days ago.
regret is a horrible state.
Please never make me experience it again, I preach.
I wish you made me feel careless and casual, then it would have worked.

But your sparkling eyes make me insecure,
your cheeky cheeks unkissed and pure,
your perfect shapes and dazzling hair,
your blinding stare, everything around me
vaguely disappears,

an empty feeling sears
through the image that I had
I was just a helpless lad, fallen down, reaching up to you.
But I did not dare to grab your hand for it was too
soft and smooth and perfect for my not so bright ideas.

Now drop me and never lend me that hand again
I will always try to grab it, immobilized by your smile.
addicted, not in love, hooked, not shared, affected and absorbed but not attracted.
attraction has 2 ways, of one I am not sure.
Abruptly looking the other way, my only cure
for how you agonize my being.

I am still thinking about not giving up, so maybe
she could still be
just not

I cannot understand myself
why did I not say
what I wanted every single day
for us, it may, but hey, this way,
I did not have to lay
myself on the line,
a risk avoided same goes for love
nothing else to painfully think of
nothing ever broke me like
you did.

My approach was the worst in human history
from afar they'll come and hear his story
of failure and demise, for a month or two
he'll be the talk of school and then it ends.

Either end it or start it, but not this phase of inbetweeness
it's powerful and useless at the same time.

One whole year, you shaped me, reformed, refurbished,
you were my goal, unreached. I need more time, more coal
to keep this ancient bunch of chances from not living forth. To north
instead of south, your words in my mouth, my
songs sang by birds and rippling creeks,
banished and expelled from peaks,
vanished thoughts, so sure they were,
together with the derivative motions they withheld

I spelled your name a thousand times
drew it in my books next to some rhymes
made it pretty to fit your being, even
though I never succeeded to pass breakeven.
Daan Jul 2014
I understand it wouldn't work.
And trying would make it bad.
A band can have two guitarists
but only one frontman, it's sad,

really, but I understand why.

Oh, friend of mine, carry me to
acceptance, when my feet hang,
dangle, when my legs lose angle,
push my body overseas, take me
to a place of peace, and island in
between, nothing to be seen, but
waves and clouds, colliding, turning
into one.

I'm not telling stories anymore,
what is wrong or what is different,
what is better, maybe left indifferent.
I told stories to fight the bore.

Unique, feeling, pursue that,
pursue it with passion as your
Wipe it off, use the doormat.
I want to be frontman, not one of
the guitarists
Daan Dec 2013
I see the way you act around them,
see, finally, what you really are.
I'm taking steps to show myself
I turn around and take steps to

get away from you and all your
pretty lies, all your enigmas and
mysteries, I don't want to be a part
of your world anymore, you must

be some kind of witch for taking and
crushing all those hearts, at least mine
is one you'll never take, or I will take it
back, just like steps but different, motorical

moment, I am taking back my words, now
I'll run past your beautiful riddles, step back!
Daan May 2019
Wij zijn één vanwege vier,
vieren samen zijn al strijdend,
met plezier, uitsluiting vermijdend.
Wij zijn een dorp van kleuren
die samen roeren en op meer dan
duizend toeren, samen huizend,
de hongerigen naar samenhorigheid
moedwillig voeren.
Verbonden, solidair en vreugdevol!
Daan Apr 2019
Als plant word ik afgeschilderd.
Mijn haar, nagels en baard worden verwilderd
op het doek gezet.

Ik moet pillen hoesten,
slijmen slikken, nee andersom
en 'k zal maar knikken
als ze vragen om mijn drankje in te dikken.

Stimulatie van mijn zintuigen
viel al meer dan eens in duigen.
Er is niet veel over te lezen
of ik zal verdorren of genezen,
of ik bloei. Ik kan maar moeilijk afscheid nemen
van vaste structuren en systemen.

Ik adem nog, dat doe ik zelf,
ik heb nog veel te geven.
Soms duurt het er twee of zeven,
soms elf of negen, minuten, dagen,
weken, maanden, jaren. Hoedanook wil ik stoppen met stil leven, ik heb lang genoeg
in bed gelegen.
Getekend voor het leven.
Daan Feb 24
Nu de dag is aangebroken,
mis ik het gezicht van de maan.
Ik zoek al lang naar rust,
kom alleen bij stilte aan.

*** vind je dat, niet meer zoekende
Ik luister liefdevol naar herinneringen
van die deur die nu gesmeerd is.

Piepen, kraken, barsten tot we brokken maken.
Niets is permanent gelaafd.
Het brengt ons weinig
en toch ben ik verslaafd.
Alles onder voorbehoud
Daan Apr 2019
Ik zit op één stoel.
Zo zijn er talloze stoelen.
Het regent in huis.
Die zag ik niet aankomen
Daan May 2015
Written, you read them as extension
of your day and life. Filled with tension,
bursting with attraction. Actual emotions shared,
more real than any dream I ever dared.

Touched, you feel them, wishing for the same.
You put it down, look up and wonder what it is
to make you lonely, why it never came
to trouble you instead of this
state of loneliness.

I've watched enough on screen, in streets,
it must be the reason my heart beats.
It's love. You know it but not quite enough.
It's love. I want it but the wait is tough.
Daan Nov 2019
Soms is afvragen slechts begin.
Waarom moet ik per se dit,
waarom kan ik niet gewoon zo en in
het hokje passen, zwart en wit?

Zo simpel is dat allemaal niet,
je kijkt en kijkt en denkt dat niemand ziet
waar je mee bezig bent.
Dat niemand het herkent.

Je kan best wel zonder
maar daar moet je zelf onder
aan gaan hangen, werken aan fatsoen
en zo nu en dan een beetje minder flauw doen.
Je hebt het wel zelf in de hand.
Die excuses dat het zo is en je anders wil zijn maar niet weet ***.
Dat is belachelijk.
Je moet er zelf achter zitten!
Neem nu eens verantwoordelijkheid op
zeker op het gebied van wie je wil zijn, worden of uitstralen.
Daan Jan 2014
Different kinds of mazes hold me trapped
within their massive walls, I'm wrapped
up like your christmas present, but forgotten.
I don't know of which I'd best search exit now,
neither do I know how.

She doesn't seem to mind, it wouldn't work
She is the bottle I'm the cork
refusing the way to wine
Time to grab the keys, for doors or whatever

Can she tell what I am thinking,
can she feel that I am sinking
she can not, can she?

Hours would I wait in line
to see those glasses clinking
to hear them collide
I'm going for a ride.
In memory of his dearest friend and his closest chance to a great perhaps.
Daan Mar 2022
It was not an easy choice,
to say the least, I'll add.
But as it seems, boys,
my chair's the best friend I've ever had.

We've been through the lot
together. As if my final fate
was to sit and stay up late
and make cognitions hot.

I did all a man does with his time,
from eating, beating, drinking,
sleeping, farting and stinking
to coming up with this dumb rhyme.

That's why you've won the prize, hon.
You're the best, my lovely strandmon.
I even work with you
Daan Jun 2014
Similar shapes, creating a way right
through the mass of other similarities.
This evening soon will turn into night
leading to a whole bunch of hilarities
I stare at you, to notice you're already
looking. A warm and generous state
creates his own path. Is she going steady,
coming closer, every step, a step too late.

I'm leaving, she is heaving through the
mass. I'd have loved her, I guess,
and the staring, it's all part of the game.
If only I had caught her name.
love is just a bunch of numbers, some infinities are bigger
but the chances of hitting the biggest infinity
are rather slim
Daan Feb 2020
Een been geklemd, een been net vrij.
Waarom overkomt dit mij?
Ik moet vechten, ik moet sleuren,
niemand helpt, niemand weet
waarom dit mij moet gebeuren.

Ik ben er nu en geef niet op en
van die scherpe scheuten krijg ik een extra stoot.
Zo makkelijk krijg je mij niet klein of groot.
Je kan moppen maar ik ben niet te stoppen.

Mijn naam is leen en zou je denken mij te
vangen, kijk dan maar uit je doppen.
Strijder leen
Daan Feb 2020
Pseudoscience and political discussions
are like ***** and stereotypes of Schrödinger's Russians.
They may or may not be related
and they may or may not be true
as long as there's no proof,
there's nothing you can do.

I have grown distasted regarding
left and right and alt and fright.
Why does everyone need recognition
and a border on their gender definition?

We are people, we are human, men and women
or whatever name you want to have and give.
I was always taught to live
and let.

Things new and weird are fine by me,
just let people be. It doesn't matter what we say.
As long as it doesn't affect us in
a negatively connotated way.
And to break it to you, it doesn't.

The only value I like to preach is
to not enforce your values onto others
Is that a bad thing to do?
Daan Jun 2013
If spaghetti taught me anything,
it's that the sharpness of a spear is
directly proportional with it's

After learning,
you cook it
you eat it.
Daan Apr 2014
I vaguely remember being mysterious,
a stranger making interest rise and giggles
manifest, the pointing and the laughing and
the cravings for attention were only temporary

now I am this creepy stranger, hated for his
actions, or his not actions, because I am weird
and feel with intensity, because I think things
through when it isn't needed and don't when it is.

It is irreverseable, like youth, like an accident,
like rage and explosions of anger, bursts of tears
and opinions of peers, moving on, looking for
someone like me instead of someone like you

people like me, people don't, people think I'm funny
people don't, people have their judging ways of saying
you crossed a line and can't go back
too bad
some predict and some follow
some decide and some are hollow
most of them, hollow
will there be enough of me left to carry on
Lets let future decide this one, cause mine always
end the same, regret and shame.
Only people who have experienced this will understand
left of me
Daan Jun 2013
Fish have swam away from me yesterday.
Dogs have chased me, running, even sad
ones. Butterflies, born a butterfly, never
were caterpillars. What's that dog's name again?

Cacti look so beautiful but sting so very bad,
That butterfly is gone now, the dogs too and
the fish never stayed long. Are they scared
by my movement? Or am I not good enough?

What's that **** dogs name?
I knew it
I never saw that butterfly again.
You don't have to think it's good, it's a bit weird.
Daan May 2014
I scared her away from me, intense
feelings, she can not understand I do.
A person searching, climbing on to
and holding tight, when he can not sense,
the words are mumbled, the fear gets
immensely strong, don't flee, stay
for just one other song. We say
it all will be okay. Once she lets
her passion flow, the fear will fade,
folded up and poured into a form,
printed paper, still warm.
Dots connected, fears neglected,
Daan May 2019
Het is nieuw of belangrijk,
speciaal of omvangrijk
dus je bent op van zenuwen,
gestresst. In kluwen van
gedachten, zitten alle antwoorden
al klaar. Doe gewoon je best
en je hebt het voor mekaar.
Het gaat om vertrouwen
in jezelf, je harde werk en
niet om al de rest.
Daan Feb 2020
Easily defined, discussed
and generally seen as a must
have in a just halve your sleep
time, sheep-swine, expensive house
but cheap wine, mentality

We chase and run and chase some more,
like the humans did food
years and years before.

When we are fed and healthy,
enough is never quite enough,
succes, just very stealthily,
seperates the weaklings from the tough.
At least that's the general consensus.

why do we need/want to be succesful?
Is that the only meaningful thing left?
Daan Jul 2013
Every time I think about that guy,
when I see him, acting like he is
all that.

Every time I lose a game I was
never meant to win. Even more
when my opponent is that guy.

Everytime I mess up just once

This time
I'll be drinking to that
I like how the words kinda form a beer glass
Daan May 2015
Our souls left our mouth, blending
like winter breath. Chemicals sending
signals obvious as colour of your skin
and eyes. The eyes my eyes are taking in.
In the smell of every word we speak,
the softly prominent smell you reak
of. Of every person, all or everyone around
it would turn out to be you. I wound
up with these flaws all tied together.

May we influence one another to be better.
I touched her hair and felt her blushing
Through her veins, 't was ****** rushing.
Daan May 2015
Cover me like the veil of whiteness, warm.
Hold me, so vulnerable, yet free of harm.
I'll kiss you, may my mourning lips charm
straight to where your feelings swarm.

Come outside, with me and gaze upon
Come away with me and wander through
The land, the sky, the clouds, the grass.
Dazzling dreams of talking endlessly.

Close your eyes and trust my voice.
Let's conclude this affair with final sayings.
End the night of impulsive choice.
And decline the ways of sudden swayings.
We shouldn't do this.
Can't we just leave forever, together.
Daan Nov 2014
The laughter kills,
ignorance spills


are my focus,
reason to go on
when my eyelids weigh a ton,
my brows drop and wrinkle.

I love how you sprinkle
good moments on the icing,
and tell me it's a secret.
I'd rather lose as classy gentleman
than win by crushing others.

In the end, the bigger man knows who won.
Daan Jan 2017
Clean as chalk parts on the ground
wiped away without a sound
except the crunching friction,
both our minds indulged in fiction.
engulfed by cities far away
farewell we say.

Clear as the board we used to write on,
used a light on to finally agree
the books I've written
were only chapters, smitten,
sitting on hold.

Whenever you're cold
whenever you feel misunderstood
you'll feel good we parted
and a little less broken hearted
every time you're in that mood.

You were right, my mind is free
I'm so very glad we finally agree.
Burdens made place for lessons
lessons paved the way to something greater
Daan Dec 2016
This morning
was a fest of sun and rays
and beams and plays.

This mourning
is not some thing that pays
my pain slays
me whole
a hole
where my perseverance used to be.

I never wanted to accept acceptance
but in where I stand right now
I feel darker than a crow.

It was my own doing
to think I thought it would be freeing
seeing you leave.

My heart is frozen but I don't need drama.
It's my sole issue
that I miss you.

In frogs, in pizza, in windows and wine
I can only keep proclaiming I am fine.
Daan Jan 2013
There's this girl, nothing like a toucan, she's better.
With a blue bowtie in her long brown hair she
still mesmerises me every day and I let her.
But there is another guy with whom she'd rather be.

And every day she smiles at me with her twinkling
eyes and gentle stare making me experience the slightest tinkling
And whenever she says hi or just anything at all
I float, I climb my big white cloud hoping not to fall.

It starts to storm, another cloud turns up out of the blue
and another, but these aren't white, they're grey and
larger than mine, larger than I ever dreamt of one to be.

I must seek a lower cloud to chase because
the higher your hopes and cloud rise, the stronger
the pain that flows through you when you collapse
Glad that's over..
Daan Nov 2019
Zou ik na twijfelen, tobben,
uitgebreid weten, graven,
tussen hersenplooien, lobben,
op de proppen kunnen komen,
aandraven met een origineel idee,
mijn eigen dromen en een showtje op tv?

Ik weet het niet, wat ik dan kan.
Ik zou alles eens uit moeten proberen
en daarbij mezelf achterhalen, jureren
wat er bakt in die fameuze hersenpan.

Ik zou kunnen ontsnappen aan
een boeiende verdrinkingsdood,
zingen, praten met een haan
of dansen in mijn puurste bloot.

Ik zou kunnen balanceren,
domineren, fantaseren, inspireren,
marineren en uitgekookt souffleren.
Maar wat moet ik uitkwelen wanneer
ik daarover oor moet delen?

Misschien is dat wel een talent,
een goede blik op anderen,
ze helpen te veranderen,
kortom, hetgeen dat je nu kent.
Jagen naar meer
Of blijven bij wat je leest.
Althans geen schoenen maken.
Da's niks voor mijnen geest
Daan Oct 2014
Connected by their names, loved
by their remarkable frames.
Frames covering their face and

For more than one have I fought
to notice that this sum of parts
cannot be defined on charts.

Unable to express, dysfunctional mess,
like home, where things are weird,
but just the way you like it.

Like home, like jungle puzzles,
my love for one, wolves with muzzles.
keep it to yourself
Daan May 2019
Ik ben te jong om te begrijpen,
hij om aldra te verslijten.
Ze kunnen er geen automatismen
meer in slijpen, zeggen ze.

Hij is niet meer aanwezig,
zelfs zijn hersenen zijn pezig,
uitgemergeld, vel over been.
Hij is te jong om heen
te gaan, te moe
om het nog lang te rekken.
Voor mij is hij te jong om voor altijd
te vertrekken.
Lieve papa,
ik zie je graag.
Daan Jul 2020
Doe maar niet zo wondelikkend,
kijk maar niet zo schuldverstikkend.
Je overdrijft, moet trippelen om boven
te blijven met je kin. Zelfs de doven
kunnen horen dat het schort,
dat je mort, dat je knort, dat je adem stokt, je ogen mokken
en je zwarte, lange blonde lokken
samen hokken met het veulen aan de zijkant,
heulen met de vijand.

Ga nu maar zitten.
Drink een camille-thee.
Stop met vitten en speel
gewoon weer mee.
Monopoly is geen gezelschapsspel.
Daan Feb 2014
I want to read out loud, maybe scream,
whatever my mind is mumbling, finally
stop the tumbling, kind, mistakes it makes.
I just finished a perfect bowl of ice cream,

thinking all along, caring and remembering
the staring, how could I keep quiet, all he
wishes to yell, my mind. I'd do all it takes
to plan or improvise, explaining the size

of how a small moment makes massive
changes possible. Imagine without passive
seconds, how a firecircle turns into an ember ring.
Get over there, casual and nice, best not too concise,

now flick a match and light the hallways, always
think but not too much, before it is too late.
It's funny how I used too three times.
It's funny how I never told her up to now.
I guess I just have no idea what funny really means.
Daan Mar 2017
Damaged goods, baggage lugging,
in desperate need of comfortable hugging,
every night, every time until she knows,
any way it goes, it will all be just right.

Socks mixed with pants and shirts everywhere,
she needed structure, someone to care
for her and her impeccable disorders,
with a mindset that borders
on pathologically obeying to any kind of order.

I tore myself away back then,
three years ago, when
all you had to do was say hello,
when all your wishes were granted,
movements were enchanted,
ideas implanted
in a dream, an idea,
never what it had to seem.

Gone you were so proud,
apart you were so happy,
when you chose, even more than when not,
it resided in knowing what you've got.
It always seemed so terrifying,
to stop trying,
to struggle with lying
to yourself about her purity
when all you want is clarity.

You want it, don't need it,
so be it.
Daan Dec 2021
We kunnen kiezen uit duizend bieren,
lokaal of in Hong Kong gebrouwen.
We kunnen thuis of winkelhieren
als we onszelf nog met ons geld vertrouwen.

Velen hebben maar net één persoon
aan wie ze al kunnen vertellen.
Soms is het een diertje te huis,
soms iemand elke dag te bellen.

We kunnen onze vingers afwisselen,
de smaak van het vlees bedisselen.
Zelfs zeggen of we aldaniet (helaas) gaan passen
en om 't goed te maken, helpen afwassen.

Voor *** kort het ook mag blijven hangen,
het gevoel dat iets genoeg kan zijn,
kan, gepaard met schaamrood op de wangen,
het pijnlijk meer-gewil met succes vervangen.
op het einde denk ik graag aan dankbaarheid.
Daan Dec 2018
er het
Daan May 2019
Verbetering stagneert,
hij vergeet te veel
van wat hij zonet nog heeft geleerd.

Dit is dan afscheid van een vader,
met links mijn moeder die
bijna verdrinkt in tranen
en rechts mijn tante die het allemaal
in goede banen
wil doen lopen.

Dat gedoe met papa en daarbij mama
zo zien wenen, zet mij aan tot denken.
Misschien moet ik nu dan ook maar huilen,
zal ik later  mijn onwetendheid weer
voor besef omruilen.
Als het allemaal eventjes teveel wordt en je niet eens meer kan beseffen welk nieuws je net gekregen hebt.
Daan Feb 2017
While drinking a beer on my roof
I saw a man on the other side
of this river on his balcony
set his cigarette to light.
I waved and asked him
about last night,
what are we doing
and why,
still awaiting his reply.

He went back in,
his favourite sin,
smoking with a grin
was now forbidden behind doors,
he had to come back out
again, to press his lips
and move the air
from lungs to fingertips.

How dare he be without defining,
how dare he deny the silver lining,
how could he act without any further thought
and throw away the things he just had bought.
(seemingly so eagerly)

I accepted friendship from this man.
As I took another sip from my can,
I knew that he could tell
when I noticed my own fingertip
that it was ridden with that smell.
Lose the black and white,
tell him goodbye tonight,
go inside
be alone, it just might
give you back your sight.
He'll come back if he wants to,
they always do.
Daan Sep 2014
The face, it feels like home, tossing
eyes, gazing through the room,
connecting visions, wire crossing.

I saw you first, before others cared or noticed.

As if, one moment and the next,
as if you zoom in and all else fades
as if you consume my field of view, my eyes.
A part of me, small but somewhere, slowly dies,
slowly decides, it is not needed any

My guard down, you won me with your stare
I am no longer able to not care.
One does not compare, when all he sees is all he wants.
A deeper kind of illumination
almost within, ways of temptation.
And the rest is background information.
I love that moment when your surroundings fail to grab your sight
that moment, when you know for sure,
she truly is
Daan Jan 2015
I've been comparing the
expensiveness of the clothes he's wearing
to the level of his unconditional caring
and there is no correlation.

I'd rather stare around, talk
or laugh on that perfect balcony.
But if I ever pass the cold grey stones
and the buds of cigarettes again,
it'll trigger the emotions of a moved, changed man.

As I stare right through you,
as they did, as they will,
I notice I am just as wrong.
But that's what happens when the storm is strong
and the home you've tried to build
on the hill is struggling to stay still
on the day of reckoning.
You do know that judgement is not a one way street, don't you?
Daan May 2013
When the late snow in may has yet to melt.
Underneath earth's skin, flowers, ready to grow
try to push their way to the top. We all know
and we will never forget what that really felt

like, trying to grow, being pressed down.
Quite some chances I'll be doing that soon.
With only one thing blocking my road,
easily dealt with, hard to confront, me.

Maybe it's all coincidence, no way she,
regardless the signs I'm sure I saw, brown
eyes staring deep into my galaxy, slowed
movement, travelling further than just the moon.

The ball is in my court, I have to react except
if now she accepts what I keep refusing to accept.
Daan Jan 2015
You want two cellphones with
different functions, and a clock
that doesn't work.

A tessellating, complementary work
of art but you're glad with what
you have. Someone to talk to over pizza.
And another over some wine.

It's never what it seems when you're
insecure, always inconsistent.
And a clock that doesn't work.

Who draws the lines and why do
they put them there?

We all do, because we always have.
I saw god today, it made me realize
that he does not exist.

There are two sides to everything, at least
as far as we know.
Daan Sep 2014
The conversation is different
I would have told you anything,
some of the words, they sting
you seem more indifferent

You did this.
Daan Sep 2013
A man, walking up to another man,
while the wind blows snow to places
it would normally never reach. I dare
you to find someone who can

laugh right now. ' He slipped, sir.',
said the man with 2 daughters and
a divorce. They are twins and about
4 years old. But nobody knows or even

asks how the trial went. 'There is not
a thing we can do, wrap up people, we
are leaving', yelled the man without
friends or family or even a pet. Shivers

all over my spine as I split the bushes,
you found me, congratulations, you won.
Daan May 2015
Do you remember what you said,
recall your words smacking my head.

The harsh and deeply felt are a purity.
Your love for me was personal security.
Where I ly and laugh and dare to be.
Without the context we would have been
Daan Jan 2015
He misses being in love
nothing else to think of,
******* in the ropes of affection,
he mops the lost perfection
of the girl he once adored.
Daan Aug 2021
Some things need change,
others compromise, not war.
Some things need extinction,
others are just who you are.

It's nice to have a clear distinction.
The difference is some things should not be encouraged to be different. You'll know when, when things feel forced.
Daan Jul 2013
How can I or my body crave
you or your attention so very grave
When I have not even said more
than the simplest greetings while your

skin has not even met mine in ways
I would imagine. It is not you
who is my most desire, it is only
the image my mind prepares

But if it truly were you in person
that would travel further than
my mind could be, far beyond all

I ever could imagine, my only fear
is that the distance between us is even
greater than the distance I could run.
Do I believe in love at first sight? Instincts carry me to my most foolish hour, where I try to do so much for someone I don't know. I do wish to know you, I'm certain we will meet. Save yourself for me for I have already done the same for you.

(I have different versions in my notebook, but this one seems ok)
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