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Jan 2019 · 83
Daan Jan 2019
When I asked her: 'What do you need or miss?
She replied with something along the lines of this.

I miss friends, the things I see online, the only things
not part of my belongings, which all the others do
seem to have yet I only get to view.

I told her she has something more important.
A whole wholesome world inside
her being, a life with which her deportment
may not be agreeing, a fun to see
fantasy to hide from anyone and
everyone in broad daylight.

She could let it out or keep it in,
none of the options are a sin,
they're equally existing or not
in this amazing world she's got.

So please don't fret on certain uncertainties,
let your life unfold whether or not you'd open curtains these
unknown audiences'd freeze
if they had the chance, the keys
to lock your beauty up inside,
hidden, away from broad daylight.
Go outside
Dec 2018 · 205
Daan Dec 2018
Onder onze vleugels,
ik neem je mee naar huis
zachte schokjes aan de teugels,
maar altijd welkom thuis.

Ik ruim jouw rommel op,
roep regelmatig stop,
toch kan ik niet zonder,
mijn lieve levenswonder.

Door je eigen vleugels gedragen
vlieg je door mijn levensboek.
Ik durf het zelf haast niet te vragen,
wanneer kom je nog eens op bezoek?
Ik zal je missen tot je terug bent.
Dec 2018 · 255
Daan Dec 2018
Ik draai me nog eens om
verlies de wekker uit het oog,
toe, laat mij nog even liggen hier
laat mij nog even
de dag uitgesteld vergeten
nog één minuutje langer zonder mijzelf op te hoeven meten.

Krakende opstand, opstaan met de verkeerde hand uit bed.
Opgetogen, afgepeigerd, ingetogen, opgesteigerd,
als een paard met vierenveertig wielen
om nog op het werk te zijn vóór de volgende editie
van Allerzielen.

Vergeten eten, lap, rap eten vergeten.
Anders maakt mijn buik lawaai waar men stilte wil.
Ten allen tijde, vermaledijde.
Slaap lekker
Dec 2018 · 158
Daan Dec 2018
er het
Daan Dec 2018
Het goudgeel gerstenat verlaat mijn schouderblad
en sijpelt
een lip naar

in mijn keel
door mijn keel
achter de kiezen
even slikken
maar je concentratie niet verliezen
niet stikken
lippen af

Het was niet slecht, doe nog maar één.
Gegokt en verloren
Dec 2018 · 231
Daan Dec 2018
Kan de taxi hem vervoeren,
nu het bespelen van zijn tuba dat
niet meer kan.

Kan de verpleegster hem even voeren,
Het is een hoge lat
voor een arme man.

Hij is alleen niet alleen,
hij is gestoken en van wal
niet meer dezelfde als van voor zijn val
ze noemen hem enkel
maar een niemendal.
enkel en alleen.
Oct 2018 · 352
Daan Oct 2018
Ik had die problemen al van voordien,
toen niemand ze kon zien,
ik ongestoord kon leven,
wandelend zonder vallen of beven.

Ik ben uw naam vergeten,
waar moet ik straks ook weer zijn?
Dat is altijd zo als ze leest, ze is maar tot haar
veertiende naar 't school geweest.
Ik heb dat nooit geweten.

Ik ben enkel rechts geschoren,
heb deze nacht wat ***** verloren,
ik heb pijn maar wil niet nog eens bellen
dan lijk ik het te slecht te stellen.

Mijn hoofd lijkt wel vertroebeld, gruis
gestrooid, verstrooid en elke dag bejubeld
terwijl ik mijn spieren voel verstijven.
*** lang moet ik nog blijven, wanneer mag ik naar huis?
week van de NAH
May 2018 · 268
Daan May 2018
Treinen rijden hier al lang niet meer.
Op de bank van dit station leest
niemand nog de krant,
slaat niemand nog een praatje,
geeft niemand nog een hand.

De sporen zijn verroest, de pannen weggewaaid.
Alles staat hier stil.

Het blijft luguber om te zien
*** iemand die het niet verdient
zo vlotjes kan vergaan,
zonder enigszins gekraai
van eenderwelke haan.

Ooit sta ik misschien op dat perron
en wou ik dat ik alles lang geleden had gezegd,
toen ik nog niet wist wat maar het wel nog kon.
was ooit iemand
May 2018 · 193
Ik kneed
Daan May 2018
Op de stoep staan dozen,
in de post niks om van te blozen,
aan de deur een kast en
in de verkeerde kamer
een zetel die niet past.

Snel volgen de mannen,
gewapend met een hamer,
om de latten weg te halen en
mijn huisje te verbannen
naar ongehoorde zaagverhalen.

Ik zal dan moeten werken,
ik zal veel moeten tellen,
ik zal mezelf dan merken
en nooit meer dezelfde zijn.
en word gekneed.
May 2018 · 300
Daan May 2018
Na heen en weer en her en der gestuurd te worden,
het horen van de straat en zien van duizend borden,
moest ik me even afgezonderd voelen, alleen zijn,
zalig, zielig, eenzaam, op en af koelen
in de zachte wind van mei.

Mijn hoofd is klei, mijn handen zacht.
Ik heb geen dag gewerkt en dat ook nooit verwacht.
Maar vroeg of laat droogt het op en zit ik vast
in onveranderbare vormen.

Lijden volgt op volgen van de normen,
hoewel afwijking ook kan storen,
ruik ik liever met mijn oren
of zie ik met mijn tong.

Zong de vogel ook maar in de winter,
sliep ik ook maar voor middernacht.
ik droom meestal later maar vind er
nooit iemand die lacht.

Ik sluit me op om te ontwaken
uit de vloeiende stroom van onbeïnvloedbaar gedrag
wanneer mijn uitgewanden staken
en ik genoeg heb van de dag.
May 2018 · 202
Daan May 2018
I fell asleep, seated on a chair
beside your bed, softly loosening
the squeezing gripping of your hand,
picturing your auburn hair and
wind chafed skin.

I saw you levitate above the grass,
I saw you emerge from some frightening mass.
It was then, right there, when I suspected,
you could be the mongoose
and I would be the snake.

I got sent from place to place,
the other side of the city center,
to get some ink on some paper.

I got sent from case to case,
the inside of the love you lent her,
knowing you would want it back.
Knowing some time in the future you would crack -Golden
Jan 2018 · 275
Geregistreerde smart
Daan Jan 2018
Zacht is het om met voorbedachte rade
toen al te denken aan ingehaalde schade.
De voorspelling van gisteren is nooit
voor mij van toepassing geweest,
geen kans op centreren of op voorhand leren
wat dan morgen soms geneest.

Het effect is negatief en twee dimensioneel,
de grafieken zijn me eventjes te veel.
Denk dus later al aan het gevolg
van mislukte schattingen.
Een ongeleid onderzoek
Dec 2017 · 311
Daan Dec 2017
Ook ik verlies wel eens controle.
Mijn rust is dan aldaniet bewust ten dole,
mijn zelfbeeld ten dode
opgeschreven en mijn bedoeling zogezegd verheven.

Spelen wij dan allen soms,
misschien intentioneel, toneel?
Werken wij dan, elk van ons,
met tegenzin te over, veel te veel?

We doen het elke dag, bedenk ik,
we doen het unaniem,
met hier en daar een enkeling
die alles toch al heeft gezien.

Ik bedaar dan, geef mijn fouten toe,
besef dat ik nog veel moet leren over nagenoeg alles wat ik doe.
- 'k Wil me ook liefst nu al excuseren misschien ben ik morgen moe of geagiteerd. Onthoud dan dat ik vast pas weer wat heb geleerd. -

Statistiek opdracht 2
Nov 2017 · 267
Daan Nov 2017
Ik heb een duidelijke taak gekregen,
gisteren de glazen zitten legen,
verlegen toch in bed gelegen
vanwege de wegen die doorwegen
op mij en mijn zin zit tegen.

Begin dan toch gewoon,
laat al de rest maar vallen,
begin nu eindelijk,
alles is toch tijdelijk.

Ik heb me erachter gezet,
goed opgelet, ik weet het,
't is een leugen, een klucht.
Ik ben dan toch begonnen
al was het met een diepe zucht.
opdracht 1 statistiek vier, wat een zegen
Nov 2017 · 322
Daan Nov 2017
Al even durf ik niet te geloven,
onder ogen te zien,
wat er allemaal verschoven is.
Ik mis routine, moet mezelf terug
kunnen verliezen in zaken
om ze achter de rug te weten geraken.

Ik heb moeite met onzekerheden,
waarschijnlijk door gebeurtenissen
uit mijn overdreven, zacht verleden.
Enkel zo kan ik een voor een de dagen wissen,
de tijd van toen terug missen
kortom niet langer
mijn levenslust vergissen.
Vergulden avond, zachte nacht,
verloren ochtend, pracht van dag,
ik mis de kracht van mijn eigen lach.
Oct 2017 · 237
Het zwarte scherm
Daan Oct 2017
Duizelingwekkende pijn vertrekt vanuit mijn rug,
mijn ogen staan op barsten
zou ik het noodlot tarten,
had ik mezelf voorgelogen,
ik zou het allemaal wel oplossen
maar de leegte keerde steeds weer terug.
Mijn tanden knarsten,
vingers bogen,
het zwarte scherm speelde me te parten
levenloos en leeggezogen
wie kan mij verlossen
van al wat ik mezelf heb aange-
Het zandmannetje
Sep 2017 · 361
Daan Sep 2017
Over twee dagen of een week,
ooit zal je weten wat je wilt.
Dan zal de zon nog steeds hetzelfde schijnen
maar het wolkendek verdwijnen
als de tranen van daarstraks.

Ik zal dan een kaarsje branden,
voor jouw vis, je kabel en je kat.
Nooit meer zal je vergeten
wat je toen
aan jezelf had.
We zullen hem hier in de grond planten.
Aug 2017 · 890
Working men
Daan Aug 2017
The sound is uncontrollable,
it bangs, it knocks, the side of my head,
it rolls and rocks, my face turns red,
with anger, I burst, it burns.

The door was closed, I cursed,
isolated yet easily approached,
it searches me, I feel hunted,
I feel poached.

I yell, I scream, it's all the same,
from inside, it's different,
it's not getting anywhere, I hurt,
my cries were never heard.

I wash away the dirt, build up
after days of focus, my dreams, they mention
attending a funeral for my attention.
It's a working title.
Aug 2017 · 311
Daan Aug 2017
We zaten per twee in een kring
op een wei
in een weerstad
die eens per jaar weer
wakker wordt

Elk van ons bewapend met een fles,
een blik en een stoel.

Het duo met de kortste drinkperiode
kreeg een prijs aangeboden,
allerminst een die tot beter leidt,
Aug 2017 · 186
Daan Aug 2017
I've said too much again, my guest,
like when I promised an ending
to that pending love request.
Promptly taking the stairs,
avoiding stares by gazing down
at my own feet.

In the bathroom I collect myself,
I get myself together. I am ready,
I am ready, this time I will get her.

I flush away the thoughts I'd rather
not have said out loud, I'd flush it all
to blend in with the crowd.

Yet when I go deeper, I would not,
reminding myself my integrity may
be the only treasure I have got.
I'll gladly take some bullets in some places to protect,
because my personal reflection exceeds
the image you detect.
Jul 2017 · 316
Daan Jul 2017
She's up there somewhere,
's been there for quite some hours,
quite some time. What I'd give and do
to be able to climb in next to you.

I jumped from branch to branch,
broke twigs, snapping, gazed at leaves, trapping
eyes, gliding through the air beneath our tree.
I made it to the hanging swing.

We sat there, for days it seemed,
we went back and forth,
forever, I had dreamed,
for always I wished.

I walked back through our backyard,
head tilted downwards, staring at the card
I once forgot to mail, it read:
You may be the one I want to wed.
She dozed off in our hammock,
as I noticed how much I do care.
Jun 2017 · 337
Daan Jun 2017
I fell from stairs, at once I reached the ground.
My expectations, full of bruises, left me mesmerized,
when I saw my skin intact,
I knew what my prediction lacked.

I made no sound, my mouth kept shut,
a lot was taken in, a lot also was not.
The pain, however insufferable it may have seemed,
had all at once again redeemed beyond what I had dreamed.

My life had changed by change I do still fear
yet no longer do I stare excessively
at the fear that still resides inside of me.
Outside or on your sleeve,
Jun 2017 · 338
Daan Jun 2017
Less indifferent, less feels different,
as familiar as insistent.
The cold wind gripped my arms and shoulders,
the lights surrounding one place
made all else seem darker.

Uncharted territory, mapped by my discovery,
leading my recovery
in a revolution, instead of towards solutions.

In growth we see, what it meant to be
together, assessing, analyzing the
lost familiarity.

I saw you multiple times before,
now, all I need has become to see you more.
Enjoy the knowledge, friend.
Goals change, as does our range,
enjoy the knowledge, friend, with thirst
however strange it all may seem at first.
May 2017 · 217
Daan May 2017
These flames too far to lend me warmth,
my heart too cold to stay unharmed.
We were ripped apart
as the target of a dart,
thrown with similar audacity.
I pity myself
for being driven
for letting go of the wheel,
for losing touch with
what should have been
kept real.

We feel these things we cannot see,
we aim to become what we cannot be,
grasping, clawing, endlessly,
feasting, gnawing on
Mere men, only one
Mere ducklings, not a swan
May 2017 · 203
Me to you
Daan May 2017
Cute and ridiculous,
we don't care
if they ridicule us,
I'll be there

Hard to believe,
hardly do you leave,
I'll stay as long
I'll stay for another song
as we want
as summer passes
as we pass classes
and lasses
My eyes wandering
ending up
Gazing up and
down at you.

All I want to do is grab your waist from behind,
unwind and kindly say,
I'll be here for at least another day.
I wish I never had to leave,
I wish I never left.
May 2017 · 251
Daan May 2017
When it's late I scare myself.
I do things I don't want to do,
I am not myself,
I am things I don't want to be.

As I rush through pages, woods
in snow, as I go beyond
my idealistic views,
I creep up behind my back
and point out all the things I lack.

Discipline rejected me,
fears ejected the
tears you see upon the ruined sheets.

I wish I was more than some
unfortunate deeds.
Have regrets ever kept you awake?
Swallow, savour, spit, in any way
get over it some day.
I've been selfish.
Apr 2017 · 457
Daan Apr 2017
You were engulfed, in flower beds, by pink
clouds and wooly masses, dogs and fishes,
waiting for some game to load, I think.
This is ineffably, inexplicably daunting
how my mind harasses hours in some fade out mode.

I was manic, forged by panic in unhealthy
seas and waves. This thing we have, how it behaves,
is clueless, sightless, blind yet anything but fightless.
We aim to work for all we want,
I can't stop thinking, linking every action,
every contraction that has lead me to feel for you.

You were hidden, I was shortly ridden of the smell,
the hairy distractions, predicting how I ought to live.
Though you give me answers, I have no more questions
for every doubt is swept away.
Even when I play I can't be wrong, neither can you
in any thing we'd think we'd do.

We're always right and always winning,
don't forget, we're only just beginning.
Challings met pedro
Mar 2017 · 542
Daan Mar 2017
She took the swing, this fragile thing,
she took the shot and since then she's got
me jumping, got me running, hitting,
frantically searching, no time for sitting,
she's got me in this corner,
knowing all this time I'd have worn her
as a hat or red
cowboy boots.

Her being loots
my mind, my waking moment,
I want to hold, touch and kiss
engulf us both in bliss,
as we watch and comment
as we notice what the calm meant
when we finally found our seats.

Heartbeats chase us, take us
underground and up again,
shivering, trembling body parts,
these hearts, shaking, swinging,
without the need to plan,
keep my passion singing.
I gave away a penalty
People understood,
still thought of me as good
rather than faulty.
Mar 2017 · 406
Daan Mar 2017
Damaged goods, baggage lugging,
in desperate need of comfortable hugging,
every night, every time until she knows,
any way it goes, it will all be just right.

Socks mixed with pants and shirts everywhere,
she needed structure, someone to care
for her and her impeccable disorders,
with a mindset that borders
on pathologically obeying to any kind of order.

I tore myself away back then,
three years ago, when
all you had to do was say hello,
when all your wishes were granted,
movements were enchanted,
ideas implanted
in a dream, an idea,
never what it had to seem.

Gone you were so proud,
apart you were so happy,
when you chose, even more than when not,
it resided in knowing what you've got.
It always seemed so terrifying,
to stop trying,
to struggle with lying
to yourself about her purity
when all you want is clarity.

You want it, don't need it,
so be it.
Feb 2017 · 538
Daan Feb 2017
Occupied, busy, locking doors,
unwashed hairs, frizzy, always
calculating, almost all days,
memorising, dedicated hearts
mesmerising all possible counterparts.

He came outside today, smelled a flower,
finally left his tower, to play,
as long as his muscles stay fresh,
his flesh away from sour
tiredness, he'll find reasons,
methods to devour our beauty.

Processed, bland, in order,
safely divided, a border,
statistics, graphs and charts,
his mind parts all he wants to know
from where he feels he wants to go.
There is no winning or losing in this situation. He'll live the life he's meant to live until he stops believing that's how it works. No one knows what happens when it doesn't.
Feb 2017 · 312
Daan Feb 2017
From miles away he's spotted,
unlike the scheme he's plotted.
He sips, looks down and back at you,
compelling eyes, holding stare,
he asks you if you dare,
dare to be true
to yourself.

He slid his hands into your being,
saw all you were but weren't seeing,
grabbed your honesty by the collar
to show your purest colour,
secretly, he wishes you to be
all you ever wanted.

Smoothly, charismatically, he made you meet
your maker, leave open your seat
for the perfect taker.
As he walks away, with pride,
knowing you have got nothing left to hide,
you tremble, assured no man will ever resemble
the one you've witnessed at work tonight.
Mad men
Feb 2017 · 333
Daan Feb 2017
Starlight makes sense,
cleaning up the lense,
gathering pens and revelations,
gaining healthy expectations.

Escape, with music, escape
out into the wild, the outdoors,
festivals and party floors,
take leaps, put tape
on your tent to fix it
or buy a new one.

I want to go
wherever our minds take us
wherever your mind may take me,
hold you, don't forsake me
now for my mistakes,
gather all our feelings
at lakes, in letters, in notebooks,
far from crooks, fantastic beasts, looks and hooks.

It took you to save me
not me to save her,
and explore with me these fields
explore what our connection yields,
read me, my words, read me, my birds
are free to fly to thee
I am what you want me to be.
What's it all about?
making sense of all ambiguous,
loving vigorously and growing up.
Feb 2017 · 273
Love game
Daan Feb 2017
Nudge, shove, turns into push,
words gush, a silent rush
yet no reaction.

Retreat, react, relapse, repeat,
never in the same place,
not even able to meet,
running some platonic race.

Decisions ruin, picking one makes and breaks,
Rice was right yet one solution,
tear apart instead of up,
run away for both your sakes,
run away from this pollution,
this toxic hurricane.

Go home, be safe and sane,
letting outside's air in will only cause more pain.
I over and under but I'm never really right.
That's why we will never see this work.
We're different yet both insecure,
only our love was pure,
all else was toxic.
Feb 2017 · 552
Organic passion
Daan Feb 2017
We saw we lacked fulfillment of desires,
goals our mind hardwires into our existence.
We made a pact called resistance,
made a promise that appalled assistance
we don't need anymore.

Morally grey, black and white were never
meant to stay, we were supposed to sever
ourselves from past whining, unable to withstand
declining, weepers, lonesome sleepers,
armed with their hand.

We're not back, admitted, we are only just beginning,
we recognized the lack, the start of our winning.
It's all relative
just don't get caught up in the mechanics
they're just a set up
Feb 2017 · 277
Ill one
Daan Feb 2017
Ill one, looking for a cure,
stop looking and be pure.

Sick one, losing to be sure,
is there nothing you endure,
nothing you can stand,
are you that pathetic,
unable to land

You've misplaced the origins,
failed to admit, failed to get rid
of your insecurities
yet now you're knowing
of the ways you could be going.

The questions always come down to one thing
and the answer is bound to sting
your behind.
Keep your mind
on starlight
and every possible predicted future
will turn out right.
I was at the foot of a hill this morning
now I know the view is going to be amazing.

The burning forest is not behind me,
it surrounds the hills I travel.
Feb 2017 · 361
Daan Feb 2017
Arrogance, high-pitched laughter,
hiding behind some old fashioned
movie smile knowing you're a fraud
yet pausing and waiting for people to applaud.

Manipulatively working your pawns
for comfort, for egoistic measures,
abusively, but too easy to stop.
You're an actor, live performer,
liar and a former sizzling fire.

It's tempting and intriguing, it's deceit,
how you mistreat your minions,
unethical and wrong and you are aware
your mind's wellfare is based on other's opinions.
It's pathetic, really.
Watch out for unhealthy progressions
Feb 2017 · 266
Lose it
Daan Feb 2017
She handed me life in a glass of wine,
I took a sip, gave it a try
as if I fired my personal spy
and everything seemed fine.

It took a while to take the time,
stand still, think and fill
the glass right up again,
it's nice to loosen up
I think next time
I'll drink
it will be from a larger cup.
let your expectations float
let them live alongside each other
you'll see them bother
you less and less.
Feb 2017 · 253
That smell
Daan Feb 2017
While drinking a beer on my roof
I saw a man on the other side
of this river on his balcony
set his cigarette to light.
I waved and asked him
about last night,
what are we doing
and why,
still awaiting his reply.

He went back in,
his favourite sin,
smoking with a grin
was now forbidden behind doors,
he had to come back out
again, to press his lips
and move the air
from lungs to fingertips.

How dare he be without defining,
how dare he deny the silver lining,
how could he act without any further thought
and throw away the things he just had bought.
(seemingly so eagerly)

I accepted friendship from this man.
As I took another sip from my can,
I knew that he could tell
when I noticed my own fingertip
that it was ridden with that smell.
Lose the black and white,
tell him goodbye tonight,
go inside
be alone, it just might
give you back your sight.
He'll come back if he wants to,
they always do.
Feb 2017 · 232
Worth it too
Daan Feb 2017
Be sure to miss me,
I just know it's what you'll do,
after seeking replacement
know it will never be as true
as the perfect disease I had with you.

It may be all you need
or all you don't.
I promise it won't be too easy
or too hard.

You never threw away my card.
It may have been a struggle,
it may have drowned in pain,
we are different and the same,
we are reality, harsh
but all we have
may be the glue, holding us
together, uncomfortably
but worth it too.
We'll see what happens when
or if she gets off the plane.

She got off, I ran away and back and now I know how narcissistic I can be.
I can be a real monster
Feb 2017 · 518
Mister brightside
Daan Feb 2017
By distance, by the stance,
by every cheeky glance,
every small yet wonderful dance,
every movement of the hands,
every mistake,
by all the chances I got
and were yours to take
we will know if though or not
the picture has place left
to stretch out into.
I feel melancholy
I miss that week
But I don't want to be weak
and make your word holy.
Feb 2017 · 239
Daan Feb 2017
As he removed his socks
at night in bed, he lingered,
opened locks he'd rather see
blocked, kept away.

Fatigued yet restless as his soul
invested in the cause of debt,
he pondered on reasons to let
it all behind, leave.

Her presence hid in some forgotten place,
replacement, soon to turn the other cheek
less and less thinking of her face,
goal-attainment reached the peak,
keeping busy in many ways.

He met the borders, limits
he had sought, dared to love for once,
albeit it all for nought.
At least I reached the finish line.
Feb 2017 · 249
Daan Feb 2017
Coping in interacted paragraphs,
forgetting how she laughs,
shrinking two sizes,
time buys us
reasons for lost relations,
pathetic reasoning drove men crazy,
sour, winning by being lazy,
there, not in other places.

Depleted, deleted, not needed,
promises, changes, well pleaded.
All dried up
Thank god for spring
We met too early
we're all ok
Jan 2017 · 398
Precious little time
Daan Jan 2017
Move faster, keep moving, keep running
like time is, out. Out of all there was, stunning
how we doubt. I feel pain in my left foot
while the right one has no place to be put.

I'll count the days until it's over,
walk the miles in the stover
of the crops we used to grow.
By any means I have to get
back to some kind of flow.

I won't be the one to regret, it's this I'll let you know,
in a way you've helped me become a tad more slow.
I'll feel bad for a while
but life goes on.

December 2 2016
I knew it all along.
Jan 2017 · 498
Daan Jan 2017
Be there for me
this is bound to blow over
my judging ways
her unheard prayers
oh I'll be gone, doll,
dear puppeteer,
help me steer clear.

No strings left to keep us attached
your legacy remains unmatched.
But I don't want to read your face
I need to keep running, keep up my pace.
It won't be like this for ever.
There will be better things, man.
Keep it up.
December 27 2016

Little ways down the road, a month later
Reading this now while wandering through privates and I feel great.
So I decided to publish
Jan 2017 · 281
Daan Jan 2017
Take it all in.
Try to hold on
but let it go,
there's so much more to know,
nothing wrong with alleys,
backstreets or rallies.

Take it in
and let it go.
You might even become a pro.
Selfe awareness
And something about this fight,
Mais tout va bien en de rest komt goed,
all that we share, het komt goed.
Jan 2017 · 273
Daan Jan 2017
At first you want stuff,
set goals, nothing is enough.
You see things you don't own,
wonder how they got there,
how it could have grown.

You're there now, don't care, now,
you thought you needed,
safely conceeded
and admit,
this is not where you want to sit.

You leave it, left it, gone, it's tough,
you feel so small and all is rough,
romanticize the whole,
only see the good parts
forget the reasons you left.

The only thing you have is safety
because this place is predictable,
this phase is not going to change,
right here, you're in control.
The hard part isn't getting over,
time will help you leave the rover,
it's actively deciding to make things happen.

Narrow focus, looking too closely
makes you miss out on things,
takes away your wings,
reduces chances, oblivious to glances.

Widen, don't expect it all,
open, don't be afraid to fall.
This fear is not a cure but a cause.
It makes you reconsider,
uncertain, unsure, you pause.

Get out there, don't forget,
just do things, learn, accept regret,
get out there, live as all, not knowing what you want to be.
Explore, you don't have to be sure,
adventure, growing, striving, pure
attitude, luck and gratitude
for all you took for granted
while you laid there, hopelessly, falsely endorsed
fearfully, pathetically wanting
things from others who aren't to be forced.

For god's sake, man, be fearless for a while,
hone your style, wear your smile
only when true. Roll with the punches,
take the kicks, all you need to do is
Stop that,
I used to
but I don't want to
Another step
well done.
Finally knowing, understanding,
in a while, they'll say:
"He stuck the landing."
That won't matter though,
you're the only one who has to know.

-I know it's not well written, (or tl;dr)
I just had to get the message through.
Jan 2017 · 314
Daan Jan 2017
He made a checklist,
raised his fist
and yelled.

As he coloured the boxes,
as he checked off the lines
he'd finished, he diminished
his life to separate stars
and lost the constellation.

People don't owe you ****,
good part is, you don't owe them either, it
comes down to what you feel like doing.
Jan 2017 · 254
Daan Jan 2017
You're hired, start monday,
seize that day,
take it,
it's yours.

Off course, unmanned
no map, nothing planned,
no lookout, no captain,
no treasure.

Passing hours, passing notes,
wandering the sea
on different boats,
living the illusion you are free.

Let the waves carry you
let the tides, the moon and the wind
guide you away from the times you've sinned
only to return when true,
completely torn apart from value,
blue and red, steady,
don't let anyone knead,
wait until they've fled,
when you are ready.
I don't know anymore, man.
Jan 2017 · 265
Daan Jan 2017
Bearded, hairy, pimpled fairy,
repulsive, obnoxious, loud and anxious,
daring, daunting, sweating, crying,
lying and prying
to get the details out,
presumptious, precautious yet nosy,
bossy, knowing it all and showing it all.

Dancing for no apparent reason,
same for singing,
showering, caring and pairing.
Associations big or small,
drama at the mall,
glances, waves and smiles
helping others with piles
of work, with quirk.

Strong, fierce, succesful beings, kind
with deep eyes, steep noses, cheeks
and jaws, able to cut glass,
a freakishly tight, yet humbling behind
or ***.

Adventurous, spontanious, loving
and watching and staring and matching
catching every voxel, every pixel, every line
or dot
or just a couple or just one or not.

Full, sizeable or rather small, yet kissable lips
or standing tall, bizarre
symmetry, bigotry, whining and ambitiously
becoming a truer version of what you
think you are.
Find it deep within yourself
Romance and love are not the same
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