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 Nov 2013 Kellin
Mike Hauser
I visted with a good friend today
It has been such a long while
I pulled up a bench, reached out my hands
And gave her a comfortable smile

She has never questioned my intentions
Nor asked me the reason why
After so many years I would leave her alone here
As much as she fulfills my life

For when we are wrapped up in each other
A sweet melody so often plays
I caress her ever so gently
Just the two of us as the world fades away

I never realized how much I miss her
Without hesitation she takes me back again
What we have is so far from over
My lover, my friend, my baby grand
 Nov 2013 Kellin
 Nov 2013 Kellin
Hypnotized by you,
I am drowning,
Day by day.

In the emotion,
Of your love,

I'm drowning wilfully,
Really not to be save,
Listen when I say.

Effortlessly I let my body sink,
Not struggling at all to escape,
I only fear distance from you.

Not the physical distance,
But the distance of hearts,
A distance of heartbreaks.

You say similar things,
Claiming I stole your heart,
An eternal truth this we share.

Dreaming on & on,
We even struggle often,
Our struggle goes on & on.

Looking into these calm dark eyes,
On your face full of beauty & truth,
I gain an escape from worldly lies.

You claim I jinxed you the first time,
So true- weren't we bound to meet,
It's just Time choreographed this.

I can't easily refute the blame,
After all I am an equal partner,
In this lyrical life & this game.

So I bear morally equal liability,
As we observe our love garner,
After all I am older than you.

We can't give into these tough times,
Not now, today, tomorrow nor ever,
For our relationship is a challenge.

A challenge for changing our world it is,
A bright change for a brighter future,
A betterment of your & my lives.

I know you're with me in life,
I know you're surely lighter,
I know you're much young.

Younger than my experience,
Younger than my sad lifespan,
Younger than my reborn avatar.

Happier than my own best happy,
Happier than my ever-so-pale face,
Happier than my knowledge can be.
A post-poem note:

Along the way I sprint hypnotized,
Along the Angel imparting me strength,
Along you my Angel - not alone as I had been.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

My first 17-paragraph poem. I guess I'll call it a Decaseptolet poem.

I invented my first distinct style.

My HP Poem #406
©Atul Kaushal
 Nov 2013 Kellin
My mind is always running between first and last,
Highs and lows
Trying to discover the secrets of life,
Secrets that no one else knows

My mind doesn't know when it's made up
Or when it's undone
Always searching the depths of forever,
And forever it'll run

My mind is in constant wonder
Looking for messages where no messages lie
I don't suppose it'll ever stop,
Not even when I die

But death is a funny thing, you know
We think it's here, then it goes
Coming much too fast, coming much too slow

My mind is always running between first and last
My mind knows nothing
My minds forgot about the past

My mind is made up on me and you
There's no changing it, it'll fight till its blue
My mind is a quiet and crazy place that I wish you could see
My mind is a master of fools
The biggest one being me
 Nov 2013 Kellin
Mike Hauser
I tie the perfect noose
Pull tight on the cord
Kick the chair from underneath me
As my feet both touch the floor

I take the electric toaster
Set it on the edge of the tub
Knock it into the water
But forget to plug in the plug

Laid myself down on the train tracks
Waiting for the 9:05
Little did I know my watch had stopped
Right at a quarter till 9:00

I step out into traffic
Sure this is my last deed in life
Not knowing it was a crosswalk
And I was at a red light

I found the tallest building
On my city block
Made my way to the top floor
Where none of the windows unlocked

Never had such a hard time in life
Trying to do myself in
Apparently I need a new tactic
Apparently I need a new plan

Think I'll just go to bed
Catch me some much needed winks
Maybe when I wake up
I'll have died in my sleep
With every passing second, minute, hour, day
my happiness keeps slipping away.
Further and further into a hole.
I fall deeper and deeper with nothing to hold.

A rope is thrown in hopes to save,
the falling girl, but there is no escape.
For she missed the rope, it was out of reach.
Yet this rescuer hasn't given up on me.

Why would you stay to help the helpless?
Why are you trying to find a bottom to this bottomless pit?
So many questions that will have no answer.
Who is this angel, my rescuer?

Why spend your time on someone like me?
What do you see that is so lovely?
What makes you think I'm a person worth saving?
My rescuer, this angel, she's my safe haven.

Maybe it's not me, maybe it's you.
This can just be something you do.
You like to help others, you have a good heart.
You help me because that's the type of person you are.

But what if I'm special and important to you.
Yes you help others, that is what you do.
But maybe you'd choose to help me over somebody else.
Maybe you really want to see me well.
While you may care about others, you also care about me.
Maybe you help cause you love me.

She is finally back with a longer rope this time.
I could surely reach it with a small climb.
But my mind is telling me I don't deserve this help.
That her time would be better spent on someone else.
I don't think it's true, it just can't be.
I didn't ask for help, it was offered to me.
Why would it be offered, if she didn't care?
There are enough nice people in this world to share.

So I jump up and reach for the rope.
And as I grab hold of it, I also grab hope.
Hope for a better life, a happier one.
I was losing this battle, but in the end I won.
I won with some help, and that is okay.
Because at the end of the day, I feel great.
And now that I'm safe and happy again,
I can go thank my new friend.
Who made me smile in the midst of my tears.
And helped me overcome some of my fears.
She literally turned my frown upside down.
She had the power to turn this poem around.

Not only did I gain a friend, but an important lesson too.
I hope if you are lonely this will help you.
Darkness is only there to help out the light.
After all, the brightest stars shine during the darkest night.
 Nov 2013 Kellin
"You may her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect- you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you two think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her she knows you can break- her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her don't analyze, and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, and let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there.''
-Bob Marley
This goes out to all the guys! :D
 Nov 2013 Kellin
Seconds seem like ages,
But hours are so short.

Time passes slowly
But it all ends so fast

Hearts beat,
Leaves fall.

Wind blows
Shivers run.

Heart stops
Tears fall

Memories left
A ghost to recall.
 Nov 2013 Kellin
The Nicholo
 Nov 2013 Kellin
The Nicholo
Your smile bewildered my thought
Trapped somewhere between fantasy and reality
Kept by a throbbing emotion being fought
All I ask is for you to be with me

Your embrace is my air
A subtle irony is what I feel
Oh destiny let you be fair
And concede time stand still

Your touch alleviate uncertainty
Unburden feelings that suffices to confound
Your love is my symphony
A music that is forever bound

I won’t let it go
 Nov 2013 Kellin
Seán Mac Falls
I am alone with you.
A fire burns in the distance,
It lights our faces
As before in the empty cinema,
Where we arrived, at some beginning,
To watch a foreign film. Our eyes,
In new utterance, murmuring subtitles,  
What words could never speak,
The tips of seats, rows of air
And the moony screen,
A tableau of feathers and cloud,
Two of us, alone, as one,
Rapt in the spread of wings.

Later, alone we dine in the Café  
Campagne. Our conversation  
Deafens a burgeoning crowd,
Coffee was nectar, our words  
Were whispering petals.
Dearest Blodeuwedd, I saw the sweetest  
Sorrow on your face, the green ocean
In your eyes, I was cleansed  
By your tears.  I have always
Known you.

Across the border on the far island,
You stepped into the waters with me
And when you disrobed you lit the stars
And the stars and my eyes kissed your skin,
Your slender legs, columns, tilting
Toward heaven, in the age of Helen,
Touched the water and the sky,
I saw the milky way that night.

Síneánn, I am your Pablo,
We are two white birds sailing
Over the foam of the sea.
Solvent to my stone, you are the hinge
To my casement world.  Rain petal
Voice, lithe, alabaster woman,
I am lost in your Sargasso eyes,
I hold your skin, my Selkie,
Sweet Niamh, I have lived  
One hundred years this week.

It is warm in the distance,
In the country of the sun,
We end at the house in Umbria,
In the autumn, there is no word
Siberia, my light Rosaleen.
Now is harvest time.  
At the great table we feast  
With family and friends  
And I am not alone with you.
Blodeuwedd is the Welsh Goddess of spring created from flowers.  In the late Christianized myth, She was created by the great magicians Math and Gwydion to be Lleu's mate, in response to a curse pronounced by his mother that he would never have a wife from any race then on the Earth. They fashioned Blodeuwedd from flowers and breathed life into Her.  In Welsh, blodeuwedd, meaning "Flower-face", is a name for the owl.

She represents temporary beauty and the bright blooming that must come full circle through death: She is the promise of autumn visible in spring.

Pronunciation: bluh DIE weth ("th" as in "weather")  Alternate spellings: Blodeuedd, Blodewedd.

Selkies (also known as silkies or selchies) are mythological creatures found in Faroese,Icelandic, Irish, and Scottish folklore. The word derives from earlier Scots selich, (from Old English seolh meaning seal). Selkies are said to live as seals in the sea but shed their skin to become human on land. The legend apparently originated on the Orkney and Shetland Islands and is very similar to those of swan maidens.
 Nov 2013 Kellin
Seán Mac Falls
I have lost my sun,
Though I still orbit in a strange attraction.

I have lost my music,
Though I know my heart sings sound.

I have lost my vision,
Though I see in dreams an impossible beauty.

I have lost my sense,
Though this world has never tasted as sour.

I have lost my purpose,
Though aimlessly, I write in the pale drear of twilight.

I have lost my reason,
Though I chart dangerous courses without a crew.

I am the last falls of the loveliest red proscenium

I am over, undone, a foundling, lost,
Without you.
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