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Nov 2016 · 339
My Canvas
My canvas is void of color.
Its missing shapes and lines,
not much other
then light pencil marks,
erased and faded.
My canvas is void of color
edges worn and tattered
from traveling
bare to the open air.

In the open air,
one path merged from two.
Painting the most spectacular view, one day,
you said, one day
"I'll share my paints with you"
Aug 2016 · 500
So many radical minds
leaving their prints on the glass of time
manipulating the rules of aestiticts
infinity now ruled by natural synthetics
that minds aren't equipped
to fathom the elasticity of
nonlinear lifetimes
untethered from the lifelines that loop forever those loopy eyes
Aug 2016 · 808
infinite glow
follow your rainbow
and you will find your gold
but you wont see the light
with that filthy blind fold

if you want to feel the sun
wash upon your soul
start to live your life
in an an infinite glow

want your fire burning
you just have to ignite it
want your passion beating
its in there hiding

if you want to feel the sun
wash upon your soul
start to see your life
as an infinite glow

dont worry about loosing
your footsteps back home
if you get lost
just look at the moon
and start to see your life
as an infinite glow
look up at the stars
and follow their flow
Jun 2016 · 266
Ive tried to turn back time
Theres Memories  i need to find
Glances that I stole in hopes
That this would not end in bitterness

Now im standing in my gave
Surrounded by golden glimmers of my past
Reflecting reactions of fractions in time
May 2016 · 384
Whered the time go
Why won't it slow
I can only hope that you know
With every tic toc
Of your  life's clock
My hands are always  there to hold

When you grow old
Don't grow too cold
theres more treasure to unfold
when you grow old
dont grow to cold
you can rest when you reach your bed of gold
Sep 2015 · 363
when i die
When I die
Dont say my life was stolen from me
Dont hang your handcuffs on my grave
if the truth is to hard to swallow
Dont spit on my name

When I die,
dont hashtag hate or tag people to blame
I was not taken from this world, it was this world i could not take.
death saved me
death helped me relate

you may never understand
you may know more then i think
but when I die
do anything
be happy that i was alive.
don't be depressed. I was not
I just knew that this world was not designed for me.
Im off to find a new one
maybe ill see you in some world with crystals tall as mountains
and seas made of clouds.
and you'll see
To just let live, and live with peace
Jan 2015 · 378
glass skin
Every passer by is a fly on the road
I wanna look up but i dont want to see
every empty stare that goes straight to my soul
i hide so they dont see whats inside of me
Jan 2015 · 438
taboo society
my face is lit like art on a wall
but I am not whats on display
a light is where the focus lays
with its seductive glow and come-hither call
you cant help but follow its way
my first trip down this carnal course
I felt a spark ignite my heart
and a hole
I never knew existed
now pumped with fire
as my soul lifted
Jan 2015 · 471
bright eyed, indian style
we sat and smiled, while
the world conquered our brains

my peers and I,
we grew up under the same light
learned about life
from one hand guiding us through time
the other, hard-wiring our mind

our secrets splashed, staining the walls
our footprints danced down the halls
and my friends found their rolls
but i never found mine
too busy self disecting
in hopes that I'd feel whole
but my brain believed  
that love between a man and woman was the only acceptable kind
i grew 15 years believing in my brain that this was true
until my heart insisted on a different view
feeling broken down to my core
i realized, brain or heart I had to choose
i had to end this civil war
not realizing my mind is what I'd loose
Feb 2013 · 566
Moon and Sun
I looked at the moon
and I screamed out loud
the moon looked  back down
and in a booming sound
said, whats wrong little boy
Is the world not big enough?

My tear filled eyes
Then looked away
I could not hear the truth
that the moon had to say
for my mind was stuck
I thought all hope for love was lost
so I stumbled along

When the sun rose up
I had to stop and say
Will I ever find my love
She smiled as she spoke
**Leave your heart open and love will flow
remember, there's steps to take in every direction
and with your heart wide open
theres always enough love
to fill the whole ocean
Feb 2013 · 638
Hidden Heart
Here I am again
Right back where I was before
Running into walls
like these scars
mean nothing at all

Here I am again
Right back where I was before
Chasing an obsession
Hoping for a change
In the eyes of my selection

And everywhere I look
My eyes are anchored down
searching for a hidden heart
killing time until its found

or like a hawk hunts its prey
I too think of ways
to ****** your deepest soul
and drag up the hidden heart you hold

Away from the light of the world
and in the depths of my den
you will release whats in your head

With no shame of what the world will think
For it has taught you that your heart is wrong
and to keep it buried
for you will displease the god

but I feel ashamed to say
that I even feel this way
So i wont do anything at all
Ill keep my obsession
at the break
until i break
and even if I think Im doing fine
The scars and bruises tell otherwise
Feb 2013 · 761
Rise to Wonderland
The room is dark
and filled with waves
the bass drops low
the glovers glow
and the rythem flows
then the DJ slows
and the rabbits rave
their night is day
they dance
until the sun breaks way
then the roll dissolves
but the love will stay
and the chemical bonds
wont separate
the good vibes rise
and the children stand
ready to leave this earth
for wonderland

— The End —