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Jan 2021 · 1.0k
Two lonely souls
Choden tenzin Jan 2021
I have found someone just as lonely as me
I have found someone just spiritual as me
I have found someone just as beautiful as I am
I have found someone for me
A soul mate my love
Jan 2021 · 922
Choden tenzin Jan 2021
What I wish to hold your hands
What I wish to kiss you behind some prayer flags
What I wish to make love to you
To feel you
To feel your touch
You sparkling smiling eyes
Be able to to have a love child
With you
My sweet monk.
Jan 2021 · 764
Love dreams
Choden tenzin Jan 2021
Sweet monk
As I sleep I am
With images
Of you gentle loving face
As I dream of you having
Your way with me
Kissing me
As you do so
Nobody sad that
You were part yeti
The way you love me
So passionately
I want you so
In reality
Jan 2021 · 604
Darling lama
Choden tenzin Jan 2021
My love
How you want me all to yourself
Your consort
I wish nothing more to see
Your sparkling smiling eyes
As we kiss on the summit of Everest
Or while coupling
So lovingly
In your chambers
My darling Lama
Jan 2021 · 512
My beloved
Choden tenzin Jan 2021
My beloved
Did we do this in  a
Past life
In Tibet where I was a common
Girl and you a monk
And fell in love
Made love
And yet my love
Here we are again
In love with eachother
As if time never moved
I wish our dreams of meeting eachother
Come true
My loving yeti monk
Just one more kiss
For old times sake
With you smiling sparkling eyes
Looking up on me as we kiss

— The End —