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Apr 2019 · 409
Oh! The little poor girl
Chandrika Gohain Apr 2019
You, the little girl!
- went apace quite.
But left thousands of abstruse words to me.
You, the little girl!
Could fly so high,
But never tried to.
Once ;
You were someone's angel ;
Someone's love ;
Someone's strength to live.
You, the little girl!
Could fly so high
Why didn't you trust your wings
Apr 2019 · 319
Dear days
Chandrika Gohain Apr 2019
Let's find the days that flew by ;
The blue sky ;
The boundless dreams,
Floating above anything.
The heavenly colours of innocence ;
The pristine attire of purity.
Let's find the foot prints
That we left afar.
The toys that we threw away ;
The garden where we planted the flowers of joy.

— The End —