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Jun 2014 · 3.0k
I am a monster
Chandamazii Jun 2014
I used to be scared of monsters under my bed
Now I'm just scared of the ones in the mirror
Sometimes I wish I could just be dead
Than seeing them come closer and closer

Each and every day, they misled
Made me think I was a horror
Implanting these thoughts in my head
That I needed to be better

That I needed to be taller,
That i should be prettier,
That i needed to be skinnier.

Those monsters in the mirror,
they were actually just myself
Speaking the truth, reading the thread
Of society's standards, inside my head
Chandamazii Mar 2012
One day a girl was walking down the road. She had her music turned up loud and couldn’t hear a thing. Suddenly without realising, she was in front of a small narrow trail, she followed it and it brought her to the shore. When she got there she was lost and didn’t know what to do. She decided to continue.

After an hour, she began crying and screaming, she was lost and wanted to go back home. She dropped to her feet and broke down. Next thing you know she saw a pair of feet. She looked up and saw a man, all dressed in white. He told her to get up, what she did. He gently pulled her beautiful black hair out of her gorgeous pale face.

She kept crying and asked him if he knew a way to go back home. The man responded: this is home. The girl couldn’t understand. The man told her: this is where all the waves crash, where the sand is the most soft and warm, where the wind will make your hair dance, and where it’s mostly sunny.

The girl told the man: No it isn’t like that. All I see is a big, black angry ocean and the sand is pulling me deeper into the ground. The wind is blowing in every direction like it is lost and the big grey clouds are hiding the sun. So this is not home. This is scary. It is nothing like you said.

Then the man replied: no. It is all an illusion. To you, the ocean is big and dark because it is like your heart at this moment, Panicking. The sand is only pulling you in because you are letting it. The wind is only blowing because of your mind. It’s lost. And the sun is only hidden because your sight is the same. You cannot see what has truly happened.

After the man said these words, the ocean calmed down and became turquoise. The sand became soft and warm to her bare feet. The wind became a gentle breeze and was making her beautiful hair dance in the wind. And the sun came out of the clouds. For a minute she thought the sun was so big that he would swallow her.

What was truly happening, she was opening up to the truth. While the girl was crossing the road, a drunk driver hit the beautiful 15 year old. He never got caught. She was now in heaven. The reason why she saw heaven the way she did at first, was because she didn’t want to accept where she was. She was confused, and slipping in her own illusions.

The girl turned around to the man, all dressed in white, with long brown hair. He reached out for her to take his hand and said:” let’s go Natalia. Let’s go meet my father.” “What’s his name?” and the man replied: “God.”

The light can only shine in the presence of darkness. The heat can only warm you up in presence of the cold. God is always there to help you in times of sadness. He is always there.
more of a story thaqn a poem but WTV i still ike it :)
Nov 2011 · 2.5k
The black rose of sorrow.
Chandamazii Nov 2011
there once was a rose more black than a crow**
who bloomed in the result of pure sorrow
a man once came across that rose
astonished by the look of the flower
the man took it brought and it home
he left it there to die with no water to drink
and it dried up as time would tick
after 20 days, the rose turned to ashes
and the wind took away the little pieces of sadness
and still to this day in revenge of her painful departure
the rose makes the snow fall every winter
to punish the man for his horrible crime
of killing a beautiful creature,
who was made by nature... <3

— The End —