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  Aug 2019 Carmen Jane
anthony Brady
To envisage You,
body, mind, soul,
in moods of longing
when all words fail
and language is lost
in the translation,
I lay down my pen.
Then trace your heart
in outline on my
canvas  of dreams.

I know that my head is full of dreams
And i get lost in my own world.
But there i am happy.
I can't spend all my days living in a black And white world.
Never smiling being serous all the
Time hiding who i am.
I love to get lost in dreams and be in a
World of own.
I love being a poet and if that makes
Me a dreamer then call me a
  Aug 2019 Carmen Jane
Christina S
My greatest love of all is
right here sitting next to me
I feel like I owe him everything
Without him I don't know where I'd be

My love for him is like trying
to capture the ocean's tide
I feel full to bursting when I think
of him-only in him can I confide

And no matter what I tell him
He won't judge me in any way
True to his loving nature
I can count on him to stay

People said our love wouldn't
ever stand the test of time
Well, it has, and through my struggles,
he still makes my life sublime.
  Aug 2019 Carmen Jane
No one so shy
as moonlight on waterlilies
of a blue-black night

         Personne si timide
         au clair de lune sur les nénuphars
         Ce soir, bleu-noir
Written first in English as a poetry assignment to be translated to another language.  I realized  immediately that my translation was far more beautiful.  It usually works the other way around.
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