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  Jul 2017 Carlyy
Ashly Kocher
The thoughts in my head are bleeding out of my ears
I wonder if anyone knows what I've been thinking all these years
Sometime the noise is so loud I forget it's actually reality I am hearing
Where is the off button to shut out the world from all the ruckus that swirls around my head
Is it real?
Is it fantasy?
Word, feelings, images bouncing around trying to find a way to escape
For now I will keep it all inside of me
Until I figure out a way to stop the noise, turn the volume down and release the mysterious things that I have been through in my existence....
  Jul 2017 Carlyy
Zac C
I consider it
rather optimistic
to view myself
as a small spec
in this large swimming pool
of a universe
it only encourages me
to be
Carlyy Jul 2017
I looked forward,
once I saw a glimpse of a future
I finally took a step forward
It was exciting and exhilarating
It made my heart flutter
I craved accomplishment
I got my hopes up
I talked to myself through it
The possibility of it not happening
I mustn't of convinced myself
Because I fell to the floor
The window I stood by fogged up
I dropped the lit cigarette on the carpet of my own house
And watched it burn
I smoked myself out
I told myself I'll be fine
Four weeks later and I'm underneath the same bridge I'm suppose to be over
Head above water, feet kicking
Lungs heavy and eyes red
My mind, body, and soul
all undone
There is no stream strong enough for me
I am not satisfied with this
I experienced the high of life
I just can't seem to grasp the positivity
All I ask is you don't let me be
I could use what you got for me
Life has got me down
  Jun 2017 Carlyy
Can i go back in time
And live again?
This time with my eyes open
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