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 Feb 2020 Carina
Michael Stefan
Your heart
Like stone
Cracks not for weapons
But words
 Feb 2020 Carina
Michael Stefan
 Feb 2020 Carina
Michael Stefan
Two letters,
Scrawled haphazard,
On brick walls,
Speak volumes,
Build barriers,
Save millions,
Never uttered enough,
Sometimes uttered too much,
Etching a duality,
Between inaction,
And stopping oppression,
Strong like steel,
Ethereal as ghosts,
And only you,
Decide its proper use.
This poem was written as a monologue to the intensity of one of the most frequently used words, so small and insignificant while still being one of the most powerful words in all human languages.
 Feb 2020 Carina
Michael Stefan
Witness wonder in all forms
It's always happening around you
 Sep 2019 Carina
Em MacKenzie
Some recoil at the scars,
some wish to know how you received them.
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