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CNDY Oct 2018
Here I go again,
Planning a whole future on based solely on a hope of you.
I know I shouldn't...
But each time I look at you my imagination grows wilder.

In my head, we are already set in forever after.
Spending eternity just settling for one another.
I know it hasn't been long,
But my head is already chasing forever with you.
CNDY Sep 2018
Before you fall in love with my physique,
Fall in love with my aura.
Fall in love with my soul.
CNDY Sep 2018
From a vague eye, looking up from earth;
I am a soft glisten.
Like the stars which gracefully twinkle on high above.

But study me, look further into my eyes.
And you will see the vastness of my soul.
You will notice the destructive explosions and super novas going on inside my mind.  
The beautiful lifelessness that somehow brings life.
Notice how I constantly collapse into myself like a black-hole.
Notice how my atoms continously collide and fuse, giving birth and death to my stars.

Do not be misled by my softness.
I am the night sky
I've always been introverted and soft-spoken. But beyond that lies a whole new depth that people refuse to see.
CNDY Aug 2018
I work in a hospital.
And I'm not sure if this was the right profession for my fragile mind.
As I walk through the hallways, I swear I can hear the walls speak...
Telling tales of lives being birthed,
and lives falling away.

I listen to the walls.
I feel every tear.
I feel every fear.
I feel every smile
and I feel every sigh of relief.
I get lost in all the stories these walls hold.
A beautiful swirl of birth and death.
I feel a slight pang on my throat, choking on the thought of death.
Then almost instantly, my face lights up.
A cry, of a healthy new born baby bounces off the walls.
I am completely lost in these walls.
And for a slight moment, I realize, I am these walls.

Either way, I work in a hospital.
I am caught in a cycle of birth and death
CNDY Aug 2018
"Change is inevitable, embrace it."

But, do you really understand what you're asking me to do?
You are asking me to surrender.
You're asking me to give up all the control I have.
You're asking me to allow an unknown,  untold, unpredictable force to take over me.
You're asking me to strip off all my armor, and leave myself vulnerable.

21 today
And I'm scared.
I'm scared of what this means.
I am finally old enough to be held accountable for my actions. It's all me now.
Quite scary huh'.
CNDY Aug 2018
Dear poet..
Ever notice how the only way you can understand your emotions is by writing them down?
Or is it just me?

Before I write...
My mind is a jumbled up mess... a whole jigsaw puzzle.
But once that ink touches the paper
The confusion fades.
The pieces link up.
And I can finally see the whole picture.

My soul craves for written words.
My soul is inked.
CNDY Aug 2018
I met him today.
A perfect stranger named Miguel.

He looked deep into my eyes like he saw the whole universe inside of them.
He stared at me as though he saw super novas, star constellations and galaxies being born inside
my soul.
He looked at me with so much passion and intrigue as though my eyes were a portal to things unknown.
His eyes stripped off my flesh...
And through just one look I felt him travel through the wierd swirl of nebula, planets and stars that is my soul.
What shocked me is...
He seemed to like what he saw.

Just maybe... This is how love is supposed to feel like

-My Ode to Miguel.
He saw me in the realest and truest form of myself. He saw all my pain and all my potential. He saw ME!
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