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Brother Jimmy Feb 2018

Up from below,
Small chutes ****** forth,

A welcome sign
Of springtime promise,

Such relief,
Sign posts up north,

No bigger than
This page’s commas,


Grace is ALL;
The ragged ***

Can turn toward
The warmth and light,

And bathe within
The friendly hum,

When he understands
He was made just right


Up from below,
Small chutes ****** forth,

A welcome sign
Of springtime promise,

Such relief,
Sign posts up north,

No bigger than
This page’s commas,

Brother Jimmy Apr 2020
This sword has slashed and slain good folk
And hot coals have caressed
And with this instrument, have I lain
My soul to bear; my core to rest...

It’s sure to harm and falter
With fricative formations always ready
Even near the altar
My muscles tensed, my thoughts unsteady

But this sword can also heal
Can soothe like salve a haggard heart
So I will climb and I will kneel
And try once more to hone my art
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
"Too suicidy?", she asked,
(as if there were gradations)

The cosmic existential choice
Will cross my mind quite often,

But mostly when I'm overwhelmed
By those slings and arrows Hamlet mentions

Though fortune is sometimes with me and sometimes against me,
It is outrageous, ...always.

The temptation presupposes a never ending rest...

And whether or not "rest" is an accurate description of death,

It amounts to a self-perception of laziness...

and so I would not base the choice to continue existing

On whether or not 'tis noble but on whether or not it's ideal.

And if I consider the specifics and various methods ...and especially the fallout...
It is less than ideal.

Plus all the birds and spiders
Would miss their bard.
Brother Jimmy Jun 2017
One who is...

When I grow young
Sitting at your feet


I will
Forever after
Feel like I'm complete


You will
With joy and laughter
Gather all the souls


We will
Completely understand
For whom the bell tolls
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
The world is in chaos
Rationality is dead

My role-models are ******
And I'm stuck in my head

The dread! The dread!
It ***** at my legs

It's muck and mire
Here in the dregs
From a farther
            vantage point~
It is  ...comical

                  Your heads,
Adorn your beds
Eat your breads (full of gluten)

Stick your boot in
To the mud
And laugh aloud
Be proud

Of all your minuscule kingdoms
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
Comes the fiddling fiend
Comes the lascivious lingerer
Steals away, the sneak, to the bend in the creek
And lies with A lovely light

From the beckoning field
Where the battles were waged, we trade,
Furs and beads will fill their needs
And keep the moon up tonight

And illumine well the fight
Brother Jimmy Feb 2020
Comes the fiddling fiend
Comes the lascivious lingerer
Steals away, the sneak, to the bend in the creek
And lies with a lovely light

From the beckoning field
Where the battles were waged, we trade
Furs and beads will fill their needs
And keep the moon up tonight

And illumine well the fight
Brother Jimmy Apr 2018
In a minute I’ll start again,
It’s the same as it has always been;
With every human’s desire to change,
This whole world of women and men.

Mere cell death has changed me:
Shedding and shredding and shedding this skin
Looking but longing for old points of view;
Looking without what was once within.

Here, with a passing glance,
Chance has shown a glimpse of the true,
For you aren’t a bit who you were before,
Go forth and rejoice for the updated you!

Have you ever had a pivotal moment,
When suddenly all the world seemed to shift?
And everything that you once thought true,
Just left you lost, out at sea, adrift...

In a minute I’ll start again
It’s the same as it always has been
A world with blinders bustles about
Without the courage to look within.
Brother Jimmy May 2017
If you could stop this plight
Could plot a place for pep
Could turn the day to night
Transport me through a trip
Repairing ripped remains
Requiring rest and rains
Your vigor vim and zip
Voracious vrooming stains
Beholding what beheld
When it was still intact
The weight is with me still
The cloud and cataract
The vision that now dulls
And daily duty culls
New meaning from the old
Severe, the mercy sold
Brother Jimmy Nov 2017
Jesus was a Liberal,
He partied with the rabble,
He’d a brazen disregard for the law,
So said the Pharisees...
They thought him full of heresies;
He was stuck firmly in their craw…
They thought him radical and tragic
But didn't know the DEEPER magic,
"Let's trap this friggin' upstart", said they
His father, a staunch conservative,
Set down some rules, preservative
Of people that he chose back in the day.
*Then there’s the Holy Spirit, or "Hoppy" as he likes to be called,
He’s harder to pin-down politically… and he has no time for tarrying,
On social issues, he's had no comment, or none has yet been scrawled,
But rumor has it he's backing the Libertarian
Brother Jimmy Jul 2017
We stumble up
And up we go
Up this mountain
Iced with snow

We scan the scene
Seek the guru
The learned being
To join the crew

To face our demons
And our fears
Fulfill our dreams
Of purposeful years

Step over threshold
With vacant stare
As we discover
Nobody there

Oh what a scare
Oh what despair
To really think
There's nothing there!

Or maybe we
Just have it wrong
It's not in notes
It's in the song

What makes the soul begin to glisten?
Perhaps another way to listen?
Brother Jimmy Sep 2021
Happy Anniversary
My sorrow cannot bear
Your new adopted tone
Your hollow smiling stare

I cringe at the thought
The thought that kills my sleep
This thing that you have wrought
How he goes in so deep

His character exalt!
His back muscles so rare
It never was your fault
How could you help but stare?

Poseidon in his glory
A tool for you to use
I hope you get your thrills
Not more damage and abuse

You can drive him toward your will
Not like your former “love”
Whose callousness you loathed
Like the late “God above”

So congrats for eluding
The trap you’d been in
Twenty two years is a long time
To keep this crazy spin

Away you go; you win.
Happy 22nd (and final) anniversary to Diane Jean
I am grieving for the death of who you were.
My mourning comes in waves


The woman I knew wouldn’t have said something so belittling of my feelings, so casually cruel. That woman has died.  That facade that you presented for years and years and years… has evaporated.   The thing that is left in her place is cold, unrecognizable, off-putting, sick.  I am glad truth is coming to light even if it upsets my stomach… I am glad for myself - that it makes it easier to walk away.    But there’s a part that still grieves.   A part that imagines the old you is still underneath this gross monstrous skin… and a part that fears that you’ll awake from this haze… the dark magic will be lifted… and you’ll fall apart.   And it will be too late.  It already is too late.  I can do nothing to soothe or comfort… I can only move on, putting your memory to rest.  

We had good times that I will never forget.  

Au revoir
Brother Jimmy Aug 2021
Staring at the campfire, tryin’ to think of reasons
Why you were so savage that you went on ahead
Cruelly pantomiming role of “loving wife” for seasons
Messing with my heart and torturing my head

The undetected longings your anxious heart must’ve had
Were hidden so well …even when we did embrace
And there might have been a tiny tell - a sign that things were going bad
But I am blind like justice; and you were gone without a trace

The signs were there in retrospect, many signs that I had missed
I should’ve felt it when we argued, when you tried to make me leave
I should’ve sensed the wandering, detected in each kiss
That you were chained and looking for reprieve

But hindsight gives illumination, and highlights all your lies
Your personality is mimic, assimilate each one
Knowing just the thing to do or say to win your prize
And you’re not satisfied…not ever… ‘til you’ve won
Brother Jimmy Jul 2018
Red orange glow
Flits around the base
As plumes now rise
Toward darkened skies
Skin on knees and
Chest and face
Seems to tighten
And we delight in
Atavistic desire
To master its use
This lovely fire
Of pine and spruce
Brother Jimmy Aug 2015

Nigh unknowable
Quilt stretching out over incalculable
  intervals and distances…
Pulling. Churning.
Alternating between different frames
  of reference
Spinning me nauseas

Look at our local surroundings
Such activity above!
Mere minutes before the untrained eye
Takes notice of
The movers,
Slowly wandering across the speckled expanse

The fire has receded into its undulating
  orange-gray hideout
The satellites are so numerous now…
And the red-orange glow illumines
  your cheek, your neck, and your
  flyaway hair.
A distant owl
A dog’s hollow cry rings out echoing
  off of the hill
Sending this gang into high alert
A night at Sayre's Cabin watching the satellites and shooting stars with my children.
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
Small thrush in the understory,
Speckled neck resembling the spray of notes,
Of your calliope song in all its glory,
Resplendent music, the art of throats
Brother Jimmy May 2016
Oh ache I ache
Look at my aim
My ache is the answer
Block that shame

Father that baby
Baby that father
Shame your brother
Blubber and bother

Bother that blubber
Sober, I slobber
Clobber that slobber
Aim to smother my lover

With harangues to the beat
That will bloom in this box
I harangue till the end
Blooms ends with tick tocks
Just playing with words that are both verbs AND nouns
Brother Jimmy Sep 2016
Such thick air
It is hard to inhale

My nightmare
By comparison will pale

The swelter and the swoon
The too-tight strangling cape

By the haze of the moon
Lying lazy in this vapor
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
Off to sleep I drift
To the land of nudes and spaceships
Same place that I've found myself in countless times before

Same but somehow different
    Funny how in dreams
    The setting always seems
    To be distortions of real places
    Here are my people, but with different faces
Warped and bent, strange incident
Brother Jimmy Jan 2020
That guy took a life
How could he have done?
How could he have killed
Such a beautiful one

I study his eyes
Just trying to see
What makes this man different
From you or from me

But the truth is too dark
For me to consider
So hard to swallow
So ugly, so bitter

The truth is that he
Is no different than any
The paths that we choose
Are varied...and many

We’ll try to observe
Some tell in his manner
Some sign that we missed
Some twitch or some stammer

So we can say “ah!
I now see it clear!
I should have know from
That voice I now hear”

“The one in my head
That triggers alarm
So I can know how
To steer clear of harm”

But there is no voice
No feeling, no bell
This son to a mother
Is not spawned from hell

And yet here we are
His knife found its mark
And what should be done
Down here in the dark

Take his life away?
Redemption through violence
Won’t bring back one day
Or mute the loud silence
Brother Jimmy Sep 2021
Oh what’s it like
To have your heart?
(I guess, my dear, I’ll really never know)
Diane for years
You “played the part”
Until you walked right out that door
Cannot quite convince myself
To talk to you just yet,
My wounded heart can’t take another blow

You were so cruel
Cut me right in half
And you had not a thing to say
You and your tool
Can have a little laugh
The way you laughed at me that day
Far too trusting
I will never trust someone again
You made sure I cannot know the way

You’re still in my heart
You tore it apart

Time to engage
The turn’s compete
Let’s separate this flesh we have sewn
All of my rage
Will dissipate
And the tears will dry up on their own
I can wish
You had not ever married me at all
won’t prevent this fall

I fell in love
With someone once
Don’t think I can recall her name
Which only proves
That I’m the dunce
And I know that you feel the same
See the way
Your mind will keep you thinking you’ll smell sweet
You’re not to blame,
…we all fall at your feet

All hail to the queen
(So very obscene)
All hail to the queen
All hail to the queen
This is a song for my ex. Title became “All Hail To The Queen”… you can hear a rough version here:
Brother Jimmy Feb 2018
Human Chimneys

Through which pour

All the art and all the gore

Make up the roof of this place

The mystic bog of music and mace

Spice magma made of eurekas & filaments

Lightbulbs like butterflies the primary elements

The pressures from moments build up a good head

And up flies the lava through the living and dead…

By pure chance some catch it, latch-on to a wee bit

Of phoenix-hatchlings, which then briefly will sit

Upon chimney-headed free paupers of soul

So when one’s lips touched to that coal

Seraphim tongs, red-orange glow

From out of this mouth

New paintings

Did flow
Brother Jimmy Jul 2015
Of course, I was raised on those strangers in the pages

And Sunday school schisms and the devil and his rages

Seems to me to be the myst’ry of the ages

But I don’t know where we’re at

And things seem to me to be getting steadily worse

And it pains me so to see the real folks rehearse

And I know all the fakers quoting chapter and verse

But I don’t know where we’re at

If only

Oh, if only…

If only I could see

But the impercipient

Is me
An unfinished song of mine
Brother Jimmy Aug 2020
I went out
To discover,
And along the way

In their farce
Oh so often
I heard people say

Do it right
Get your bearings
Don’t just drift on through

Though I kept
Trying harder
Naught else could I do

All of life
Leads to this spot
Here where we now stand

No advice
Nor willpower
Shifts what has been planned

So give in
And surrender
Learn to love despite

Being locked
In this chamber
Through this cold cold night

How does one
Truly capture
Glimpses of the real

Is it by
Tacking windward
Learning love and zeal?

Or are we
Better suited
To flow with the stream

That we find
Circumstance has
Placed within this dream?
Brother Jimmy Jun 2016

an entrancing sleepy red
my murky lovely lagoon
zygotic dreams of joy and bed
in rapture oxygenated and well fed
uploaded to this plane; this earth, this sky, and moon...

such comfort in these places
the nascent beings feel
toward the warmth they turn their faces
and their host has sweeping graces
as incipient ones grow, and bruise, and heal

Brother Jimmy Dec 2015
Away he galloped
The gallant savant
Over hill and dale

The sun shone
On his anointed head
And flashed on his mail

With sword in hand
(The sword he'd got
From the Lady of the Lake)

He skewered through
(And sauced it too)
A tender, juicy steak
Apologies to my vegan brothers and sisters...
...but Worcester sauce is some good sh@t!!
Sautée some green veggies with a little Worcester, white pepper, and onion and your mouth will be happy.
I must be hungry.
Brother Jimmy Apr 2015
There are times when I can get me so down

As I’m travelling on the streets of this town

And it don’t take nothing, not a smile or a frown

To bring me back to that place

And I’ll either recover, or snap me clean through

With a smile or a frown…created by you

Respectively – you don’t think that that’s true

But it all comes down to your face

You can imagine what a comfort and joy that it was

When you said, “come on in busy bee, buzz buzz”

Come on in, as you are, take some nectar, fly far,

Let me give of myself, fill your amber-gold jar

But the sweet nectar, being considered a drug,

Has been withheld -in its place a small mug

Of vitamins, minerals, some words, and a tug

But I fall fast and frantic, framing the scar

So it’s back to the fields with the flowers I roam

Back to my drunken dance all the way home

Back to the amber-gold nectar, shalom!

I’m stuck once again in the foam.
Brother Jimmy Jun 2016
The writers

The writers

Hold aloft their lighters

And worship styles of Kafka, Robbins, Steinbeck, and of Stoppard,

With syrup and with sawdust – a spicing so improper,

They burn the midnight oil as they’re pulling their all-nighters

Running ******* empty as they find their inner fighters

The writers, the writers, the writers
Brother Jimmy Feb 2016
YOUR EARS hear every frequency,
Yet YOUR VOICE is imperceptible.
Brother Jimmy Apr 2019
Upside down
Wrong way round
That’s the way the world is

Makes me wonder
If our God
Is sorry he unfurled this
Brother Jimmy Mar 2017
Gingerly walking on the ceiling
This place is wrong-way-round
And I can't help this feeling
That my logic isn't sound
The older I get, the less I know,
My perceptions,
Brother Jimmy Jan 2015
Time is a faucet being slowly opened until the trickle becomes a torrent.
Time is flying by and we’ve been growing together
into one...

You are to me
My everything, True Love,
Filling me with glee,
Ordained by One above

Audaciously you leapt
Into my longing life
And though your mother wept
Steadfast, you quelled her strife

I, kneeling in the leaves
You, in that clownish-dress
Your acquiescence thrilled me
When you uttered, simply, “Yes.”

And now, like melting candles
Our beings intertwine
You hold me by the handles
I drink your kiss like wine…

It’s of the finest vintage
This kiss of yours, so fine
Each lip expressly minted
To snugly fit with mine

The mountains stretch toward heaven
Sky lies down with sea
The Lord has blessed a fallen being
And you are all to me
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
We're here, at "tomorrow",
Brother, my brother,
Oh sorrow, oh sorrow,
One orthodoxy for another...

When it comes to worry,
You need a reprieve,
And maybe, just maybe
A place to grieve?

Much like you
I didn’t know him
I didn’t show him
How I feel...

But to him, truth
Was absolute,
And his force of will
Was resolute.

The intercessor,
Heaven bless her,
Keep her, sweep her,
I am lesser.

Do I think there’s more?  
Well, just a smidgen…
Avoiding confrontation
THAT’S my religion

Not sure I can say it smooth
Prove true or false? It can't be done.
Inviting bridge or gun, forsooth,
And hence the proof becomes less fun

We need comfort, health, and grace,
We need to wake and clean our space,
We need healing, let's not delay,
A fresh reminder that we're okay
Let's talk more, m'kay?
Brother Jimmy Dec 2020
Hate has no place here
So put your tongue to rest
There’s nothing you need fear
No imp upon your chest

Stop grouping them as “they“
Be true to your best creeds
Try seeing things their way
And if the Spirit leads

Try looking past their skew
And past their being trolls
Into their motives true
Into their very souls

— The End —