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Up until this day
Before I ever knew you
My heart was astray
My heart was once blue

Then you came my way
I had to shake off the dust
You said you wanted to stay
I knew it was time to give you my trust.

And if I must say
Opening up to you was a must
Everything felt okay
There was love not lust
I gaze into your brown eyes and feel like I could look into them forever
Caressing your face, I feel thankful
I need no other love but yours
Your fingers wrapped around mine
Your lips are soft and warm and when I pull away I can taste the sweet aftertaste of your mouth
I want more
Your sweet breath invites me for more
It fills me with a feeling I have no words for
An amazing feeling
A feeling only you my love are capable of providing
I want you forever
When you laugh I see nothing but pure beauty
Can everyone see what I see?
You’re glowing and your smile is lighting up the room
I can’t help but smile back
So this is what it feels like to be in love
Who would of known..
I could do this for the rest of my life
I’m not going anywhere
That smile will never get old
What a great team we make
We build each other up
Just look at this strong foundation we are creating
With so much love and strength
Let’s keep this going my love
Together we can do anything
Dark clouds surrounded me
Where the skies were once blue
My mind filled with ill thoughts
Telling me what to do

The river flowed down my face
Rushing to the ground
Silently crying
Not making a sound

My head was throbbing
Heart pounding so fast
Crying hours on end
Wondering how long this would last

At times I thought of ending it
But I knew that wasn't right
It wouldn't be fair to my children
Mommy not tucking them in at night

When little eyes looked up to me
I reassured them "mommy will be ok"
"Grownups get sad sometimes"
But did it have to be this way?

Something had to be done
This shouldn't persevere
I had to seek help
The answer was very clear

There is a stigma that goes on
For those that don't know much
When it comes to mental illness
They say medication is a clutch

It saved me from drowning
Was the life vest that helped me swim
Since then I've grown stronger
See, everyone gets to win

The dark clouds drifted away
Sunny skies now took its place
Laughter has filled the room
Im taking life on with grace
Here we are
Riding the waves of something new
Emotions intense
We feel this way for few

I see in your eyes
You falling my way
Trusting me more and more
Each and every day

Here I was thinking
“Catch me if I fall”
But I was mistaken
That’s not the case at all

You’re like a delicate flower
That I must handle with care
Something we both didn’t realize
Given that these feelings are rare

Although I’ve mostly healed
I’ve been broken inside
Something you shouldn’t have to deal with
The aftermath of my past emotional ride

I HAVE given it my all
Feeling hurt was all I had to show
I’ve loved intensely
But my love had nowhere to go

You see the pain in my eyes
When I look away
You are also my teacher
You can show me the way

I’ve associated these warm fuzzy feelings
With an ache in my heart
An emotion I know too well
But with you I don’t know where to start

Diving head first
Learning to let go
With nothing to hold onto
Except the experience that I know
In and out I go
into the realms of this here new
so much to ponder so much learn
to say hello or adieu

a magnetic force you're presence pulling me in
yet I am unsure of what's inside
heedful of what lies in the unknown
I won't let my heart be my only guide

"this time" I say with my head held up high
"I wont accept anything less than I'm worth.
for I know what I deserve and what I can offer
so much I have learned in my rebirth"

my apologies if I come off harsh
for I am still holding up a shield
I know the risks that come with this
for I myself have just healed

I won't resist the temptation though
both my heart and my head are aligned
my intuition tells me to carry on
and I feel that we both will be kind

I have a great feeling of what lies ahead
but I allow for there to be doubt
truly only time will tell
whether or not this could ever work out

"time" I say over and over
as if it is embedded in my head
that seems to be the missing piece though
as both of us have said

time allows us to grow a friendship
time helps us to build up trust
time takes a lot of patience
and time also builds up a lot of lust
#friendship #trust #honestly #patience #love #lust #feelings #temptations #heal #heart #guide #hello #adieu #time #poetry #feelingpoetic #fortheloveofwords
I tread cautiously
Unsure of what to expect
I’ll admit I’m afraid
Of what could happen next

Pondering whether or not
To let you inside
Afraid to go through
Another emotional ride

You might have realized
There are certain walls built up high
For whatever reasons you have
You seem willing to try

Your smile is warming
Your laugh is contagious
To possibly be vulnerable to you
Requires that I be courageous

The possibility of getting hurt
Is a risk I might just make
I admit you feel worth it though
If that’s the direction we take
#takingrisks #hurt #pain #love #gain #decisions #directions #trust #vulnerable #emotions #fortheloveofwords
Seeking meaningful friendships
Was all I was looking for
Meeting new people
Not expecting anything more

I am in a good place
feeling content on my own
putting myself first
I feel so much I’ve grown

Yet unexpectedly
you caught my eye
I tried looking the other way
that was a mission to try

So many thoughts
as my mind wanders on
people come and go
before you know it they’re gone

you ventured the world
trying to find your place
building homes in others hearts
going at your own pace

you’re in a great place you say
you feel right at home
but are these feelings temporary I ask myself from you being alone?

“It could be a phase” Are my thoughts
given the patterns that I see
perhaps another venture
testing the waters with me

I have no void to fill
needing no one by my side
and im a pretty open book
not very much to hide

If you still decide
That you want to come my way
Be honest and kind is all I ask
Whether or not you stay

Unbearable pain
Something I’ve experienced before
Time and earning trust
Are the keys to these doors

— The End —