I know the flowers better everyday
their twisting stems
their curtain petals
their floating spice
I know the flowers better everyday
their capillary roots
their plum faces
their purple stamens
I know the flowers better everyday
their shaking seeds
their modest thorns
their unabashed lust for the sun
I know the flowers better everyday
I know the sun will rise
I know the clouds will rain
I know my daughter will laugh
I know the flowers better everyday
I’ll draw a fence for flowers
I’ll draw a muzzle for the sheep
I’ll draw a number for the man to crunch
I know the flowers better everyday
I know how lovely it is to feel
grass in between toes
the breath of a boa
the embrace of home
I know the flowers better everyday
I am forty
I am a mother
I love fearlessly
Inspired by *The Little Prince*