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Tori Schall Sep 2017
When the sky of haze begins to darken
and shadows are cast in the night
when street lamps are dulled, almost blackened
and the moon is covered in a haze

The fog creeps in; blots out everything like ink
all sight is abandoned; all hearing muffled
as the swirls of mist thicken; like walking through water
always pushing and pulling; dragging you under and farther

Nothing else makes sense, but the one clear thought in your head
Will you sink; or will you swim
Becuase you're in over your head again
and there's no one to save you anymore

As the fog rolls away; you're left there on the cold ground
but everything's changed or was it just a dream
you're still just standing, in the middle of your room
you have no clue; what's gotten into you?

you lay back down; close your eyes
watch the clock as time flies on by
You head is spinning; dizzy, words repeating
it makes no sense; just one clear thought in your head
Am I really alive; or am I just dead?
Tori Schall Sep 2017
There was a girl
who sat all alone
made colors from dust
and darkness from gold

Nobody noticed her,
maybe they didn't care
to them, well,
she wasn't even there

Always alone,
never speaking a word
always drawing in dust
and making darkness from gold

Many say she's a freak
but me, I say she's talented,
maybe misunderstood
but that's not her problem

I say this because, this girl is me
The one i've hidden underneath
Who draws beauty from dust
and darkness from gold
Tori Schall Sep 2017
Wasting away like a sunken ship,
I wait in the depth, but something's amiss.
I saw a figure, running faster and faster,
taking a dive, landing with ever present laughter.

I watch in awe, as they land on the ground
feeling it shake, in some sort of resound
to tell me they're there, reality and all
so that I may look, and see that it's true

As the waves crash onto shore,
I stand in the murky depths
watching them run and play
with all the others

I wonder what I'm doing here
alone, unlike anyone else
laughter ringing out louder than the crash of the waves
against rocks hidden by the sea spray

As I observe from my perch
on a rock in the sea
dragging my feet in the water
staring with raptor vision from afar

I look at the children playing, with a lost look in my eyes
I dive back down into the water, tears flowing from my eyes
as I sing, the sound reverberates
and the hum of a boat is heard , not too far away

I hear a sudden splash
and right before my eyes
I come face to face with a man
sinking to his demise

I sigh, an unearthly sound in the depths
marred by the sound of the waves above,
and the gurgling of the man below
why must they also come to me so?

They come for my voice, abandoning their post
But when they see me, they understand what will come
I know I'm a siren, at least that's what they call me
For the ghosts of the sailors, are my only company.
Siren: a greek mythological creatures whose singing lured sailors to their deaths
Tori Schall Sep 2017
As I'm waiting for you
in a sea of light
the blinding flashes burning
even in the dead of night

As I look out
up at the moon and stars
I wonder faintly, softly,
exactly where you are

I'm hoping that you'll here this
this melody of mine
because with your lack of conscience
maybe you'll understand mine

You're shining down upon me
I'm embraced by your arms
these tendrils of light
dancing in front of me

I know that you understand
my pain, my mind, my heart
because you just listen silently
like a beautiful sky of stars

Just a lonely girl
wishing someone understood her
she talks to the moon
hoping for an answer

As the light above her
drowns out all her fears
every night she comes to stand
under your light again.
Tori Schall Sep 2017
Sing me to sleep
oh, voices of my past
I can't wade to deep
in the sea that is your laugh

for if i stay with you
surely I will drown
I don't know to swim,
not when you're around

I try to draw a breath
but water fills my lungs
the void that is waiting
as I'm going numb

The moment that I realise
That you're hands hold me under
I awaken in my bed gasping,
unable to get away from you
Tori Schall Sep 2017
These blinding lies
and dark truths
devour and conquer
the souls of the broken

These unseeing gazes
blind to the world
deaf to the pleas
oblivious to the screams

I look at them in pity
because they don't understand
Through these blinded eyes
You've never looked so bad

I stare at you
with dead and broken eyes
shattered into a million pieces
I bleed at you mend

I'm bleeding out,
staining your life with red
drowning out the white of the room
But still the broken tile mends

I look for someone, something,
to hear my cries for help
but nobody will listen
they don't hear me shout

I'm bleeding out
staining the white carpet floor
It looks like a ****** scene
but nobody's home

A note all that's left
seems so insignificant
but as they look
as they see

They know that It was written by me
They know that I've had enough
Of screaming, of seeing
Through Blinded Eyes
Tori Schall Sep 2017
As I'm sitting in the back
memories of the past haunt me
I close my eyes against the pain
trying to block out the noise

The thoughts reverberte in silence
as I fight to hold back the tears
I'm just the girl sitting in the back
so nobody actually cares

I watch the world around me
content to just observe
I see the horrible reality
The truth begins to unfold

The way humans interact
is truly disgusting indeed
because they rely on looks and beauty
instead of what you need

I watch this all unfold
in the back of class
I wipe the tears from my face
silently, beginning to laugh

I may be insane
but I don't really care
I'm broken beyond repair
So nothing really matters

I'm just the girl in the back of the class
as everyone's laugh echoes
I sit in silence, Watching
listening, to the voices
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