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Tori Schall Aug 2017
They tell you to be yourself
but hate it when you do
so instead you put on a mask
so fake, at least to you

They don't notice
or they don't care
they like this fake you
So that's the way it goes

On days you're tired
it doesn't show
when you're in pain
they don't know

they think you're perfect
they think your strong
but when you're not
you just play along

Until one day
your mask crumbles and breaks
the shouts and yells of anger
drive you to the edge

to late to pick up the pieces
they're pleas turn desperate now
because as they look up at you
you're falling, falling, down.
Tori Schall Aug 2017
The dark abyss of fears
that await you when you close your eyes
When you're at your worst
your mind becomes a prison
a sanctuary of nightmares
that you can't escape

The light of a new day
that quickly turns to dusk
locking you away
the dawn seems so peaceful
but underneath the guise
lies a whole new torture
much worse than in your dreams

the art of being 'crazy'
when you harm yourself for attention
is that really what they think?
You're not insane
you are broken
but they can't see that you're hurt
that you just want to find someone to trust

the dark abyss of fears
but you don't feel alone here
because with you in your prison
are the things you can't escape
they haunt you day and night
those demons that you keep
for when the sun sets,
to when it slowly rises
your only friends are with you
in the dark abyss of Peace
Tori Schall Aug 2017
My eyes are haunting
Your lies are daunting
My mind is fading
From all your hating

I hear you calling
You see me falling
You are smiling
I am breaking

My pain is fading
Your words are swirling
My voice is cracking
Your patience is thinning

You aren’t laughing
But you are taunting
I am crying
I am dying

I was hated
I was faded
I was abandoned
I was jaded

You were the torturer
You were the tormenter
You were the slaughterer
My worst enemy, my murderer
Tori Schall Aug 2017
They can be strong
stronger than a thousand others
They can be a raging torrent
piercing right into your soul

When they look at you
they see you for who you are
instead of what you act like
or what you do

They are the true masters of emotions
feeling, but not letting their weakness show
You never know when to run
until it is too late

They can be loving
caring for others as if they were a family
but if you push them too much
one day you'll regret it

They are the wolf
they are a pure soul
they are the misjudged and misguided
And they rose above it all

They were lost
maybe still are
but they've found strength
in not falling to other's lies

They are everywhere
you just can't see them
Hidden underneath those of us
who have pushed them down

The wolf is strong though
stronger than them
so when the wolves break free
they bring a brand new day
This was a metaphor for the people who had the best intention but were pushed down by the greedy and corrupted people, who only cared for themselves. The wolves are a symbol for the people who are different, who love others like family and put others before themselves. Those are the people who are pushed down, beaten, and broken, but they are stronger than everyone else. They will get back up, and change the world.
Tori Schall Aug 2017
I don't know what's going on
the pain in my chest grows.
I don't know why I feel this way
please, does anyone know?

I hate this way of living
the world dull, black, and gray.
But with this pain comes a feeling
that I've never known.

Save me please, oh save me
I'm drowning in the fear.
Of everybody leaving
is there anyone left to hear?

I want to just be saved
can anybody help me?
I cannot fight these feelings
I cannot let them go.

So can you whisper softly
tell me it's alright?
because when I look at this dull world
I can't find any light.
Tori Schall Aug 2017
It's not that hard
To hurt others.
When they've beaten
And broken you down.

When all you feel is pain
This sinking feeling sets
The fear, anger, pain
Life becomes a sin

Your life a bleak existence
Something nobody cares about
Because when you are drowning
They swim away

— The End —