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May 2018 · 452
What Runs Deep…
BOBINA May 2018
A poison so sweet, irresistible,
Much like the nights where those fictional thoughts creep up your throat and run down your eyes
Leaving you alone to your own demise
I despise how your own physical disappears with your mental as you, poison yourself with something demented but, yet, you swallow knowing of its effects on you.

As your mind soars afar yet you stay near as the wind brushes pass your ear, whispering the things you need to hear.
While hoping that it'd take you anywhere that would save you from the immortality that is the endless depth of your mind that seems to never diffuse into the  darkness of irrationality.
Yes the home,  of insanity that is cozier than your rationality that picks you apart, spurns you around and knocks you down into an abysmal bliss of  a reality that is split into two, with the question am I really me or am I  really you ?
I wanted to eat and eat and projectile ***** the aches of this soul into the oblivion that is thee unknown.

— The End —