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 Jun 2014 Ayeshah
 Jun 2014 Ayeshah
I quake in the sight of your smile
Flutter apart tracing your seams
The past bares you so beautifully
You’re all I need
3:13am, June 8th 2014

I think I love you.
 May 2014 Ayeshah
I slowly watch as the dreams and plans i once made fade away in the land were i was born and raised we travel down the roades day and night moving towrds one thing insight a new life is what she wanted a time away frome the hell he started  but moving makes me see the things i needed the dreams and planes fade away as we travel away from the land ok its time i say im afraid i wish everything wouldnt change i wish my dreams and plans wouldent have faded away but now were here and everythings clear my life is new but i have  absoulutly no clue on what i should do should i run away or hide away no my life is moving and soon ill be new just as i am when i move im confused and i dont know what to do i feel alone and abandond at home but shes always there and i thank her for her care even though i feel alone im not im home my body may be still but my soul will always and forever will be moving
i wrote this at school during free time cuz i was up set
 Feb 2014 Ayeshah
the  exposed light bulb  swaying
bare  walls,  light  bulb  swaying
casts  shadows, swaying  illusion
we're  all dead,  never were  born
we're all just swaying light bulbs
from the ceiling it hangs; suicide
the   ceiling   we  hang;  petrified
torn  paper  and  scratched paint
this is the room  we  come to  die
the room  we  came  to  get  high
nostalgic,   childhood   memories
in this room,  they're fading now
-  the times we were beaten  here
and the phantom  bruises  linger
claustrophobic; the walls close in
andheavy , howdidwesurvivethis
I am a sentimental freak.

And you,
o stranger,
tugged at my heartstrings.
For Devlin Andrew Harris, as well as those who plan to leave and have already left.

Your words were magic spun.
If only words could heal what actions have done.

Goodbye and may the light shine on your quest.
 Feb 2014 Ayeshah
My stilettos carried me around the city
Wandering in night's perfection
I heard the soul of music
Found myself in the most amazing blues bar

Smoke and candlelight
Set the mood for a tear stained voice
Drifting from the shadows
As a spotlight slowly spilled across her ebony face.

She could have been anywhere from 30 to 50
Dressed in a cream dress
A rose in her hair
She had the bar awestruck with wonder

She belted out lyrics in a raspy drawl
Pulled at heart strings with ease
Let her past pass her lips
While knowing fire ignited in her eyes

I leaned back
A slight smile on my lips
Sipped gold, enjoyed a slow burn
I drifted away on a song about whiskey blues

To be continued

© 2013-2014 Peach
 Feb 2014 Ayeshah
Nothing left for me to say
I refuse to hurt you 
But you're love reaches many, my love is selfish 
I can feel you miss her 
I know why you cry 
A part of me Is glad it's not me 
The other part sees the severity of this 
I wish I made you feel those passions 
But I guess I knew what I was getting into
I never should have expected you to only love me, let alone love me most 
My heart is so empty and cold 
And yours grows And expands white warmth and cant seem to shrivel in the cold, leaving you empty 
As your tears pour and your soul aches I only wish I could mend it 
My heart is broken for you and myself because I can never be her,
And I only wish I could make you forget with my love 
My heart hates her for what she did. And I wish you could be happy with her where your heart belongs
Life is a cruel game sometimes you can't help who you love and I know she would choose me if she had the choice, but love is not a choice 
Sometimes I wish her passions were as innocent as mine and I was the only person in her heart
Her love is bigger than I, it is bigger than she understands and I put no blame on her for loving another
I don't Deserve her heart as a whole 
What love have I given to have it ? 
I've always beloved you must pay it foreword 
My dear Emily I fear your love and admire it so, your depth is why I love you so, so unlike me ,so beautiful
If I could only see you love the one who you deserve, and feel the love back
But on a selfish note , Isn't it a tragedy it's not me ?
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