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 Jun 2014 Ayeshah
There's a full moon risin'
in a blackened sky
there's a full moon
sittin' huge
on the horizon sky.

There's someone standin'
on top of that hill
could it be I?
Hearin' music coming thru the trees
an old soft shoe
arms held high
that big full moon sky.

There's a shadow bein' cast
long thin and lean
stretchin' out creating darkness,
while illuminating light
all around
the shadow movin' ahead
a thin strip of darkness
and callin' it my life.

a small pin light
all­ those
exquisite present moments
the poetry
our flash light lightenin'

And of course
there's a soul
could it be I?
Dancin' that old soft shoe
on top of that hill
a moment's delighting
in a full moon's night sky a risin'...
 Jun 2014 Ayeshah
Seán Mac Falls
Water nymph, you are the gentle wind 
Bursting the daisy, your eyes, are bells 
Of blue echinacea spiriting the light—
Echoing sound which water makes, ring
The laureled forest leaves in cathedrals
Newly sprung of pews, meadows, spark,
The dance of bees, who trace your honey
Scent in combs of ambrosia and sunshine.
The miraculous waters are floored under 
Your white, lily petals of feet, your nests
Of hair are embracing tendrils of the wild 
Grape, wine and sweet, long forgetfulness.
Maid of the wood, daughter to the moon;
Are you of Elysium or temptress of doom?
 Jun 2014 Ayeshah
Jeffery Massey
Would you ever hold the night
With just a single hand?
Would you ever let me go,
And make me understand?

Would you ever kiss me softly,
As if that kiss meant good-bye?
Would you hold me, oh so closely,
If I was to start to cry?

Would the tears I cried for you
Make you feel my pain?
Or would you not care for me one bit,
And my hurt would be in vain?

Would a simple question,
Remain unanswered?
Or if you were asked who you love,
Would I be your answer?

Would you keep your word
Of being always together?
Or would this lonely life of mine
Last forever?

If I told you I felt sad
Would you come be by my side?
If I was to get you mad,
Would it hurt you deep inside?

Don't ever tell me you don't care
Because I just know that isn't true.
If your heart decided to love someone,
   ...Would I be the one for you?
Unknown Poet
 Jun 2014 Ayeshah
In Nana’s bedside drawer
I slipped some in my pocket
To even up a score
He came knocking
With that smirk upon his face
Yet another ****** night of being

My wicked
Ways are always here
Taking you for granted
Having my way
There is
Can do

I set the scene
In such


Thought I was finally coming out to play

Incense swayed
Candles burned
He drank the drink
Tables turned

Vermillion visions slice through the stagnant air
Cleansing me of

She doesn't know
That bottle of wine
That her
A Cyanide pill


This smile

She thinks


The plans

Something’s not quite right  
I have a
Strange sensation
Why am I experiencing

Evil starts to slither on my heated skin
Maybe he just slipped me a ***** Mickey Finn?

Feeling now bedeviled  
I take another sip of wine
Bachus sits there laughing
Regal and divine

Where did this migraine come from?
But I am here laughing
As she drinks her fall
****, I feel sleepy

Could she have?
She wouldn't be that shrewd
Women can't out think a man
So she smiles with me
Rubbing her eyes

I ask her to dance
It will be her last dance

I sense strong arms caress me
Music fills the air
Fluidity of movement
Lays my soul stark bare

I beseech the cold dark eyes of this man that I abhor







Concertina to the floor
He said goodnight
As he lit his cigarette
The smoke drifted up
Maybe it reached the stars
The night had a chill
But he didn't feel the cold
I watched him walk away
Until darkness swallowed him
The mud beneath my boots
Squelched as I moved on
But the night made a noise
A sound we knew to fear
In slow motion moved my feet
Until I saw him on the ground
A bullet had sought him out
Maybe by a cigarette glow
Another soldier of the trenches
Gone in an act of war
But I can still hear his words
He said goodnight
Copyright Chris Smith 2013
 Jun 2014 Ayeshah
Welcome to our world angels were we shall torment you with our dark games we play
Lets have some fun because the night is young you shall be come a beautiful demonic beast and no longer be delusional angels
Whose sheltered by their parents who say stay away from those weird kids well my innocent ones lets play and see how long you can stay before you become like the rest of us evil things
Enjoy the dark because we enjoy your company with us tonight
we will slit your throats and fill your head with the lies that those so called gods hid from you
Step in to the darkness and find the you that you couldn't see until we helped you angels become a demoniacal beast
Ugh you all are just like the rest of those holy mortals who beg and pleed for what they want
If you join us we will gladly help you take what you want but what ever floates your boats
Us demons await for the day we will have a new members to our demonic family
Until then we shall sit back and watch you thrash the throats of the other angels and then you'll all see where you belong
Good now you all see the dark games we play and one day you will be delighted to partake in them
When you do join in or game your wings will slowly decay and rot
When you fly you will leave a trail of death behind the so everyone knows who you have chosen
and how you have chosen to be another scary monster
Your half way there angels falling deeply in to our trap but dont worry we are here to catch you and set you free from the world that you call reality
Angels how naive can you bee one day you will see we're here for thee no matter the choice
You make weather to be apart of our dark arts or to be apart of the light that shines
So bright it blinds you from whats plainly in sight of you well don't worry after our trick you'll grow to either love us or need us demons just let us be free to trick thee
i dont know where this came from it came out of me and well i had to wright it so yea TADA
Oh how fools can pity me
For they can not know
Of into which sadness I flee
Of those dark shadows I go

If they dare, sought me out
They know not what they find
From the terror of midnights' shout
Buried forever within insanitys' mind

I will take to the grave my sorrow
Even in Death I am never free
Condemned to rot in somewhere hollow
Where the fools can pity me
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
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