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Ayesha Jul 2020
I wish to hug the summer breeze
The gentle sway of the trees
Soft and blazing fire
High up in the sky
Lighting up everyone's path
Showing the hidden way
If you choose to follow
Know that you will be alone
Yet the changing seasons
Won't leave your side
Unless you push them away
The starry sky brings comfort
To the lost and lonely souls
Pushed away by those beloved to them
Being something not chosen
Or can comprehend
Don't you want to escape sometimes? From just about everything.
Ayesha Jul 2020
Having second thoughts
On what you love
That which brought you peace
Seems to overwhelm now
Going under
Everything is so dark
Climbing higher
Yet falling back
Stripped of your identity
Given a mask
Told to fit in
When all you want to do
Is anything but that
It seems weird but online classes are having a bigger toll on the mind and body than normal ones. Especially since some teachers just dump more work than can be completed in the time given.
Ayesha Jun 2020
Losing myself in this fabricated dream
Leaving behind the broken me
Forgetting all the doubts and worries
Heaving a sigh  of relief

Flying across the ocean freely
Nothing here to drag me down
The burden on my shoulders
Cannot compare to that on my heart
Ayesha Jun 2020
Counting down and up the steps
Listening for another
Weaving through the restless crowd
Sitting together
Filled to the brim
With emotions of delight and wonder
Yet lonely, so lonely
Walking down a handmade path
Stalling for time
That's already lost.
Sometimes you feel so restless and at peace in the same moment that it doesn't even seem real. Are you awake or asleep?
Ayesha Jun 2020
Summer days
Pass by
With the flow of time
Everything's changing
The air seems heavier
And fresher at the same time
The winds are calling out
Bringing the rain closer
A sad time for some
To stay locked up in
And freedom to others
To dance and sway
Under the gentle teardrops
Of the sky!
Ayesha Jun 2020
Those memories
come flying back
Reminding you of the past
good and bad
happy with sad

Sitting in the corner
they play
You want to remember good times
but remember the bad ones

of People
of Places
of Loved ones
and Enemies

They last for all eternity
no matter what
Things may be forgotten
but memories are not
They stay forever!
Ayesha Jun 2020
Benevolence buries under malice
Bitterness takes over love
Hate mixes with trust
All jumbled up
Confusing everyone
A rainbow of darkness
Carrying loneliness
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