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Ayesha Jun 2020
Life keeps going on
but memories stay
You may have passed away
but the relationship we had
will never go
Somewhere deep down
I miss you
Even though it has been five years

Most of the time
we spent together
passed away in awkward silence
Not knowing what to say to each other
Trying to start a conversation
when alone
was a bit confusing
to say

Still we had our similarities
with differences
Reading was a hobby
yet genre preferences
were obviously not same
I may not remember
What you did for me, when I was young
but our connection was stronger then

The only thing I regret not doing in your last moment
Was saying: "Goodbye".
In memory of my Grandfather who passed away in 2015 when he got diagnosed with Leukemia.
Ayesha Jun 2020
I just wanna run away and hide
Leave all the hardships behind
Forget everything
Start anew
Wish for it to be easy
Peaceful and without difficulty
But then ...
How would it be a test?
How will we get to know our limits?
How do we learn to stand on our own?
It is easy to wish
Easy to dream on and make goals
But hard to reach them
They seem so far away
Like stars in the night-time sky
Dark clouds cover them up
A difficult road lays ahead
We need to stand up and defend ourselves
Support each other with all we have
Starting from today!
Ayesha Jun 2020
Let the wind ruffle your hair
Calm your emotions
Bring you peace
Serenity filling your heart
Mind in a tranquil state
Reminiscing the past
Dreaming of the future
Living in the present
For it is a gift, that all get
But most are not aware of
Ayesha May 2020
Take me far away into the night
Where fireflies dance
In all their glory
And light up the way
Ayesha May 2020
It's a beautiful nightmare.
The wary depths you still have to uncover.
No living soul knows how deep it goes,
unless they lie right at the bottom.
Have yet to see the surface along with the light that shines upon all.
Have yet to see the starry sky filled with hopes and dreams.
See things from different perspectives.
Look far and wide for what you want.
Keep close those that you love.
Keep them safe from all the demons.
But show them those that you hide.
Make sure that they are the true.
That they will stay by your side like you will stay by theirs.
Ayesha May 2020
When the stars dimmed out
The candles fading into nothingness
We ran through the crowds
Filled with despair
Hanging onto the last thread
Clouds turning into wisps of smoke
Wolves in sheep clothing
Taking away all those innocent
Devils hiding behind pure masks
Trapping and prying all those who seek
Help from an unknown desperate plea
Save those naive fools
Who knew not what was done
Happening in front of their blank minds
Faces filled with expressions
Emotions delight
Heard the blood-curling scream of the maiden
As the night followed
A deep red moon
Halting all hope
Long and everlasting
With all that crumbles to dust
Everything breaking down
Pieces of forgotten memories
Strewn across the floor
Oh who...
Who can save those...
Facing judgement from above?

— The End —