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  Aug 2017 Noah A
Jordan St Angelo
I wandered blackout drunk lost
trading cigarettes for directions
from crustpunks who took swigs
from bottles of cheap plasticsugar alcohol

Muttering to myself in selfdefense
sublimating the toxic fire in my eyes
into soundwave echoes
bouncing off of plywood windows
and abandoned stolen cars

Angry limping at breakleg pace
down the heroinblessed streets
of yet another vibrant American slum.
Noah A Aug 2017
I sit here in my bed
Searching for answers

I sit here
Why did the world have to come to this?
Why do I have to...

I guess everybody dies
But I don't want to die
I don't want my life to slip away

I don't know why but...
I feel as though there is a chance...
A chance for me to live...!
But no...
It can't be...

For I am sick
And won't get up again...

It won't be that bad...
Will it...?
Just fading away into nothingness
Not feeling or hearing
Or seeing or smelling

Goodbye everybody...
My life is gonna slip away
Into nothingness
Goodbye old friends...
I'm going...
  Aug 2017 Noah A
you are wrigley's spearmint
and a little bit of sweat
you are white and grey
black and blue
you are a big slice of pizza
(the butter is mine)
you are envelopes
and hershey's
long fingers
small nose
and flaws
you are violence and forgiveness
pain and discomfort
warmth and silence
you are hurt

you are a memory
a moment
an association unlimited by time
perhaps this world will always be littered
with reminders of when you were mine
  Aug 2017 Noah A
Nat Lipstadt
all poets are human, therefore, all humans are  


"In logic, a tautology (from the Greek word ταυτολογία) is a formula that is true in every possible interpretation."

hardly a tightly taut tautology,
yet true this, in every possible instance

all humans, poems,

as if their portrait painted

from words dipped in a vocabulary palette

which is why,

you my million muses,

are so oft the themes of *who
I write

and when foolish think there is no
inspiration in the air,
your names
each and every,
a title awaiting
a gift for Jamadhi Verse

Friday, August 25, 2017 6:10 PM,
S. I.
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