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 Feb 2019 Aprilia
Star BG
 Feb 2019 Aprilia
Star BG
    E    O
  V      V
O            E
     L ========
      L    O V E
                     IS THE ANSWER
Inspired by CRAZY DIAMOND KRISTY  Thanks
 Feb 2019 Aprilia
Melissa Rose
You pulled me in
then pushed me away
you say it’s for my own good
so I don’t tell you I really want to stay

I know you are not cruel
or desire to hurt me in any way
but you left me in a void of uncertainty
and I’m struggling to keep my feelings at bay

My higher self is confident
knowing I will get by on my own
but my ego remains somewhat fragile
believing she will perish if left alone

I find myself creating stories
about how this is affecting you
whether my absence has an impact
or if my ideals of truth were ever true

I am driving myself crazy
asking questions, not knowing why
you opened the door then closed it
and didn’t give me time to say goodbye

I won’t express my feelings
it’s not the time nor the place
see you’ve come to me a teacher
don’t want you realizing sorrow crowds my face
 Feb 2019 Aprilia
Star BG

I have grown to be a beautiful powerful woman
filled with gifts.
One you could never see.
Perhaps you can see it from the other side
now that your in spirit form.


I have learned to love myself and see...
I'm sacred, smart, and beautiful
To see I am dependent on my inner voice
of loving script,

Dear SELF,

I love you and you rock
as a gifted poet,
as the wind picks up
and I feel my mothers hug from beyond.
inspired by eli  Thanks

My mother would never take the time to read my poetry or give me supportive words but alas she played a role to help me grow
so I forgive.
 Nov 2018 Aprilia
Everyone says this will make me better.
I'll grow, I'll flourish, the best is yet to come.
But what if I liked the old me better?

— The End —