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 Jul 2015 Haley G
Ariel Taverner
I don't always write masterpieces
But if you sift through all the junk
You'll find a gem or two
 Jul 2015 Haley G
amy emma
it hurts the most when i see how happy you are. not because i don't want you to be; because i do. that is my only desire in the world. but it reminds me of how happy you once made me, and of the possibility that, maybe for a short time, i was your happiness too.
 Jul 2015 Haley G
Glayz Welch
I am tired,
But I can't sleep
My mind knows what to say,
But I can't speak
You know what to do,
But it won't show
Which makes me think
That you don't know
The truth lies on the tip of your tongue,
But you act as though
You're the only one
This affects me
More than it affects you
Maybe one day
You'll speak the truth
You never loved me,
I just accented you.
I'm sitting in the middle of the street
And it's as if no one can see me dying
My heart beats so slowly
And it's on the verge of completely stopping
Could you please drown out the voices attacking me?
The voices are dragging me under

I just want someone to see me
And all my broken pieces flooding the place I love
Can't you see me breaking?
No you can't and it's killing me more each day
Can't you see everything is gone?
No you can't and it's killing me more each day

I'm sitting in the middle of the street
And it's as if no one can see me dying
My heart beats so slowly
And it's on the verge of completely stopping
Could you please drown out the voices attacking me?
The voices are dragging me under
There's this poet who makes me smile
We are still sort of like strangers
I don't know his smile
Or the sound of his laugh
But I do know a simple hello in my inbox can brighten my day
It may not mean much to you
But I can't remember the last time I smiled
And my eyes smiled as well
Do not give up on your dreams,
Let them be the reason you wake up everyday,
Give them life by working towards them,
And give them a chance of coming alive by daring.
 Jul 2015 Haley G
N Paul
Untitled IV
 Jul 2015 Haley G
N Paul
O that grin of hers could turn the Sun;
Draw Him close to sneak a glare
And we’d sizzle as one beneath the Sun,
In a moment of deathly rapture.
 Jul 2015 Haley G
N Paul
Untitled V
 Jul 2015 Haley G
N Paul
She said yes,
Such a shame
The ring is formed from soot.
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