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AllAtOnce Jan 2015
I have a theory that the fairy tales are twisted
And that love is the curse, not the solution
Bringing nothing but endless sleeps
And overbearing emotional pollution
When you love someone a little piece of yourself becomes like them
And when you come to a standstill and the story is over
You close the book with a sigh
And that part of them is all you have left
When you love enough you forget yourself
That's what the books don't tell you
You're too busy becoming someone else
To realize that you're losing yourself
AllAtOnce Jan 2015
My room is dark and cold
And I'm beginning to think about summer and how I've gotten so old
I'll be sixteen in six days
And I miss summer and the warmth of the suns rays
I think my best summer was two years ago
For many a reason, you know
I remember sitting out on warm pavement, brushing bubbles out of our hair
Breathing in the nine o'clock summer air
Where it was okay to take a walk and look at the stars
Without things being complicated or over thought
There was a trip to a carnival where everything fell apart
But we all found love among the broken hearts
I remember throwing rubber ducks at my best friends
Everything was so much easier back then
There were farmers' markets and radishes (don't ask)
And something along the lines of questions that didn't need to be asked
"Want to dance?" and "Really?"
With responses like I don't know or maybe
There were only sandals and small pools way back when
And I never thought that would end
Until everything got complicated with everyone
And I was tired of being left alone
I think that was before all that love too
Remember how easy that was?
AllAtOnce Jan 2015
There comes a point where you have to convince people that you're alright
Even if they ask if you're okay time after time
Because you can only say no for so long
Before people start to consider you obsessed or forlorn
When really you just have a hard time letting go
Of something that seemed to be all you've ever known
Because all scars do is fade
They never really go away
AllAtOnce Jan 2015
I'm on one side of a wall and you're on the other
How do things end up like this
You're disappearing
And I'm taking cover
So much for perfect bliss
We're pushing and pulling
And plaster is falling
Leaving dusty footprints on the scene
But there's nothing but empty space anymore
Maybe I've left or maybe I've gone missing
It's all the same
Because with no one around I'm going insane
I just want things to be like they way they were
Where instead of a wall it was just an unlocked door
And my clothes smelled like you after an hour or so
And no one told us what to do because no one really knows
I've left the walls behind and I'm floating in space
My eyes are going dark and I'm running in place
So I'll write on the walls because it makes me think of you
And it's not like there's anything else I can do.
  Jan 2015 AllAtOnce
Devon Webb
I turn my heart
for you,
shaking it
out and allowing
the contents to
to the ground
where they remain,
lain out around
your feet
because you have
no need
for the little pieces
of me
and so I stay

Unfinished but hey
AllAtOnce Jan 2015
How would you feel knowing that you were my hero with a loser complex
But now you're nothing but a self gratified loser who ruined all of it
How would you feel knowing that sometimes I regret everything I ever said to you
Because nothing you ever said back to me was even true
If you can just move on without looking back
Then what what we had was nothing but nothing will compare to what we had
So get used to sleepless nights and poison lips
With petty lies and hands on hips
If you can't even repair things with your "best friend"
Then everything else is destine to end
AllAtOnce Dec 2014
you know i simply don't understand
all the hype about the clock and it's hands
that change from 11:59 to 12 o'clock
but not as much changes as i thought
i still want to lay in bed
and escape the monsters in my head
nothing really changes overnight
so it really isn't worth the hype
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