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AJ Jan 2016
The moon (in my head),
a guy named Fish (in my eye),
**** star (in my *******),
in my shoulders (Issac Newton),
in the soles of my feet (Siddhartha Gautama),
in my face (a girl named Arcade),
the devil (in my foot),
a forest (in my *******),
dolphins (on my lips),
in my jaw (David Lynch).

In my mouth (the cosmos),
Arkenya (everywhere).

Jimi Hendrix (hanging on my ears),
my ex-boyfriend Christopher (in my ******),
Jesus Christ (in my heart),
in my skin (culture),
God (everywhere).
  Jan 2016 AJ
Walter W Hoelbling
the real question is not
    whether god exists
but whether you believe in one
no matter which denomination

do you believe
    that there is someone
    who commands your fate
    created everything
    makes earth move and the universe
    protects the good and punishes the bad
    and will reward you after death
        according to the life you led
    with everlasting bliss
         or fiery hell eternal

or do you rather think
    that it is our responsibility alone
    to live in peace  
         not war
    protect all life
        not only our own
    and not pretend
        that hunger  sickness
        lack of water and clean air
       are simply  natural  

if you are a believer
     remember all religions
     respect all forms of life

if you are prone to think it's humans' obligation
     remember those who do believe
     may also strive  to do their best

the common goal of all
should be the recognition
     that whatsoever god
     may have created us
     would not have wished
     for our abolition
AJ Jan 2016
Why can't I be disturbed in peace?
Disturbing thought creates another....
Why can't I be disturbed in peace?

It's what I know,
it's what I feel...
it loves me.
  Jan 2016 AJ
Flowers sprouted from my body
and their thorns
dug into me
leaving storms
on my mind
and red petals lined
by my thighs
AJ Jan 2016
is a picture.
I've felt this before.

If my mind is hush
for long enough
I can sense that
I'm in a movie or something--
a cosmic motion picture.
AJ Jan 2016
God is a film director,
watching from above
with his camera crew of angels.

God is a maestro,
standing before his orchestra
of angels, conducting
the soundtrack universal.

God is an artist
of a grand portrait,
His canvas is expanding
into wide eternity,
his blood in all the colors,
his essence in every line and brush--
it is the image of God.
AJ Jan 2016
My solemn wish
is to physically
go out of my mind,
insane! it's
all in the DNA.
I was destined
for genius--
the death sentence.
Will I not? (So tempting
like hell). be it.
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