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Oct 2018 · 306
sweet little boy
Grace Oct 2018
who doesn't know
the tears he cries
Oct 2018 · 492
over the fence
Grace Oct 2018
He could lie,
and say
that the beautiful boy’s
god-forsakenly perfect
curls didn’t make
and thrash
in his stomach
every time he threw
that pretty smile
his way,
as every single time
he fumbled to catch it
short draft that came to mind
Grace Apr 2017
If people are like the ocean
Similar to the seven seas
people, of from all unusual places all very hard to please
If you disappoint them
They will leave you on your hands and knees.

But if people are like the ocean,
Moving with the tides
Then why are there lovers, wars and cries
Why are there disagreements, friends and sorrow
Its because people aren’t like the ocean flat and clear
For it’s much to calm
We are more like sea storms, raging at whatever is near.
to Charlotte
Apr 2017 · 3.7k
Silence in the library
Grace Apr 2017
The soft rustle of pages consume me,
all that I can hear,
small sharps whispers,
passed along from ear to ear.

Then silence,
eerie and quiet,
Shelves collecting dust and must,
causing not one riot.

no one can disturb me here,
now and forever more,
my quiet little sanctuary,
the place that I adore.
Apr 2017 · 2.5k
Red Sea
Grace Apr 2017
A red sea of bright leaves swirl around my feet
whipping my hair to and fro across my face,
I shiver in the cold but can hardy take note of it.
In the eye of the storm,
in the midst of a hurricane,
All is quiet

— The End —