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A great throne,
An intricate dynasty,
An unhappy people,
A trigger-hair,
A downfall.
Unlike any other poet
I want to write about you
Remember that
Genre: Haiku
Theme: That's it
Not so far away
Your soul
Is my home
 Dec 2020 Abner Ros
Sam Lawrence
good morning
oh no
here it is again
slowly, the billowing sheet
floating down onto the bed
the careful tucking corners
and turning back       the top
while it just coils there
      in the middle
like a dead cat
 Dec 2020 Abner Ros
 Dec 2020 Abner Ros
black and white
day and night
wrong and right
don't run
hide in sight
Passions are liken’d best to floods and streams:
The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb;
So, when affection yields discourse, it seems
  The bottom is but shallow whence they come.
They that are rich in words, in words discover
That they are poor in that which makes a lover.

Climbing to reach the costly Hearts
To which he gave the worth,
He broke them, fearing punishment
He ran away from Earth—
 Dec 2020 Abner Ros
Jonny Angel
Imagine yourself
with an anteater,
an octopus &
a chimpanzee
all at once
in a room with soft lighting,
beaded curtains,
vanilla incense burning
& Barry White crooning
under a full moon.
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