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  Sep 2015 Aazzy
Wild child space travel gypsy
       drunk    on     the cosmos
     churning a sensual pattern--
             melting         suns
with a carefree wink
as stars pour into her eyes
like a garnet shiraz
              in    tidal   waves
splashing in a crystal wine glass
              her white light lips.

Planets dip and dangle around her hips
as the weight of the nebulous nectar whispers
                                       lullabies to her eyes
         as her incandescent            hair contours
    to copious glistening constellations  
rippling across her tired body
                 like ice dripping on a warm chest
vibrating    indigo       moonlight         jazz
enrapturing millions with her simple act of symphonic yawning
as the dusk light dawning over faces
embraces souls stirring--
her purring hip cat dreams
leave people like us with mouths agape
as her voluptuousness nape hushes
us with a supernova explosion of peace
oscillating between
each of our spirits.
Poem inspired and is a respone and reaction to this painting,
  Sep 2015 Aazzy
You're cupping embers
    in antique palms
    that were meant
    to harvest moonlight.

Raindrops ghost over earth's skin
   nebula clouds map universal eyes,
   and you're just a masterpiece
   who is best friends with time.

Don't let those pianos play you,
   serenade and masquerade you
    because we all seem to
    fall in love with the right music,
    and all the wrong notes.

That friend lit a fire in your room,
   seven embers destroying
    unfamiliar wallpaper.
    You burnt your dream catcher,
     to cinders and charcoal;
     Now you pray for sunlight,
     all you've got is a lonely candle's flame.

But from the nightmares and windowsill,
   moonlight slipped through
         and in your palms
         you held
         my words.

Fire doesn't last forever, Leonie.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
  Sep 2015 Aazzy
Joseph Schneider
The sweet reminiscences of a miracle
Like an echo's last breath, so spiritual
So close, yet so far
Always keep your mind ajar
Miracles won't manifest in your palace
Miracles can only help the callous

False hearts of stone reach for greater heights
When it takes flesh and bone to taste its delight
All the wrong friends
With all the wrong foes
Transfixes the mind on the black rose
Away from the light, dwelling deep in the dark
Is a mind too early to expect a spark
So close, yet so far
Always keep your mind ajar
Miracles won't manifest in your palace
Miracles can only help the callous*

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
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