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  Sep 2015 Aazzy
Ignatius Hosiana
When all the words have been sung in songs
When all good has been tainted by wrongs
When all those you fall for are all dating
When they are too proud to feel a thing
When you love them more instead of hating
When  every pick up line's in songs they sing
When all you've known about loving is pain
When you lost each time you played the game
When every fall wrecks you again and again
When in every conclusion you carry the blame
When every poem you wish to write is already on paper
When every sacrifice you make is easily forgotten
When the venoms of betrayal hot as paper
Is all you got each chance of loving you've gotten

When she's never kissed you albeit its long overdue
When nothing changes or everything to the dogs
When she's seldom seen like the morning dew
When she's got only flakes of affection and you logs
When nothing makes sense from the way you're treated
When she shines like the stars but leaves you in darkness
When you kept advancing when you should have retreated
Because she stole the courage from you and she's your weakness
When touching her lights you up deep inside
When the closest you get to her's to feel her breath
When It's all crystal clear It's time to decide
When the option of walking away hurts as death
When all is but a wish for you and her to hold hands
And yet you won't speak about it for nobody ****** understands
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