I just want to fly,
But you've kept my wings clipped,
Sawing them off
Muscle by muscle,
Bone by bone,
Refusing to allow me to fly.
You've locked me in this cage,
Forced me to continue to
Sing all day and all night,
Never ending.
I just want to fly.
Angry and frustrated with my parents cause they won't let me do anything by myself. I can't go anywhere and all day I have to study study study, even on weekends and I can't do anything other than study. I'm frustrated because I can't convince them otherwise. They tell me they're busy and can't take me, so okay ill go by myself, nope I can't do that cause ill get lost. Am I so much of an idiot or a baby for me to be incapable of doing even that?
I just want to be more independent, to have more freedom...
By arctic monkeys