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  Jul 2018 Darkly
orchid skies over Italian seas
breath in the salt water breeze
hold hands and watch the sun set
neither ready to go home yet
our legs dangle off the pier
the wild orchids flourish here
their sweet scent carries me to you
the water casts a mirror view
a million stars bloom in the sky
in their white blaze, a reply:
truth and beauty can be found
in every person, touch, or sound
but when I am alone with you
truth and beauty shine right through

Darkly Jul 2018
The faces in the water, they sleep  

  for eternity, their tears



                 ­          deep.

The Frozen Lake of Souls
  Jul 2018 Darkly
Lora Lee
Gently, she goes
as soft as a fawn
opens the window
and waits for the dawn
fireflies glow
wind caresses her face
as she sheds all the shadows
not leaving a trace
She dons velvet darkness
wrapped in its cloak
releases all poisons,
             in smoke
She is preparing for battle
in her own, quiet way
She only wants wholeness
as she breaks through the gray
For soon she will weave
prismatic wonders of spells
her own inner aurora
lighting heaven from hell
For suffered she has
and it's time to forgive
unlock self-made prisons
and let herself live
and now as sunrise approaches
stars still in sight
she turns the skeleton key
and glides
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