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5oulPoet Apr 2021
Run, the voices are encircling
Hide, all the lights are fading
A siren, across the sky deafening
Come back ! Don't leave me
My life is not over yet, please
The clank of knives touching each other
Thousands, cleansing us, the defilement
Come back ! Don't leave me
Run, we deserve our degrading life
Help ! Papa ! Mama ! Don't leave me
You are not worthy, not deserving
So die quickly, end our suffering
Run, father, the voices are encircling
Hide, mother, all the lights are fading
5oulPoet Apr 2020
A tuareg blended in the dunes of the sahara
As the night beckoned the shelter of moonlight
He Asks: que veux-tu, oh nuit solitaire?
pourquoi m'as-tu amené ici? quel est mon but
The shivering sands beneath his feet answers
Years pass by fading their camel's footprints
Of voyages that sail with the ships of the desert
Each with a different purpose but actually the same
To complete thier journey towards their paradise
A destination each one hopes to reach one day
Some carry burdens, some nothing but their hearts
Some come with gifts, some with nothing but piety
Thousands have come and thousands will come
And some will ask the same question as yours
So I say to you, ton but n'est rien de plus
So to them you say, que la façon dont vous
choisissez de prendre votre voyage
And with these words the sands fell silent again
5oulPoet Nov 2019
The voyage of a thousand stars
Above us passing through the cosmos
We both are like them on a journey
Finding our destination in each other
The moonlight dancing on your face
As we get lost in our conversations
And when you close your eyes
Falling asleep on my shoulders
I hear the constellations whispering to me
Hold her gently tonight and give her love
And watch as she lets go of all her worries
And sinks into you to find her strength
So that she will find a love as pure as her
In you, like the stars, our odyssey begins
A never ending story in an endless universe
5oulPoet Nov 2019
The evening orange sunset
Its peels running over the sky
You and I in an arabesque cafe
Coffee mixed with first love
Hanging in the air all around
That smell of your perfume
Overpowering like your eyes
And your lips after each sip
Your every breath, tantalizing
Radiating our love each second
Maybe the night never comes
And I can see you forever then
Watching the sun glow your face
5oulPoet Nov 2019
Where are we?
When I ask a stranger
Standing above the city
Inside this world, I wake up
Recollect a dream inside a dream
Did I sleep, I want to believe
And then my thoughts wander
I see the busy street fill up
Thousands of different faces
Why are they all here?
Alone, I speak my mind out
The people still keep staring
And I close my eyes again
Standing above the city
When I ask a stranger
Where are we?
5oulPoet Oct 2019
The victors of war raging in their voilent wrath
A loom of clouded darkness wrapping the world
Death over shadowing life like a burning chaos
Within it all foaming under the bloodied sands
The fury, the miasma, the ferocity like wild hounds
Tearing apart the judgment, one by one, slowly
Of those who fell and those that finally survived
But at what cost? When their mind has already died
And for what reason? When their soul is already lost
5oulPoet Jun 2019
The quintessence of life
Hidden in the portraits of people
A child draws his innocence
First impressions of a masterpiece
To be one displayed in time
Experiences that define existence
In the art gallery of his lifetime
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