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Muneeb Ur Rehman Sep 2022
But most of all, I am slowly learning how to just be in this moment. How to exist. How to understand that I cannot control life, that I can only experience it in both its light and its dark stages. I am slowly learning how to laugh and cry and feel through it all, how to welcome the confusion and the joy that come with loving and living and breaking. I am slowly learning how to accept where i am. I am slowly learning how to simply believe in the person I am becoming or the person that you have made me. - M
Muneeb Ur Rehman Sep 2022
And in the middle of my chaos, there was you. Now i am left with all these 50shadesofchaos :)
Muneeb Ur Rehman Sep 2022
I didn’t unloved you overnight, I unloved you in bits of pieces overtime, Your ignorance destroyed me, I saw you intertwining happiness with somebody else, I saw you slowly drifting away, I saw you unloving me, I saw you killing the happy me, I did my best to still stay by your side but you pushed me away. So there’s a limit to everything. I grew a new skin that you could never touch, A new heart that you could never break, And a new soul that you could never corrupt. This is how I unloved you. Slowly, painfully but with no regrets. - M
Muneeb Ur Rehman Jun 2022
Even though you broke me into 1000s of pieces shattered all over the garden of our love. I still with those 1000s pieces pray for your success for your happiness for you to have all the good things in life. You left without a goodbye. It was never meant to end like this. You still live in the silences between my thoughts.
Muneeb Ur Rehman Mar 2019
It’s not always a relationship that makes you feel empty and sad sometimes it’s life that hits you hard and makes you realize that YOU ARE NOT DOING ENOUGH // not enough to make your small circle happy // not enough to pack a bag and roam freely // not enough to order a stacker // not enough to make ppl affiliated to you happy // not enough to smile from heart // not enough to waking up to a thought that everything is fine // not enough to make your heart feel that you did good // not enough to be able to fix everything // I feel I’m losing this all slowly // the way you talk, the gap between your words kills me every time just hold on please I promise I will fix this, I have to fix this to make every thing enough and make you happy for real ♥️ I’m trying to be strong and it’s hurting me more but I’ll be standing strong next to you and make you happy I promise.
Muneeb Ur Rehman Mar 2019
overheard someone say:

“you’re always one decision away from a total different life”

Let that sink in.
Muneeb Ur Rehman Mar 2019
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