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  Dec 2023 nim
he often reached too far
and sometimes lost his balance
but he always caught himself
like it was his greatest talent

but this time it feels different
like he's let go for too long
his recovery is slow
within, he feels withdrawn

the world will keep on spinning
even when he's gone
the important man he thought was
really wasn't all that strong

so he slides into darkness
he won't be missed at all
his broken heart is still
his oblivion has called
nim Dec 2023
Lady Universe, please,
i stretch my arm out
in hopes for but one sign;
i am begging,
for you to overshadow me,
bury me with your knowledge,
if even for a second,
and show me just one sign --

is this really how it's supposed to be?
is the hole in my chest
written somewhere in the galaxy?

do i continue writing cheesy lines,
or do i take the knife
with my ever trembling hands
and cut off the limbs that connect me
to the reality that is now?

я катаюсь в грязи
пожалуйста, дай мне один знак.

the sunset brings me comfort,
will this life give me comfort?

моя маленькая красавица,
я твоя сияющая звезда?

i love you so much
and this feeling can never end
you are my home
so please,
stop tearing me apart.

is this ever going to go away?
Lady Universe, please,
i am but a slave of your mind.

all i'm asking for
is just one sign.

i'll watch the sunsets
in hopes of finding your beauty there.
maybe one day,
i'll finally know.

maybe one day,
i will understand.

With love,                                                        
jus­t a girl.
"Break" by Alex G playing in the background.
  Nov 2023 nim
i believe,
even the stars
get tired.

when the night sky
had folded them away
back into the darkness

and the moon,
that lonesome thing,
has doused itself in shadows.

so will you too, my friend
shy away from the light
as if it would burn
if it reached you.

maybe you feel,
you just are not strong enough
to face the day.

that the midnight hour
is a broken thing

and oh, the silence
is deafening.

and you and i know, even the stars
are tired.

you mourn for them
as their light expires.
  Nov 2023 nim
Valentine Matheson
When you're in the moment, you feel so numb
And when you feel nothing, you think you're strong.
When you escape from that moment,you come undone,
And then you will find you've been suffering all along.
When you go through repetitive trauma, you may dissociate from it, and feel nothing. You may mistake this dissociation for strength /being tough, however it's just your brain protecting you from the trauma until you can safely process it. When you are safe, after a while you may find yourself reacting to the trauma then, and suddenly feel weak and not understand what is going on, as you previously believed yourself to be coping really well.
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